Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Parental Involvement in the School Setting Free Essays
As the assorted variety of the United States educational system keeps on turning, the educators of today are continuously stressed to flexibly the most ideal guidance for each child. Despite the physical resources or subsidizing a school may hold, imperative assets remain: the guardians of the understudies. Be that as it may, with the changing socioeconomics of students ‘ family units and progressively hot plans, is the room female parent ( or father ) standpoint numerous educators may hold practical in today ‘s society? In unconventional nations of the state, it is progressively normal to see stay-at-home female guardians or male guardians, or guardians with adaptable work plans, because of more prominent lavishness. We will compose a custom exposition test on Parental Involvement in the School Setting or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It is ordinarily this sort of single that we partner with room female guardians ( or male guardians ) who are aiding the schoolroom. While every single financial gathering stand to benefit from parental commitment in the schools, Lam ( 2002 ) recognizes that parent commitment helps â€Å" give understudies the joining in and assets they need from school. †Schools with less cash, along these lines, should benefit most from the action of guardians in the schoolroom. At the point when teachers in urban or rustic schoolrooms need books or stuffs, guardians can go to the liberation by going required at school. Schools that are going all the more racially various can collect extraordinary advantages from parental commitment. Slope et Al. ( 2004 ) found that parent commitment in employees related emphatically to accomplishment for African American students. For urban, low-salary understudies in the Head Start plan, commitment of guardians in the schools helped better conduct practices, hyperactivity, and an inadequacy of joining in. This is exceptionally obvious when commitment in the school goes with instructive help at place. ( Fantuzzo, McWayne, and Perry 2004 ) The issue that emerges is that numerous guardians in the networks sought after do non hold the capacity to aid the conventional sense. For outline, guardians in an oppressed nation might be working various occupations to drag out their family units, and it is non a choice to pass a hr a hebdomad with their student ‘s schoolroom. Or then again settler guardians may encounter unfit to help since they do non talk the etymological correspondence utilized in the school. Also, potentially the guardians are embarrassed about their ain level of scholarly accomplishment and their powerlessness to help their children with school task. A 2004 overview by Hill et Al. discovered that parent commitment in school from seventh through eleventh class reduced social occupations, which in twist identified with achievement and desires. Notwithstanding, this was simply the case for guardians with higher instructive degrees themselves. For the lower parental guidance gathering, the solitary feature schoolroom commitment helped was with goals. One ground for this outcome might be a patterned strategy distinguished in a review by Englund et Al. ( 2004 ) Parents who themselves are realizing will gracefully better bearing to their children preceding tutoring. This instructive help right off the bat in life correlatives with a higher IQ, and a higher Intelligence remainder increments parent standpoints for their child and parent commitment in the schoolroom. Conflicting grounds exists each piece great, saying that guardians ‘ guidance degrees do non sway their commitment in schools, since guidance might be an opposing elemen t with work, cut, or different factors. An outline of how the run of the mill parental commitment system of certain teachers accomplishes n’t work is prove in Martinez and Valazquez ‘s 2000 article on Latino transient laborers. They compose that teachers ordinarily hold the standpoint that parent commitment in their children ‘s guidance ought to go around fixing kids for school, coming to class supported occasions, and making exercises the educator petitions. Notwithstanding, the existence fortunes of numerous Hispanic migrator laborers keep them from convey throughing this capacity. At the point when these people need cut, expert articulation in English, and instructive achievement, they discover they can't run into educator viewpoints. It is non that they are reluctant †it is that they are unable given their situation. Proof shows that securing guardians associated with their children ‘s schools can simply face to positive results, however numerous guardians in our multicultural society can't reflect the run of the mill â€Å" included parent †picture numerous educators hold as a model. Impacts of work can hinder the clasp accessible for aiding the schoolroom, and shame about instructive degree or etymological correspondence capability prevent the individuals who might somehow or another have the option to be dynamic in the schoolroom. An exposition by Cotton and Wickelund ( 1989 ) brings up that guardians from denied foundations can do a distinction and experience advantageous in the schoolroom whenever given legitimate arrangement and consolation by the school removal and teacher. While educators figure out how to more readily go to the requests of students in the assorted schoolroom, the requests and wants of guardians ought to be viewed as a cardinal factor in the achievement of these children. To better the commitment of guardians in schools, educators ought to accept outside of the run of the mill gatherings and overseeing field trip jobs that simply certain guardians can bear to bring through. An article in Parents magazine portrays choices, for example, keeping a school site page or staffing a prep hotline. Guardians who talk non-English etymological correspondences could help pass on assignments with students who talk the equivalent semantic correspondence. Instructors can tape or broadcast gatherings and occasions so individuals who are non free during the school twenty-four hours can see them at a clasp progressively advantageous for them. Tending to the requests of the family and network all in all is another way to advance commitment by a various populace, as pushed in an Education World online article. Making a family unit focus at the school to elevate conveying permits guardians to end by the school whenever it might suit