Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Bhopal Ethical Issues - 1350 Words
1. Introduction: In the morning of December 3, 1984 a tragic event occurred in the city of Bhopal, the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It has been known as the world s worst industrial disaster. A Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) s plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas which instantly killed over 3,000 people and carrying on causing the death of more than 20,000. This tragic event involved not only the technical, safety issues at the time, but also ethical issues on the responsibility of those who would have been able to prevent the tragedy from happening and those who denied or intentionally decreased the responsibility of causing it. 2. Background of the involved organization: It was declared by the Union†¦show more content†¦The majority of deaths and serious injuries were related to pulmonary edema, but the gas caused a wide variety of other ailments. Signs and symptoms of methyl isocyanate exposure normally include cough, dyspnea, chest pain, lacrimation, eyelid edema, and unconsciousness. These effects might progress over the next 24 to 72 hours to include acute lung injury, cardiac arrest, and death. Because of the hypothesized reactions that took place within the storage tank and in the surrounding atmosphere, it is thought that apart from MIC, phosgene, and hydrogen cyanide along with other poisonous gases all played a significant role in this disaster. Information on the exact chemical mixture was never provided by the company, but blood and viscera of some victims showed cherry-red color characteristic in acute cyanide poisoning. Without knowledge of the exact chemical mixture ailments are harder to diagnose and treat, but a series of studies made five years later showed that many of the survivors were still suffering from one or several of the following ailments: partial or complete blindness, persistent respiratory problems, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired immune systems, post-traumatic stress disorders, and menstrual problems in women. A rise in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and offspring with genetic defects was also noted. In addition, a BBC investigation conducted in November 2004 confirmed that contamination is present in drinking water, asShow MoreRelatedEssay about Bhopal Ethical Issues1307 Words  | 6 PagesDecember 3, 1984 a tragic event occurred in the city of Bhopal, the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It has been known as the worlds worst industrial disaster. 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The Bhopal disaster (Bhopal Gas Tragedy) happened by gas leak incident occurred at the night time of 2-3 AM in December of 1984. The result of this gas leak caused risks for more than half million people by exposing them to chemicals hazards; one of these chemicals is methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas. Not only th is, it caused an immediateRead MoreUnion Carbide s Chemical Plant981 Words  | 4 Pages After the tragic explosion in Bhopal, India, due to Union Carbide’s chemical plant, many citizens suffered tragedies such as death and severe injuries due to the toxic gas that was released upon the explosion. When citizens of Bhopal decided to sue against the Union Carbide Corporation, they combined all individual lawsuits against the plant together, as well as exercising their forum non conveniens, which handed the lawsuit to Indian courts. Moving the court case to India benefitted the companyRead MoreEssay on Use of DBCP and Relation to Infertility821 Words  | 4 Pageslawsuit filed by the Attorney General to end Dows illegal advertising of Dursban as safe. Acquisition of Union Carbide The Bhopal Disaster of 1984 was the worst industrial disaster in the history of the world. It was caused by the accidental release of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant located in the heart of the city of Bhopal. UCIL was a joint venture between Union Carbide and a public/private consortium of Indian investors. The MIC leak killed thousands
Monday, May 11, 2020
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency has upgraded its services to include checking case status online and using a virtual assistant online to answer questions. Through a free, online portal, MyUSCIS, there are multiple features. Applicants can submit an online request, get automatic email or text message updates when a case status changes and practice the civics test. Being that theres a multitude of immigration options from applying for U.S. citizenship to green card residency status and temporary working visas to refugee status, to name a few, MyUSCIS is the one-stop site for all applicants requesting U.S. immigration. The USCIS Website The USCIS website has directions for getting started on MyUSCIS, which allows an applicant to review their entire case history. All an applicant needs is the applicants receipt number. The receipt number has 13 characters and can be found on the application notices received from USCIS. The receipt number begins with three letters, such as EAC, WAC, LIN or SRC. Applicants should omit the dashes when entering the receipt number in the web page boxes. However, all other characters, including the asterisks, should be included if they are listed on the notice as part of the receipt number. If missing the application receipt number, contact the USCIS Customer Service center at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY) or submit an online inquiry about the case.  