Sunday, January 26, 2020
Benefits and Types of Family Therapy
Benefits and Types of Family Therapy If you are looking for love that has no reservation, you have to go to your family. Ideally, a family is bound by selfless love-the kind that will not abandon you in times of need. Your family is a unit with members who will love and support you, no matter what. In reality, however, very few families can stay ideally strong 100 percent of the time. Most families have issues, not because they are weak, but because conflicts are natural. Unfortunately, these conflicts can also weaken family ties through misunderstandings, anger, strained family dynamics, unmet expectations, etc. Avoiding conflict isnt a realistic way to strengthen your family ties, but family therapy is. Differing Views: The Root of All Conflicts Having dissimilar perceptions and takes on various matters is healthy for any family. It can potentially become unhealthy when these different views are conflicting or clashing and the family isnt communicating the way it should. The tricky thing is the bigger a family, the more clashing opinions there are. For instance, a couple with one child may have an easier time making decisions because there are fewer people to consider in the process. If you have an extended family, making rules could be more complicated. A teenager may perceive rules as an attempt to control them. A grandparent supporting either party can be viewed as interfering. Even the parents may not agree on strategies for disciplining their teen. Family love may deter everyone from further complicating the differences, so as not to make them bigger. It can, however, mean keeping their intense emotions bottled up. While this can effectively prevent an immediate confrontation, it doesnt work in the long run. Like a volcano, the brewing conflict can erupt, hurling harsh and painful words. Resolving conflicts with the assistance of an experienced family therapist is a healthier option. The Basics of Family Therapy Despite the differences and clashing views, you would not dream of ripping your family apart. In the face of all aridity and disenchantment your family is still as perennial as grass-loving you without ifs or buts. However, wouldnt you prefer to have a family that is resilient in the face of all your challenges? If you are looking for a way to fortify your family ties, you cant go wrong with family therapy. According to the Mayo Clinic, Family therapy is a type of psychological counseling (psychotherapy), which EFTA says is a well-established and evidence-based approach alongside other psychotherapeutic modalities. It is a type of therapy that assists families in improving their communication and interaction systems for the purpose of resolving their conflicts and reducing their distress. Family therapy is based on the premise that each family is unique with a culture all its own. To successfully address a family issue, treatment cant be limited to the members exhibiting symptoms. To treat only the member who is identified as ill is like treating the symptom of a disease, but not the disease itself, says WebMD. Reaping the Rewards of Family Counseling Family therapy is a productive approach that can serve the interest of not only the affected members, but the whole family. After all, healthy family relationships benefit all the members. So, when one member is struggling with a medical issue or several members are having conflicts because of communication problems, seek out family therapy. It is an effective approach because it is comprehensive and considerate of the respective needs and relationships existing within a family system. It aims to work with families and their strengths, rather than on them. It recognizes the uniqueness of each family and their culture. It also works by bringing the conflicting members together during therapy. In these ways, the whole family is engaged in a productive effort to settle differences and resolve the issues, while fostering continuing support for each other. The Family That Heals Together The enormous love that binds your family can make forgiving possible, but healing is not guaranteed. Often, settling family issues on your own means simply forgiving and forgetting, which is why they can recur and threaten to harm your relationship further. If you want to bring back harmony in the family or fortify your family bonds, the key is to resolve your issues in a healthy manner. You can do this with the help of a family therapist contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Pinehurst, NC. A professional licensed therapist can facilitate your conflict resolution in a safe and unbiased environment. An impartial setting has the positive effect of encouraging participants to be more agreeable and cooperative, because they perceive the outcome to be objective and fair. To maintain the love that binds your family, dont wait for your issues to snowball-commit to family therapy with a reliable therapist independently contracted with Carolina Counseling Services in Pinehurst, NC, to withstand more vicious and larger storms in the future.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Compare Different Research Methodologies for Health and Social Care Essay
P3: Compare different research methodologies for health and social care. In this assignment I will be comparing the different types of research methodologies for health and social care. INTERVIEWS: Interviews are usually taken for people when they are looking for jobs or looking places in college and universities. There are many advantages of interviews, one being that they will be able to get good information and some data, also they will develop their communication skills too when talking to the other individual. However there are also many weaknesses such as, time consuming, the person being interviewed could be lying and also the questions may not be clear. Another weakness is that there could be a language barrier between the two people. QUESTIONNAIRES: Questionnaires are set a set of questions given to an individual to either find out their likes and dislikes or to find out some data. The disadvantages of questionnaires is that it’s quite difficult as it will be difficul t to collect as some people might not even give the questionnaire back or even fill it out on the spot. Due to this, the response level will be low because some people might not be bothered to fill it out. However, questionnaires can also be very useful as it will help research in different samples. On the other hand, with