them. Family needs can be evaluated to flexibly for more prominent consideration for the family unit and network. For delineation, if a family needs cultural help referrals or improved dish to social insurance, the school can move as an undertaking to ensure that these fundamental requests are met. Youngsters can larn better in schools when they are solid and bolstered, and trust between the guardians and the school can be set up when family units realize the children are being thought about even past the school twenty-four hours. At long last, leting guardians and family units to partake in the manners by which they feel comfortable can do being included a less scary endeavor. Educators and chiefs comprehend that making a strong instructive condition for their students is the principal measure toward scholastic achievement. While it is difficult to order accurately how the parent-kid connection happens outside of the schoolroom, research shows that securing guardians engaged with the schoolroom can help children of all foundations arrive at their instructive closures. Be that as it may, there is an interest for adjustment according to educators with regards to what characterizes â€Å" parental commitment. †As our networks advance and become dynamically assorted, it is basic to be insightful of the stores guardians may hold about being dynamic in school. In this way it is the school ‘s obligation to gauge the requests of the network and the achievements guardians can gracefully, thus flexibly guardians with the flexibleness, modifications, and support important to remember all guardians for the instructive framework. Step by step instructions to refer to Parental Involvement in the School Setting, Essay models Parental Involvement In The School Setting Free Essays As the decent variety of the United States educational system keeps on turning, the instructors of today are continuously stressed to flexibly the most ideal guidance for each child. Despite the physical resources or financing a school may hold, fundamental assets remain: the guardians of the students. Be that as it may, with the adjusting socioeconomics of understudies ‘ families and increasingly hot plans, is the room female parent ( or father ) standpoint numerous teachers may hold practical in today ‘s society? In unconventional nations of the state, it is increasingly normal to see stay-at-home female guardians or male guardians, or guardians with adaptable work plans, because of more noteworthy lavishness. We will compose a custom paper test on Parental Involvement In The School Setting or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now It is ordinarily this sort of single that we partner with room female guardians ( or male guardians ) who are aiding the schoolroom. While every single financial gathering stand to benefit from parental commitment in the schools, Lam ( 2002 ) recognizes that parent commitment helps â€Å" furnish understudies with the joining in and assets they need from school. †Schools with less cash, in this way, should benefit most from the movement of guardians in the schoolroom. At the point when teachers in urban or provincial schoolrooms need books or stuffs, guardians can go to the liberation by going required at school. Schools that are going all the more racially different can collect extraordinary advantages from parental commitment. Slope et Al. ( 2004 ) found that parent commitment in employees related emphatically to accomplishment for African American students. For urban, low-pay students in the Head Start plan, commitment of guardians in the schools helped better conduct practices, hyperactivity, and a lack of joining in. This is curiously evident when commitment in the school goes with instructive help at place. ( Fantuzzo, McWayne, and Perry 2004 ) The issue that emerges is that numerous guardians in the networks sought after do non h
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hong Kong and Disneyland Free Essays
As Disney attempted to grow their realm further into Asia, they were not in the least as fruitful as they had initially anticipated. With the accomplishment of Tokyo Disney Resort makers of Hong Kong Disney were anticipating similar encounters to occur in Hong Kong. By utilizing the disappointments found in Disneyland Resort Paris they recognized what not to do so as to accomplish more noteworthy worth of the Disney name abroad. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hong Kong and Disneyland or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now In spite of the fact that Tokyo and Paris are totally various societies, the adjustment of each culture was done in two unique manners, fluctuating the general achievement of the two parks. In Tokyo, Disney relinquished their privileges and gave it over to the Japanese, which basically made it simpler for the Japanese to take an American possessed and worked business and make it into their own. In the wake of seeing the achievement Tokyo had, Disney would not like to give up their privileges a second time when they moved into France. Being viewed as probably the biggest customer of Disney items outside of the US, France turned into a perfect area for what was initially named â€Å"Euro Disney. †However, it was not as energetically invited as the Disney officials had thought. The opposition of the French government was one of the primary issues in making progress in Paris. This key disappointment helped in making sense of how to best open another park in Hong Kong. The Chinese, in general, were extremely energized and inviting of the new Disney Park heading into their nation. As the contextual investigation called attention to â€Å"Chinese required Disney and Disney required China. †Both saw the expansion of a Disney Park as an approach to build income and the travel industry, and all the more significantly, Disney saw Hong Kong as the door into China. They had the option to utilize the Chinese government as an approach to engage with the network and submerge itself into the way of life. From the outset this all appeared to be perfect, yet as time advanced and the recreation center opened, it looked for issues. Like any new business, things didn't go as easily as envisioned. During the principal year the emergency of the Lunar New Year Holiday occurred, diminishing park participation and income by a surprising margin. This slip by of miscommunication influenced the organization massively, and gave the Disney Resort a general terrible name. After expressions of remorse