Other features of the website include filing forms electronically, checking office case processing times, finding a doctor authorized for completing a medical exam for adjusting status and reviewing filing fees. A change of address can be recorded online, as well as finding local processing offices and making an appointment to visit an office and speak with a representative. Email and Text Message Updates USCIS allows applicants the option of receiving an email or text message notification that a case status update has occurred. The notification can be sent to any United States mobile phone number. Standard cell phone text messaging rates may apply to receive these updates. The service is available to USCIS customers and their representatives, including immigration lawyers, charitable groups, corporations, other sponsors, and you can register for it online. Create an Account It is important for anyone who wants regular updates from USCIS to create an account with the agency to ensure access to case status information. A helpful feature from USCIS is the online request access option. According to the agency, the online request option is a web-based tool that allows an applicant to place an inquiry with USCIS for certain applications and petitions. An applicant may make an inquiry on selected forms that are beyond posted processing times or selected forms where the applicant did not receive an appointment notice or other notice. An applicant can also create an inquiry to correct a notice received with a typographical error.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mgmt 330 Midterm Exam Essay - 2926 Words
Question 1 ______________ involves assembling and coordinating organizational resources. a) Controlling b) Planning c) Organizing d) Leading e) Quantifying Question 2 Goodwill stemming from social relationships is called a) social empathy. b) social capital. c) emotional intelligence. d) emotional capital. e) empathetic goodwill. Question 3 Lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of the organization are called a) frontline managers. b) middle managers. c) top-level managers. d) tactical managers. e) strategic managers. Question 4 The President of Delta Design, LLC attended the opening ceremony for a customers new office complex. Which of Mintzbergs roles was the President playing in this situation? a) Leader b)†¦show more content†¦e) Managers cannot be sure how much time, energy, or trouble lie ahead once they start working on the problem. Question 16 Managers who optimize their decisions will attempt to choose a) the first minimally acceptable alternative. b) among those alternatives with variable results. c) the least expensive alternative. d) that alternative that produces the least conflict. e) an alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals. Question 17 The manager of the Capitol Restaurant noted that the restaurant had experienced a decreased number of evening customers. The manager promptly ordered the chef to rewrite the evening menu. Customer feedback later indicated that the problem had not been the menu but poor service from the wait staff. The managers decision to have the menu revised suggests that he failed to a) identify the problem. b) evaluate the alternatives and consequences. c) properly diagnose the cause of the problem. d) evaluate the decision and its consequences. e) identify a solution. Question 18 Characteristics of managerial decisions include which of the following? a) Success b) Certainty c) Convention d) Lack of structure e) Speed Question 19 Advantages in using a group for decision making include a) intellectual stimulation b) domination by one member for leading the discussion c) groupthink d) satisficing e) goal displacement Question 20 The state that exists when decision
Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector Free Essays