interviews, you can directly ask the person being interviewed on their thoughts and opinions so it is more likely they give you a more detailed answer face to face instead of writing it on paper. The advantages of an questionnaire is PARTICIPANTS OBESRVATION: Participant observation is a type of research method which is used to carry out research or find out data of a certain subjectThe advantage of this research methodology is that they will get accurate data as they are a part of the group they are studying so they witness it firsthand. However, the weaknesses of this research method is that it is very time consuming and Researchers spend months or years living in the place of study. Second, the researchers have to pick through data from massive amounts of notes. Third, since such studies usually focus on small groups, it is hard to make any generalizations from the findings NON-PARTICIPANTS OBSERVATION: Non participants is another research methodology used. This method includes the observer not being part of the group and just watching from a far distance. The advantage of this method is that the observer may get some good data as they are observing closely. Easier to record data as you are not participating, also it is very cheap and simple. However, the disadvantages are that you may not get as much data as you are not a part of the discussions so you may not get a lot of information as you would like. BOOKS: Books are in formation written down by people. They can be written down as knowledge or real life stories. The advantages form getting information and writing data from a book is that you will find out a lot of information that you didn’t already know. Also you will extend you knowledge by reading. However, the information may not be accurate and could be false. Another weaknesses form getting information books is that it is also quite time consuming looking for the answers and information when reading a book. WEBSITES: This method is another way to get data from. Websites are also very good because they can find you reliable information about any topic you want to gain knowledge from. However a disadvantage for websites is that they could contain false information. Another advantage is that there are wide ranges of information you could use for your research and data which could help you with research.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
The Unexpected Truth About Familiar Essay Samples
The Unexpected Truth About Familiar Essay Samples The simplest way to figure out the kind of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. Whatever topic you select, writing a familiar essay has to be an intriguing task and should you use our tips, composing a memorable paper is going to be a walk in the park for you. Write down all the ideas you've got on this issue and then single out the most intriguing ones. As you're writing about an emotionally-charged subject, you might end up getting lost on the way. The Familiar Essay Samples Stories Should you need a professionally written paper, do not be afraid to place your order on our site. There's no demand for a familiar essay to explore some outside researches but employing a quote or two does not need to be an issue. An outline also keeps you from missing out any appropriate details. Don't neglect to use an extensive dictionary and respective lexical tools, which can help you to enrich the topic. Whenever you have goals to work toward, you're often inspired to come across new and exciting methods to do things, and a few of the components of your freewriting may eventually find their way to the essay itself. You are then going to be in a position to shorten your work and tailor it in line with the demands. Aside from the format, you must consider the life experience you wish to write about and remember everything about it. The role of writing this kind of essay is to provide yourself be a platform to talk about your most meaningful life experiences with different folks. It's particularly important if you must do a little bit of research being not very familiarized with the essay topic. The major portion of your essay should consist of 3 paragraphs. Like the rest of the essays, a family essay also has to be written in a certain format, in a structured way. Essay writing is often practiced is schools. Learn more about the way the essay is scored. It gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. Reflective essays are extremely personal thus, they're a special sort of essay. The Awful Secret of Familiar Essay Samples Cause and effect is among the most frequent kinds of essays. After the outline is completed, it's high time to compose a last version of an essay. The function of the outline in the writing process shouldn't be underestimated. An intriguing mixture of complex grammar structures will also need to be produced. The next thing to do is to compose your true essay employing the outline you created. With an outline to direct your writing procedure, you can find with an essay that's more coherent and which has a very clear structure. The Basics of Familiar Essay Samples Holding the tongue for a couple seconds might be fantastic step towards resolving a conflict. Cause and effect essays are a breeze to write, just stay focused and attempt to make impact through your words and through using evidence. As a consequence, it's a sort of assignment that doesn't arrive very often. Therefore, there's no doubt an exotic Kiwi fruit exported from Australia to India leaves a big quantity of harmful gases in the surroundings. The Hidden Treasure of Familiar Essay Samples Take a look at the questions and become acquainted with topics you w ould get on the true exam. If you wish to succeed and know how to write a scholarship essay, it's also wise to become familiarized with the most frequently made mistakes. In the event you want to deal with the assignment by yourself, go on reading and learn to compose a 5 paragraph essay with no worries. Make sure that you do not have any grammatical mistakes. Familiar essay writing is an ambitious task which is the reason why many students don't submit a great version of it. The language employed in the PHP essay has to be well polished. There are many things that you are able to write about in a PHP essay. Much like with another kind of academic writing, revising and proofreading are extremely important if it regards familiar essays. The Awful Secret of Familiar Essay Samples DO say how attending Bowdoin will help you reach your objective. Usually students aren't able to compose a nice 5 paragraph essay only because their tutors don't provide all the needed requirements and forget that students aren't professional writers. Every student would like to succeed during the very first year at college. Upcoming college students might also be requested to compose a college essay for a component of their first requirements. Recently, it's quite feasible to transport clothes from one nation to another country at a nominal price tag. If one prefers to adhere to the culture that you've been plunged to since they were born, then studying locally is the proper option. In case the topic isn't given, such examples permit students to comprehend what the modern-day academic world is interested in and how to stick out from the rest. If you haven't spent lots of time engaging with nature already, think about choosing another alternative.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Parents Should Be A Good Parent - 1426 Words