and repayments, all that could truly have been done after an emergency like that had occurred properly. This is the place it was evident that really understanding a culture is important to effectively maintain a fruitful business, which is the thing that Disney ought to have gained from their Paris area. With grumblings ascending about the absence of action in the recreation center, and the abuse acknowledged during their remain, the participation began to decrease, and customers began to take a stand in opposition to Hong Kong Disney. The character entertainers began to stand up too, which is the point at which the administrators acknowledged they expected to help their deals, however support the general assurance of the recreation center. So as to bring back participation, HKD balanced their valuing and fused another advancement with the neighborhood cab drivers, in order to make verbal promoting. They worked with neighborhood TV stations and travel offices in advancing the recreation center. Through all the negative exposure that was gotten during the main year, HKD conquered their missteps taking into account a cheerful future. It is obvious that the accomplishment of Tokyo is because of the manner in which the organization is run, which is by the Japanese. It is difficult for an outside organization to guarantee land and simply trust in the best, which is evident that occurred in France, and possibly in Hong Kong. In spite of the fact that HKD has substantially more help with the administration then Paris, both have had troublesomely in setting up a comprehension of the way of life close by. At the point when one doesn’t comprehend a culture, and inadvertently upsets it, the individuals of the nation will make some hard memories overlooking the circumstance, which will destroy the achievement of the organization. Through the hardships gained in Paris, Disney ought to have better set itself up for another social contrast, tolerating the special seasons, and actualizing various principles proper for every nation rather then the parks in total. Disney should better get this in the event that they plan on working another park abroad, in light of the fact that it is apparent that the individuals will stand up, particularly of an American based organization. Step by step instructions to refer to Hong Kong and Disneyland, Papers
Religion And Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Religion And Politics - Research Paper Example These are the essentials inquiries of this investigation. In tending to the exploration questions, we will utilize the strategy for contextual analysis. The examination will concentrate on the Islamic Republic of Iran since it is as of now the most vocal Islamic Republic against the western world. In doing the examination, we will utilize the latest works of creators thought about legitimate regarding the matter. In this examination, we will utilize peer-checked on diary articles. We expect that the utilization of scholarly diaries give satisfactory quality control to our wellsprings of experiences and information. Be that as it may, we likewise utilize crafted by Sial (2006) in light of the fact that regardless of whether Sial (2006) isn't a diary article, the work can be considered as legitimate on the grounds that it is an investigation of the Iranian lawful or political framework from the perspective of an extraordinary legal counselor and can be considered as â€Å"authoritativ e†. In this examination, the key end we make is that in Islamic Republics, religion assumes a significant job in legislative issues. Alamdari (2005, p. 1285) portrayed the previous political framework in Iran as a â€Å"religious populist system, an oppression of the lion's share under the alluring leadership†of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Had Iran’s war with Iraq (1981-1988) didn't happen, Alamdari contended that Islamic populism could have finished all the more rapidly after the 1979 Islamic Iranian upset (Alamdari, 2005, p. 1286). The constitution received just after the 1979 Islamic upset known as the Qanun-e Asasi built up the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). The rule of velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the law specialist) plays out a key job in the administration structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). As indicated by Sial (2006), a national submission in December 1979 affirmed the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The 1979 national submission asked Iranians at any rate 16 years of age whether they need to cancel the government and supplant the government wit h an Islamic Republic (Sial, 2006). The 1979
Friday, August 21, 2020
The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim
The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim In 1853, the California dash for unheard of wealth was going all out, and regular things were hard to come by. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German foreigner, left New York for San Francisco with a little gracefully of dry products with the aim of opening a part of his siblings New York dry merchandise business. Not long after his appearance, a miner needed to realize what Mr. Levi Strauss was selling. At the point when Strauss revealed to him he had an unpleasant canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the miner stated, You ought to have brought pants! saying he couldn’t discover some jeans sufficiently able to last. Denim Blue Jeans Levi Strauss had the canvas made into abdomen overalls. Excavators enjoyed the jeans however whined that they would in general abrade. Levi Strauss subbed a twilled cotton material from France called serge de Nimes. The texture later got known as denim and the jeans were nicknamed Levis. Levi Strauss Company In 1873, Levi Strauss Company started utilizing the pocket fasten plan. Levi Strauss and a Reno Nevada-based Latvian tailor by the name of Jacob Davis co-licensed the way toward placing bolts in pants for quality. On May 20, 1873, they got U.S.Patent No.139,121. This date is currently viewed as the official birthday of Levis. Levi Strauss requested that Jacob Davis come to San Francisco to regulate the principal producing office for midriff overalls, as the first pants were known as. The two-horse brand configuration was first utilized in 1886. The red tab appended to one side back pocket was made in 1936 as a methods for recognizing Levi’s pants a good ways off. All are enrolled trademarks that are still being used.