string(27) " were estimated at over 2\." â€Å"A COMPARITIVE STUDY ON PREFERENCE OF SOFT DRINKS IN YOUTH REPORT Submitted to: Submitted by: DR. RAJKUMARCHIRAG GUPTA Roll no. 5382 MBA 5. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector or any similar topic only for you Order Now 4 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [pic] INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH MDU,ROHTAK 2010-2011 DECLARATION I Chirag Gupta, student of 5 year M. B. A 4th semester of Institute of Management Studies and Research hereby declare that the project report titled â€Å"Preference of soft drink in youth†is a code of critical independent work carried out by me under supervision guidance of Dr. Raj Kumar. This has not been previously submitted for the award of any other diploma, degree or other similar degree. The feasibility suggestion has been duly incorporated in the consultation with the supervisor. Signature of the Candidate EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Soft Drinks were common preference among all the individuals, irrespective of their age groups as it had great brand value and great advertisement. Market Research is based on some underlying parameters like: †¢ Changing consumption pattern †¢ Advertisements †¢ Taste †¢ Status consciousness †¢ Varying lifestyle The study starts with determining the major players in the soft drinks, their overall consumption pattern among the people and ends up with the conclusion as per the state of mind of the average rational human being. Consumer preferences are changing towards healthier food, and thus such a trend will carry on for some time to come. In the soft drinks market of late, most recent new products launched have been focused on the health benefits of the soft drinks, like pomegranate juices, calcium-fortified bottled water and a series of reduced-sugar alternatives, with such features not previously so readily available to or heavily promoted at the target audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS SERIAL NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1) INTRODUCTION 1) Industrial profile 01 2) Major players in soft drinks segment 04 3) Study of growth of soft drink market 09 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ) Purpose of the study 10 2) Objectives of the study 10 3) Scope of the study 10 4) Research Design 11 5) Sampling Technique used 12 6) Selection of Sample Size 12 7) Sources of Data collection 12 8) Statistical Tools Used 12 3) DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 13 ) LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 24 5) CONCLUSION 25 6) ANNEXURE 6. 1) Questionnaire 26 7) BIBLIOGRAPHY 28 INTRODUCTION INDUSTRIAL PROFILE The soft-drink industry comprises companies that manufacture nonalcoholic beverages and carbonated mineral waters or concentrates and syrups for the manufacture of carbonated beverages. Naturally occurring bubbling or sparkling mineral waters have been popular for thousands of years: the ancient Greeks believed that such waters had medicinal properties and bathed in them regularly; the Romans established resorts around mineral springs throughout Europe. In the 1500s the village of Spa in Belgium became famous for its waters, which by the early 1600s were sold, in bottles, as far away as London, Eng. Development of the first man-made sparkling or carbonated water is credited to Joseph Priestley, the British scientist who discovered oxygen. In 1772 he invented a method of â€Å"pushing†carbon dioxide into water by dissolving it under pressure, thus creating fairly long-lasting bubbles. The technique led to development of the soft-drink industry. By the beginning of the 19th century, carbonated water was being made commercially in France and North America; shortly thereafter, flavours (normally fruit concentrates) were added to enliven the taste. In the 1820s, small carbonated bottling operations were established in Canada, producing carbonated drinks in refillable bottles which were merchandised as medicinal elixirs or tonics. Most soft drinks are still carbonated to give drinks a â€Å"tangy bite†and to stimulate the tongue. Furthermore, because scent is an important part of taste, the flavours carried as vapours in the bubbles enhance taste. The principle of â€Å"pushing†carbon dioxide is still used, but now the water is first purified in a process known as â€Å"polishing. †Cooled carbon dioxide is then injected at pressures of 275-550 kilopascals. Some of the early drinks bottled in Canada were called Birch Beer, Ginger Beer, Sarsaparilla, Sour Lemon, None-Such Soda Water and Cream Soda. The first carbonated beverage or â€Å"pop†bottles were sealed with corks held tightly in place with a wire binding. Because they had to be stored neck down so that the cork would not dry and allow the carbonation to leak away, they were manufactured with rounded bottoms. By the mid-1800s, soft drinks sold in Canada were packaged in 8-ounce (227. 