Monday, August 3, 2020
New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus
New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus MindMeister’s new public map referral system allows any paying MindMeister user to earn cash with their public mind maps. Simply publish a great mind map with your MindMeister account and earn a recurring 20% commission on each map visitor who turns into a paying MindMeister customer! The new public map referral system is part of MindMeister’s affiliate program, which has been around for many years. The affiliate program is a classic referral program and can be utilized by any MindMeister user: As a MindMeister Basic user, you can unlock additional mind map slots in your account by referring new users to MindMeister. You can unlock up to 10 additional maps for your free account this way. As a paying MindMeister user, you can earn a recurring 20% commission for each paying customer you refer to MindMeister. Recurring means that you will receive a commission each time the customer makes a payment. Traditionally, the only way to refer new users/customers to MindMeister was by using your personal affiliate link, which can be found in your My Account area. Thanks to the new public map referral system, however, there’s now a second way to unlock your free maps i.e. earn a commission: by publishing great mind maps! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process and best practices of publishing great mind maps and earning a passive income with them. Table of contents: How to earn money with public mind maps How to create a great public mind map How to make your mind map public How to get traffic to your public mind map Great public maps for your inspiration 1. How to earn money with public mind maps There are only two things you need to earn a passive income through public mind maps: 1) A paid MindMeister account â€" whether it’s a Personal, Pro, Business, or Edu account doesn’t matter. 2) A PayPal account, since all commissions are paid via PayPal. When you publish mind maps and share them on your website, your blog, or on social media, they can become popular, rank well in search engines, and get tens of thousands of views. If somebody views your mind map and subsequently signs up for a MindMeister account, you as the author of the public map will receive the referral benefits for this new signup. Good to know: Our system remembers all new visitors who come to MindMeister via your public mind map for 30 days. Even if they click on another affiliates referral link or public map after clicking on yours, the sale will be attributed to you as long as they sign up within 30 days. There is no limit to the number of users you can refer to MindMeister this way, and no limit to the commission you can earn. A 20% commission will be credited to your account every time the referred user makes a payment. Visitors and sign-ups from your public mind maps are tracked alongside your regular referrals in your My Account area. As soon as you’ve reached $150 USD in commission, you can request a payout via PayPal by contacting our support team. Important: To start earning money with your public mind maps, you need to first activate your Affiliate account in MindMeister by visiting the Invitations page in your My Account area. There’s no need to take an action on this page â€" visiting it once is enough to enable the tracking of your referrals. Sample calculation: To make things a little less theoretical, let’s look at a sample calculation of your commission: Let’s say you make a great mind map, publish it, promote it, and within a few months, your map attracts 500 visitors. Out of those 500 visitors, let’s assume two people go on to create their own MindMeister accounts. User #1 signs up for an annual subscription of our Personal account and thus pays $59.88 up front. User #2 buys 5 annual Business licenses for their company and thus pays $749.40 up front. Your commission of these two sales is 20%, which means you’ve just earned $161.86, and will receive the same amount again 12 months later, should the users choose to renew their subscriptions. Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started How many visitors your map attracts and how many of those turn into paying MindMeister users heavily depends on the quality of your map and how well you promote it. To increase your chances of success, we’ve put together a few tips below: 2. How to create a great public mind map A public mind map is similar to a blog post, which means that almost all blogging best practices apply. In order to rank well in search engines and attract a lot of visitors, your map should be: Well researched â€" full of valuable, factual information, with references to sources. Well structured. We’ll explain the best structure of a map further below. Well written: Any text content should be free of mistakes and grammatically correct. Visually appealing: This is even more important for maps than for blog posts! 2.1 Research and planning The simplest way to get started is to create a map about a topic you know well. If you’re a history buff, you might create a mind map about The Key Battles in the Napoleonic Wars; if you’re an author, you might put together a compilation of tips on How to write a great story, and so on. However, if your aim is to get as many visitors as possible to your mind map, it pays off to do a little keyword research before you start creating your map, using a tool such as Moz Keyword Explorer. Keyword research will help you find out what questions your audience has that you can answer, and show you what content you need to cover in your map to satisfy your readers’ search intent. If your goal is to make as much money with your map as possible, you should also consider what kind of people would be most likely to find MindMeister useful and make sure that your mind map speaks to them. Tip: Text inside the notes widget does not get crawled, therefore you shouldn’t use this space for important keywords. Please note that, just like with any other published work, it’s not okay to plagiarize content in a public mind map. If you’re quoting or otherwise using other people’s works, be sure to give them credit. A good way to do this is by adding quotation marks around the quoted text and providing a link to the source in the topic’s link widget. If you’re quoting from a book or another offline source, you can add the reference in the note widget. 2.2 Creating your mind map Once you have a clear idea about the topic, scope, and content of your map, it’s time to get to work. Start by creating a new, blank mind map in MindMeister. Write the title of your map into the root topic in the center of the canvas. Then use the TAB key to create your first branch and write a keyword into the topic. If you compare the map with a blog post, you can think of the topics closest to the center as sub-headlines or H2s. Add more branches until you’ve covered all the main ideas you want to include in your mind map. You can use the TAB and ENTER keys for this, which is quicker than using your mouse. TAB always creates a new sub-topic, meaning a topic on the next lower level. ENTER creates a new sibling-topic â€" a topic on the same hierarchical level as the last. Now it’s time to dig deeper. Select one of the branches and add more sub-topics to it, again using the TAB and ENTER keys, then do the same with all other branches. Tip: A mind map is not meant to consist of large chunks of texts. To ensure that your reader can grasp the key takeaways at a glance, stick to individual keywords, phrases, and short sentences whenever possible. If an idea requires more explanation, split it up into multiple sub-topics. 2.3 Making your map look beautiful The big benefit of the mind map format is that it combines text with visuals â€" images, videos, gifs, icons and colors. Utilizing these multimedia options will enrich your maps and make them more memorable. Plus, the more beautiful your maps are, the more likely visitors will be to sign up for a MindMeister account after viewing them, so it’s worth putting some effort into the look of your maps! Step 1: Choose a theme Click on the ( i ) button in the top bar and select one of MindMeister’s default themes or click on Customize to create your own. If you’re creating a custom theme, you can choose from all kinds of fonts, colors, and line types, and even upload a background image if you want. Step 2: Highlight important ideas Use the sidebar on the right to change the look of individual topics and branches in your map. You can use boundaries to make an entire branch stand out, make topics bold or italic, and more. Step 3: Add icons, images, gifs and videos Using the sidebar, you can also enrich your topics with all kinds of visuals. You can upload your own images, browse YouTube to quickly embed a video, or select an icon from MindMeister’s large icon library. Tip: You can adjust the size of embedded images. To do this, select the topic, then hover over the embedded image until you see the little gray corner appear on the bottom right. Click on the corner â€" while keeping the SHIFT key pressed â€" and drag it until your image has the right size. Bonus: Turn your map into a slideshow MindMeister’s built-in presentation mode lets you turn your map into a dynamic slideshow, which can also be viewed by visitors once the map is public. Click on the Play button in the embedded map below to see what it looks like when it’s done: Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit The Benefits of Online Mind Mapping on MindMeister. 3. How to make your mind map public Making your mind map public takes only a few seconds. In the map editor, click on Share in the footer and select Publish map… Confirm your decision in the next dialog. Congratulations! Your map is now public, which means that it can be found and viewed (but not edited!) by anybody on the web. It also means that your map is now listed in MindMeister’s Public Maps Universe, which hundreds of people browse every day. Before you leave, be sure to select the right category for your map and provide a good description for it. The former will make sure the map shows up in the right category in our Public Maps Universe. The description is a meta description, and Google may display it below the map’s title in the search results. Tip: Read about best practices for your meta description here. 4. How to get traffic to your public mind map When you make a mind map public, it gets indexed by search engines, meaning it can be found on Google. As mentioned above, one of the best ways to get your mind map in front of people’s eyes is by optimizing its content so it ranks highly in the search results. But once your mind map is published, there are still a number of things you can (and should!) do to get more traffic to the map. Here are a few tips: Share your mind map on social media One of the simplest and quickest ways to get more traffic to your public maps is to share them on your social media channels. You can use the share buttons in the publishing settings to share your map directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. AUTORES DE LA FILOSOFIA DEL URBANISMO Y LA CIUDAD https://t.co/VuWpR1YbLi vÃa @mindmeister â€" Mar Aguirre (@maraaguirre98) November 25, 2019 Important: If you don’t want to use the share buttons, you can simply copy the map’s public link and paste it somewhere, for instance into a WhatsApp message. But be sure to use the correct link when sharing your map this way â€" the correct link is the public map link, which can be found in the publishing settings. Do not use the share link from the share dialog as this would potentially provide the visitor with editing rights to your mind map! Share your map on Biggerplate Biggerplate â€" the home of mind mapping â€" offers a huge public map library that attracts tons of people who are interested in mind maps. You can use your MindMeister