2 ml) round-bottom bottles for about 25 cents a dozen, except ginger beer, which was sold in draught form from wooden kegs. Wired cork closures were used until about 1884 with Codd’s Patented Globe Stoppers (25 types in all). Such closures were replaced by the Hutcheson Spring Stopper. The crown cap was introduced around 1905 and improved versions are still widely used, although they are gradually being replaced, especially on larger containers, with reclosable screw caps. Other packaging innovations since the mid-1960s include canned carbonated beverages, nonreturnable glass bottles and containers made from rigid plastics. However, an effort is being made, often through provincial legislation, to increase the use of returnable glass containers. In the industry’s early years the number of carbonated-beverage plants increased steadily, most serving small regional markets. In 1929 the industry was made up of 345 production plants and the value of shipments reached $12. 3 million. By 1960 the number of plants had increased to 502 and the value of sales to $172. 7 million. Subsequently, consolidation began, prompted by improved production, packaging and distribution facilities. By 1973, 337 plants were in production and the value of shipments was $484 million. In 1985, with sales of about $1. 8 billion, the industry had 187 plants in production: Newfoundland had 3; PEI, 1; Nova Scotia, 7; New Brunswick, 8; Quebec, 66; Ontario, 58; Manitoba, 7; Saskatchewan, 10; Alberta, 13; and BC, 14. Production volume has also increased dramatically: in 1939, soft-drink bottlers produced about 162 million litres of carbonated beverages; by 1967, production passed 758 million litres; in 1986, shipments were estimated at over 2. You read "Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector" in category "Papers" 1 billion litres; and in 1998 that figure rose to 3. 5 billion litres. The industry is regulated by both federal and provincial agencies, 3 of the most important being CONSUMER AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS (responsible for the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act), HEALTH CANADA (which administers the Food and Drugs Act) and Environment Canada (which focuses on environmental matters). The industry is represented by the Canadian Soft Drink Association in Toronto and by several provincial associations. The introduction of diet carbonated beverages has changed the industry’s profile. Several years ago, in response to increasing consumer diet consciousness, the industry introduced the first successful sugar-free diet drinks using the artificial sweetener cyclamate. But questions were raised about the safety of this additive and, based on existing scientific data, Health Canada banned its use in Canadian commercial FOODS AND BEVERAGES. This decision, estimated to have cost the industry more than $15 million, was a setback to diet-drink development. The industry turned to saccharin, but this too was eventually banned. Now, a new sugar-free additive, aspartame, has been approved for use in diet soft drinks, and the cyclamate/saccharin situation is not expected to recur because aspartame consists of amino acids, which occur naturally. Aspartame-sweetened diet drinks have had a dramatic effect on the Canadian carbonated-beverage industry. Just before the saccharin ban in 1977, diet drinks accounted for about 10% of the soft-drink market; following the ban the diet share dropped to about 2%, consisting of beverages partially sweetened with small amounts of sugar. In 1982, the first full year that aspartame was used in Canada, diet drinks increased by 15. 2% of total soft-drink sales, while the total soft-drink industry grew 8%. In 1987 total soft-drink sales increased 5. 3% over 1986, while diet soft-drink sales increased by 10. 7%. This single development has encouraged strong growth in the industry. MAJOR PLAYERS IN SOFT DRINKS SEGMENT COCA COLA [pic] â€Å"thanda matlab coca cola!!! †Coca cola has truly remarkable heritage. From a humble beginning in 1886 it has now become the flagship brand of largest manufacturer, distributor of non alcoholic beverages in the world. In India, coca cola was the leading soft drink till 1977 when govt. policies necessitated its departure. Coca cola has made its return to the country in 1993. and made significant investment to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more people in remote as well as inaccessible parts of the world. Coca cola returned to India in 1993 and over the past ten years has captured the imagination of the nation, building strong association with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music etc. coca cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the world cup in 1996. In 2002, coca cola launched the campaign,†Thanda Matlab coca cola†. in 2003,coke was available for just rs,5 crores in the country. FANTA GHOONTH BHAR SHARARAT KAR LEY!!! [pic] Fanta entered the Indian market in year 1996 under the coca cola brand . ver the years, Fanta has occupied a strong market place and is identified as â€Å"the fun catalyst†. Fanta stands for its vibrant color, tempting taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts feelings but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in the moment. LIMCA â€Å" LIME AND LEMONI!!! [pic] Drink that can cast a tangy refreshing spell on anyone, anywhere. Born in 1971, Limca has been the original thirst choice, of mi llions