credentials to sign up for a free Biggerplate account and then share all your public maps to Biggerplate to reach a wider audience. The guys at Biggerplate also regularly promote great mind maps on the platform’s social channels and in their newsletter, giving your map even more exposure. Share your map in social groups, communities, and forums If you’re a member of a social group, online community or forum, you could consider sharing your mind map there â€" provided the map offers valuable information the community actually cares about. For example, if you’ve summarized the key learnings of various productivity books in a mind map, the Reddit community in /r/BettermentBookClub/ might be interested in viewing it. Embed your map in your blog or website If you own a blog or website, you can easily embed your public maps there. To get the embed code, open the publishing settings and click on Embed map You’ll be able to select the right dimensions before copying the code and pasting it into your HTML editor. An embedded mind map is interactive, meaning that visitors will be able to zoom in and out, open and close branches, and click on embedded links. If you’ve turned your map into a presentation, they’ll also be able to view the slideshow inside the iframe. Get others to share, embed, or link to your map If you’ve created a truly great (read: both useful and beautiful) mind map, others may be interested in utilizing your map as a resource, too. For example, let’s say you’ve visualized the most important edtech trends in a mind map. An educational blogger focusing on technology trends may be interested in adding your mind map to one of their related articles, so you could offer them the link and/or embed code of your map in an email. Or, if you’ve created a map about the Top Ten Growth Hacks for 2020 and you’ve quoted a famous growth hacker’s advice in the map, you could reach out to them on Twitter to show them the map â€" if it really is a great resource, they may retweet it to their followers. Include your map in your next email campaign If you own a business or blog, you likely also send out newsletters to your subscribers. A great way to get traffic to your public mind map is by including a link to the map in your next email campaign. Consider adding a small preview image of the map in your email to entice more clicks â€" a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Five great public mind maps for your inspiration Last but not least, we’ve put together a list of great public mind maps for your inspiration. Each of these maps has more than 1,000 views, and some of them rank very highly in Google’s search results for their respective keywords. Agile Product Owner Roles and Responsibilities â€" 60 K Views: Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim â€" 408 K Views: How to Win Friends Influence People by Dale Carnegie â€" 2.3 M Views: Our Place in the Universe â€" 7.8 K Views: The Idea-Driven Organization â€" 3.9 K Views: Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus MindMeister’s new public map referral system allows any paying MindMeister user to earn cash with their public mind maps. Simply publish a great mind map with your MindMeister account and earn a recurring 20% commission on each map visitor who turns into a paying MindMeister customer! The new public map referral system is part of MindMeister’s affiliate program, which has been around for many years. The affiliate program is a classic referral program and can be utilized by any MindMeister user: As a MindMeister Basic user, you can unlock additional mind map slots in your account by referring new users to MindMeister. You can unlock up to 10 additional maps for your free account this way. As a paying MindMeister user, you can earn a recurring 20% commission for each paying customer you refer to MindMeister. Recurring means that you will receive a commission each time the customer makes a payment. Traditionally, the only way to refer new users/customers to MindMeister was by using your personal affiliate link, which can be found in your My Account area. Thanks to the new public map referral system, however, there’s now a second way to unlock your free maps i.e. earn a commission: by publishing great mind maps! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process and best practices of publishing great mind maps and earning a passive income with them. Table of contents: How to earn money with public mind maps How to create a great public mind map How to make your mind map public How to get traffic to your public mind map Great public maps for your inspiration 1. How to earn money with public mind maps There are only two things you need to earn a passive income through public mind maps: 1) A paid MindMeister account â€" whether it’s a Personal, Pro, Business, or Edu account doesn’t matter. 2) A PayPal account, since all commissions are paid via PayPal. When you publish mind maps and share them on your website, your blog, or on social media, they can become popular, rank well in search engines, and get tens of thousands of views. If somebody views your mind map and subsequently signs up for a MindMeister account, you as the author of the public map will receive the referral benefits for this new signup. Good to know: Our system remembers all new visitors who come to MindMeister via your public mind map for 30 days. Even if they click on another affiliates referral link or public map after clicking on yours, the sale will be attributed to you as long as they sign up within 30 days. There is no limit to the number of users you can refer to MindMeister this way, and no limit to the commission you can earn. A 20% commission will be credited to your account every time the referred user makes a payment. Visitors and sign-ups from your public mind maps are tracked alongside your regular referrals in your My Account area. As soon as you’ve reached $150 USD in commission, you can request a payout via PayPal by contacting our support team. Important: To start earning money with your public mind maps, you need to first activate your Affiliate account in MindMeister by visiting the Invitations page in your My Account area. There’s no need to take an action on this page â€" visiting it once is enough to enable the tracking of your referrals. Sample calculation: To make things a little less theoretical, let’s look at a sample calculation of your commission: Let’s say you make a great mind map, publish it, promote it, and within a few months, your map attracts 500 visitors. Out of those 500 visitors, let’s assume two people go on to create their own MindMeister accounts. User #1 signs up for an annual subscription of our Personal account and thus pays $59.88 up front. User #2 buys 5 annual Business licenses for their company and thus pays $749.40 up front. Your commission of these two sales is 20%, which means you’ve just earned $161.86, and will receive the same amount again 12 months later, should the users choose to renew their subscriptions. Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started How many visitors your map attracts and how many of those turn into paying MindMeister users heavily depends on the quality of your map and how well you promote it. To increase your chances of success, we’ve put together a few tips below: 2. How to create a great public mind map A public mind map is similar to a blog post, which means that almost all blogging best practices apply. In order to rank well in search engines and attract a lot of visitors, your map should be: Well researched â€" full of valuable, factual information, with references to sources. Well structured. We’ll explain the best structure of a map further below. Well written: Any text content should be free of mistakes and grammatically correct. Visually appealing: This is even more important for maps than for blog posts! 2.1 Research and planning The simplest way to get started is to create a map about a topic you know well. If you’re a history buff, you might create a mind map about The Key Battles in the Napoleonic Wars; if you’re an author, you might put together a compilation of tips on How to write a great story, and so on. However, if your aim is to get as many visitors as possible to your mind map, it pays off to do a little keyword research before you start creating your map, using a tool such as Moz Keyword Explorer. Keyword research will help you find out what questions your audience has that you can answer, and show you what content you need to cover in your map to satisfy your readers’ search intent. If your goal is to make as much money with your map as possible, you should also consider what kind of people would be most likely to find MindMeister useful and make sure that your mind map speaks to them. Tip: Text inside the notes widget does not get crawled, therefore you shouldn’t use this space for important keywords. Please note that, just like with any other published work, it’s not okay to plagiarize content in a public mind map. If you’re quoting or otherwise using other people’s works, be sure to give them credit. A good way to do this is by adding quotation marks around the quoted text and providing a link to the source in the topic’s link widget. If you’re quoting from a book or another offline source, you can add the reference in the note widget. 2.2 Creating your mind map Once you have a clear idea about the topic, scope, and content of your map, it’s time to get to work. Start by creating a new, blank mind map in MindMeister. Write the title of your map into the root topic in the center of the canvas. Then use the TAB key to create your first branch and write a keyword into the topic. If you compare the map with a blog post, you can think of the topics closest to the center as sub-headlines or H2s. Add more branches until you’ve covered all the main ideas you want to include in your mind map. You can use the TAB and ENTER keys for this, which is quicker than using your mouse. TAB always creates a new sub-topic, meaning a topic on the next lower level. ENTER creates a new sibling-topic â€" a topic on the same hierarchical level as the last. Now it’s time to dig deeper. Select one of the branches and add more sub-topics to it, again using the TAB and ENTER keys, then do the same with all other branches. Tip: A mind map is not meant to consist of large chunks of texts. To ensure that your reader can grasp the key takeaways at a glance, stick to individual keywords, phrases, and short sentences whenever possible. If an idea requires more explanation, split it up into multiple sub-topics. 2.3 Making your map look beautiful The big benefit of the mind map format is that it combines text with visuals â€" images, videos, gifs, icons and colors. Utilizing these multimedia options will enrich your maps and make them more memorable. Plus, the more beautiful your maps are, the more likely visitors will be to sign up for a MindMeister account after viewing them, so it’s worth putting some effort into the look of your maps! Step 1: Choose a theme Click on the ( i ) button in the top bar and select one of MindMeister’s default themes or click on Customize to create your own. If you’re creating a custom theme, you can choose from all kinds of fonts, colors, and line types, and even upload a background image if you want. Step 2: Highlight important ideas Use the sidebar on the right to change the look of individual topics and branches in your map. You can use boundaries to make an entire branch stand out, make topics bold or italic, and more. Step 3: Add icons, images, gifs and videos Using the sidebar, you can also enrich your topics with all kinds of visuals. You can upload your own images, browse YouTube to quickly embed a video, or select an icon from MindMeister’s large icon library. Tip: You can adjust the size of embedded images. To do this, select the topic, then hover over the embedded image until you see the little gray corner appear on the bottom right. Click on the corner â€" while keeping the SHIFT key pressed â€" and drag it until your image has the right size. Bonus: Turn your map into a slideshow MindMeister’s built-in presentation mode lets you turn your map into a dynamic slideshow, which can also be viewed by visitors once the map is public. Click on the Play button in the embedded map below to see what it looks like when it’s done: Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit The Benefits of Online Mind Mapping on MindMeister. 