of consumers for over three decades. The brand has been displaying healthy volume growing year on year and limca continues to be leading flavoring soft drinks in the country. Dive into the zingy refreshment of limca and walk away a new person. THUMS UP TASTE THE THUNDER!!! [pic] Strong cola taste, exciting personality. Thums up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in India. Originally introduced in 1977, thums up was acquired by the coca cola company in 1993. Thums up, is, known for strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature and uniquely masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the man from the boys. SPRITE â€Å"SPIRITE BHUJAYE PYAAS BAKI SAB BAKWAAS!!! [pic] World wide sprite ranked as no. soft drink and is sold in more than 190 countries In India, sprite was launched in year 1999 and today it has grown to be one of the fastest growing soft drinks, leading clear lime category. Today sprite is perceived as a youth icon. With strong appeal to youth sprite has stood for a straight forward and honest attitude. Its clear crisp hingtaste encourages today’s youth to trust their instincts, influence them to be tru e who they are and to obey their thirst. MAAZA YAARI DOSTI TAAZA MAAZA!!! [pic] Maaza was launched in 1976. In 1993, maaza was acquired by coca cola India. Maaza currently dominates the fruit drink category. Over the years, maaza has become synonymous with mango. â€Å"Taaza Mango, Maaza mango, Botal mei aam, maaza hai naam†. consumers regard maaza as wholesome, natural, fun loving drink real experience of fruit. The campaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant emotional benefit to the moms rightly captured in tagline, â€Å"yaari dosti, and taaza maaza†. PEPSI YEH DIL MAANGE MORE!!! [pic] Pepsi cola is a carbonated beverage that is produced and manufactured by Pepsi co. It is sold in stores, restaurants and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890’s in North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years. †¢ Diet Pepsi †¢ Crystal Pepsi †¢ Pepsi twist †¢ Pepsi max †¢ Pepsi samba †¢ Pepsi blue †¢ Pepsi gold †¢ Pepsi holiday spice †¢ Pepsi jazz †¢ Pepsi x(available in Finland brazil) †¢ Pepsi next(available in Japan south Korea) STUDY OF GROWTH OF SOFT DRINK MARKET SOFT DRINKS Carbonated drinks are dominated by artificial flavors based on cola, orange and lime with Pepsi and coca-cola dominating the market. The entire part of the drink is based on its artificial flavors and sweetening agents as no natural juice is used. MARKET †¢ Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market. †¢ Two global majors’ Pepsi and coke dominate the soft drink market. †¢ NCAER survey says 91% of soft drink in the country is in the lower, lower middle and upper middle class people. †¢ The market is worth around Rs. 5000 crores with growth rate of around 10-15%. †¢ The annual per capita consumption in India is only about 6 bottles vis- a- Vis 340 bottles in the U. S. †¢ The production as soft drinks has increased from 5670 million bottles in 1998-99 to 6230 million bottles in 1999-2000 industry source. Growth market this year is expected to be 10-15% in value terms and 20-22% in volume terms. However, the market for carbonated drinks is stagnating and not growing as expected. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The main aim of this research study is to analyze the preference of youth on consumption patterns and preference of Soft Drinks. OBJECTIVE OF THE STU DY †¢ To study the preferences of the youth for soft drinks. †¢ To find out the factor(s) that influences the consumer’s consumption of soft drinks. †¢ To test the know-how of the consumers regarding the various existing brands of soft drinks. To know the size of the soft drink purchase for personal and household purpose. †¢ To know the frequency of consumption of soft drink. SCOPE OF THE STUDY †¢ This study is confined MDU campus Rohtak. †¢ Seasonal drinks are not considered in the study. †¢ We are considering only canned and bottled drinks. †¢ We are not considering health alcoholic drinks. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve marketing research problem. On the basis of fundamental objectives of the research we can classify research design into two general types: 1) EXPLORATORY RESEARCH 2) CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH Exploratory research is one type of research design, which has its primary objective the provision of insights into, and comprehension of, the problem situation confronting the researcher. Conclusive research is designed to assist the decision maker in determining evaluating and selecting the best course of action to take in a given situation. Conclusive research can be further divided into two types:- †¢ Descriptive †¢ Experimental The research design used in this project is a DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN. Descriptive study as the name implies is designed to describe something-for example the characteristics of users of a given product, the degree to which the product use varies with income, age, etc. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE USED: This research has used convenience sampling technique. 1) Convenience sampling technique: Convenience sampling is used in exploratory research where the researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth. As the name implies, the sample is selected because they are convenient. SELECTION OF SAMPLE SIZE: For the study, a sample size of 60 has been taken into consideration. SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: Research will be based on two sources: 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data 1) PRIMARY DATA: Questionnaire: Primary data was collected by preparing questionnaire and the people were randomly being requested to fill them. 2) SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data will consist of different literatures like books which are published, articles, internet and websites. In order to reach relevant conclusion, research work needed to be designed in a proper way. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project are: †¢ Questionnaire †¢ Bar Diagrams DATA ANALYSIS FINDINGS |Statistics | | | |Statistics | | | | | | | | | | |Statistics | | | |Who decide the |Do you read | | | |selection of soft |instruction written | | | |drink for household? on the packaging of | | | | |soft drink? | |N |Valid |60 |60 | | |Missing |0 |0 | | |Mean |2. 8167 |1. 6167 | | |Median |3. 0000 |2. 0000 | | |Mode |3. 00 |2. 0 | | |Variance |. 356 |. 240 | | | | | |Do you like soft drink? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ? The study was confined to University Campus MDU Rohtak only. ? Chances of some biasness could not be eliminated. ? Youth are assumed to be between the age 15 to 25 ? Time was the major constrain. Only limited sample size (60) was possible for such a vast research on such a period of time . i. e. one mon th ? Interaction with the respondents was also limited due to their busy work. Due to the changing life style and preferences, it was not necessary that they will consume same soft drink every time. ? There was a chance that respondent will make assumptions while filling the questionnaire. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Following are the concluding points taken into consideration after the conduct of the research study: ? An important finding that emerged out of the survey was that 91%of youth like to have soft drinks while 9% not like. ? Through the research it was conveyed that weekly consumption of soft drinks is more than daily consumption. ? Most of the respondents took soft drink without any reason. ? Remaining majority of the respondents consume soft drinks at the time of parties celebrations. Most of the respondents consume soft drinks because of its taste. ? Most of the respondents were of the neutral view that advertisements affect their purchases. ? Most of the respondent likes D ew. ? Most of them consume 300ml pack for personal usage. ? Packaging doesn’t influence the purchase of most of the respondents. ? Most of them don’t read instruction written on the package of soft drink. ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE Respected Sir/Madam A Research Project is being pursued in IMSAR on â€Å"Preference of soft drink in youth†. Kindly extend your cooperation enable us doing the project successfully. This information is used for academic purpose. PERSONAL DETAILS Name – †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Age – †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Gender – ? Male ? Female Qualification – ? Graduate ? Under Graduate ? Post Graduate ? Other (Specify) 1) Do you like soft drinks? Yes No 2) Where do you mostly consume soft drink? PartyCafeHome 3) Frequency of consumption of soft drink in a week? Daily 2-4times more than 4 times once in a week 4) On what occasions, do you often consume the Soft Drinks? Feeling Thirsty Without any reason (just like that) ? Parties / Celebrations ? Others, please specify†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5) What induces you to buy Soft Drinks? Price with quantity Health Drink Status symbol Taste Variety Advertisement 6) Which soft drink do you like more? Dew Sprite Cocacola Pepsi Limca Maaza Other (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7) Do advertisements influence your purchases? Strongly Agree ? Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree ? 8) Do you agree that packaging influence consumer purchase decision? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree ) Please tick the size of soft drink you purchase for personal consumption? 