3. How to make your mind map public Making your mind map public takes only a few seconds. In the map editor, click on Share in the footer and select Publish map… Confirm your decision in the next dialog. Congratulations! Your map is now public, which means that it can be found and viewed (but not edited!) by anybody on the web. It also means that your map is now listed in MindMeister’s Public Maps Universe, which hundreds of people browse every day. Before you leave, be sure to select the right category for your map and provide a good description for it. The former will make sure the map shows up in the right category in our Public Maps Universe. The description is a meta description, and Google may display it below the map’s title in the search results. Tip: Read about best practices for your meta description here. 4. How to get traffic to your public mind map When you make a mind map public, it gets indexed by search engines, meaning it can be found on Google. As mentioned above, one of the best ways to get your mind map in front of people’s eyes is by optimizing its content so it ranks highly in the search results. But once your mind map is published, there are still a number of things you can (and should!) do to get more traffic to the map. Here are a few tips: Share your mind map on social media One of the simplest and quickest ways to get more traffic to your public maps is to share them on your social media channels. You can use the share buttons in the publishing settings to share your map directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. AUTORES DE LA FILOSOFIA DEL URBANISMO Y LA CIUDAD https://t.co/VuWpR1YbLi vÃa @mindmeister â€" Mar Aguirre (@maraaguirre98) November 25, 2019 Important: If you don’t want to use the share buttons, you can simply copy the map’s public link and paste it somewhere, for instance into a WhatsApp message. But be sure to use the correct link when sharing your map this way â€" the correct link is the public map link, which can be found in the publishing settings. Do not use the share link from the share dialog as this would potentially provide the visitor with editing rights to your mind map! Share your map on Biggerplate Biggerplate â€" the home of mind mapping â€" offers a huge public map library that attracts tons of people who are interested in mind maps. You can use your MindMeister credentials to sign up for a free Biggerplate account and then share all your public maps to Biggerplate to reach a wider audience. The guys at Biggerplate also regularly promote great mind maps on the platform’s social channels and in their newsletter, giving your map even more exposure. Share your map in social groups, communities, and forums If you’re a member of a social group, online community or forum, you could consider sharing your mind map there â€" provided the map offers valuable information the community actually cares about. For example, if you’ve summarized the key learnings of various productivity books in a mind map, the Reddit community in /r/BettermentBookClub/ might be interested in viewing it. Embed your map in your blog or website If you own a blog or website, you can easily embed your public maps there. To get the embed code, open the publishing settings and click on Embed map You’ll be able to select the right dimensions before copying the code and pasting it into your HTML editor. An embedded mind map is interactive, meaning that visitors will be able to zoom in and out, open and close branches, and click on embedded links. If you’ve turned your map into a presentation, they’ll also be able to view the slideshow inside the iframe. Get others to share, embed, or link to your map If you’ve created a truly great (read: both useful and beautiful) mind map, others may be interested in utilizing your map as a resource, too. For example, let’s say you’ve visualized the most important edtech trends in a mind map. An educational blogger focusing on technology trends may be interested in adding your mind map to one of their related articles, so you could offer them the link and/or embed code of your map in an email. Or, if you’ve created a map about the Top Ten Growth Hacks for 2020 and you’ve quoted a famous growth hacker’s advice in the map, you could reach out to them on Twitter to show them the map â€" if it really is a great resource, they may retweet it to their followers. Include your map in your next email campaign If you own a business or blog, you likely also send out newsletters to your subscribers. A great way to get traffic to your public mind map is by including a link to the map in your next email campaign. Consider adding a small preview image of the map in your email to entice more clicks â€" a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Five great public mind maps for your inspiration Last but not least, we’ve put together a list of great public mind maps for your inspiration. Each of these maps has more than 1,000 views, and some of them rank very highly in Google’s search results for their respective keywords. Agile Product Owner Roles and Responsibilities â€" 60 K Views: Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim â€" 408 K Views: How to Win Friends Influence People by Dale Carnegie â€" 2.3 M Views: Our Place in the Universe â€" 7.8 K Views: The Idea-Driven Organization â€" 3.9 K Views: Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started
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