200 ml 250ml 300ml500ml other (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10) Which soft drink is served to the guest in your home? Dew Sprite CocacolaPepsi LimcaMaazaOther (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 11) Who decide the selection of soft drink for household? FatherMother Himself/Herself Other(Specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12) Do you read instruction written on the packaging of soft drink? YesNo BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOG RAPHY †¢ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Beverage †¢ www. foodindustryindia. com †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=25105=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? rticleid=24983=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=24965=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=24849=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=25039=3 †¢ http://www. foodindustryindia. com/newfood/detailnews. jsp? n=Xtazy,%20another%20energy%20drink%20for%20the%20Indian%20market=598 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/redfr. asp? fn=/other/aboutus. asp=About%20Us#Food †¢ www. google. com †¢ Kothari C R, â€Å"Research and Methodology- Methods Techniques†, New Age International (P) Ltd. , 2004 [pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9[pic][pic] 24 27 25 12 How to cite Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector, Papers
Martin luther king jr. 4 Essay Example For Students
Martin luther king jr. 4 Essay The Most Influential Person of the 21st century The Civil Rights Movement is one of the most important events of the history of the United States. Although many people contributed to this movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., is widely regarded as the leader of the movement for racial equality. Growing up in the Deep South, King saw the injustices of segregation first hand. Kings studies of Mahatma Ghandi teachings influenced his views on effective ways of protesting and achieving equality. Martin Luther Kings view on nonviolence and equality and his enormous effect on the citizens of America makes him the most influential person of the twentieth century. King can be considered influential in his preaching of nonviolent protest during the civil rights movement. King quickly realized that there were two alternatives in the struggle against the forces of injustice (Ansbro, 233): violence or nonviolence. He decided against violence for obvious reasons. During this time in America, the African American community represented only ten percent of the total population. King felt that this made it impossible for African Americans who lack access to weapons to successfully wage a violent revolution against the white majority. Any attacks by the civil rights workers or their followers would surely result in counter attacks by the segregationists, resulting in the injury and deaths of many of Kings followers. With these points in mind, King came to the conclusion that the best strategy in gaining the rights of African American was the use of non-violent protest. He believed that violence only intensifies evil,; (Ansbro, 231) instead of promoting love and violence among all races. Kings purpose in promoting nonviolence direct action was to create a situation so crisis packed that it will inevitably open the door to negotiations. He felt that practicing nonviolence would portray his followers as moral beings while making apparent the brutality of the segregationists. Kings preaching of nonviolence was monumental in succeeding in demonstrations such as the Montgomery bus boycott and the desegregation of public schools. Kings reaching of nonviolent direct action furthers the arguments that King is the most influential person of the twentieth century. Not only did King feel it was necessary to preach nonviolence in order to achieve equality among all Americans, he also felt it was important for his message to appeal to all people regardless of race. Despite of the injustice being inflicted upon them by the segregationists, King felt it was important for African Americans to love and respect people of all races. Realizing that complete and equal separation of the races was virtually impossible, King felt that the most important aspect of the movement was for all people to eventually be able to live together in harmony. King believed that whites and black must have a mutual respect for one another or else American will become a nation in constant turmoil. King bestowed his views of love, respect,and equality to his followers, eventually gaining the respect of people of all races and classes. Kings philosophy of nonviolent direct action, and his strategies for racial equality,affecting the conscience of the nation and reordered its priorities. His wisdom, his words, his actions, his commitment, and his dreams for social change, are intertwined with the American experience. Martin Luther Kings influence on the history of American makes him the most influential person of the twentieth century. Works Cited Ansbro, John. Martin Luther King, Jr. : The Making of a Mind. New York: Orbis Books (1994) 231, 232. .
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