Through the entire interview process, four of the eleven participants, two males, one was in the younger age group and the other was in the older age group, and two females, again with one from each group, explicitly said what my research has explained: children raised by gay parents learn to become more open towards others than children raised by straight parents. All of the participants gave answers that aligned with my research on the kind of parent a child needs and what a healthy household consists of. Each contributor believed that love and support, as well as a handful of other qualities leads to a well-developed child. The handful of qualities mentioned by informants were: stable, mature, and responsible. Informants believe a parent should be someone who is capable of caring for someone else. No one mentioned a single thing about the sexual orientation required to be a good parent; society does not take sexual orientation into consideration when describing who could be a good parent. To contrast what I found in researching to what I found informants had to say, two interviewees depicted gay parenting as â€Å"not the norm†, or â€Å"not normal in today’s society†, both from the younger age group, one female and one male. Moreover, men tended to suppose that a child having gay parents will be â€Å"predisposed†to â€Å"gay tendencies†and will therefore become confused with their sexual orientation or may lean towards more â€Å"gay tendencies†. Of all the men who thought this, two of themShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior1236 Words  | 5 PagesChinese parents raise their children to meet high expectations. They want them to live lavish lives when they grow up. To do so, they must abide to some very strict rules. They cannot hangout with friends, watch tv, play games, get a grade less than an A, choose their own extracurricular activities, and more. They must play either the piano or violin, nothing else. Many other ethnic groups believe in this type of lifestyle too. Parents in the west are all different; so called â€Å"strict parents†theyRead MoreShould both Parents Take Equal Responsibility in Raising a Children728 Words  | 3 Pagesand both parents should take care of these seed as they grow. In fact, there is argument in these important issue that is both parents should assume equal responsibility for raising children. However, some people believe that the mother is the first one to teach children many epacts for their life and some defend that father is prime factor in the children life. Indeed, I assume that both parents are prime factors in the children life, also there are many studies prove that both parents can giveRead More Parenting Styles Essay1397 Words  | 6 Pages Parenting styles are as diverse as parents themselves. Parenting is one of the most challenging and difficult responsibilities a person can face. The way a family is structured is called the parenting style. Parenting styles are collections of parental attitudes, practices, and non-verbal expressions that characterize the nature of parent-child relationships. Because individuals learn how to parent from many different examples including their own parents, role models, society and life experiencesRead MoreWhat Is Good Parenting?1339 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is good parenting? Do we have any common when we just came to this word? Yes, we do. When we were born we were babies, all of us had two arms, two legs and one head, but do we have any common beside our body? Yes, we do. Even we have so many differences, we born in different hospital in different country, have different family with different financial situation, but we still have one common, we all have parents. Parents create and bring us to this word, but this is not mean they fulfill theRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words  | 6 Pages Gay parents! Yes I said it.What kind of impact do gay couples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay†parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†​There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S†(Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agenciesRead MoreChildren Should Be Safe For Children901 Words  | 4 Pagescan take many drugs; it can be reduce their pain at this moment. However, their parents can see these symptoms after overmedicated with their children so that these medications need to be safe for the children. Parents need to ensure the correct dose to avoid memory loss of children. Besides, the parents need to consider the overmedicated children when they take care of their chil dren at home. Nowadays, the parents are so busy with their jobs, and they make money to support their daily fees. TheirRead MoreChildren Should Not Send Aged Parents to Old Folks Home1304 Words  | 6 Pagesquickly brought their father back home. The moral lesson is one should not dump their aged parents. Nowadays, many children are dumping their aged parents by sending them to the old folks’ home due to different kinds of reasons as well as excuses. Although many people feel that sending their aged parents to the old folks’ home is better for them rather than staying at home, I strongly agree that the government should introduce laws against parent dumping because old people would like to be close to theirRead MoreA Sociological Perspective On Adolescent Behavior Essay1725 Words  | 7 Pagesthe parents. Certainly, Hirschi theory involves other three components to social theory and of course they play a role towards the delinquent behavior. An adolescent just doesn’t act upon a delinquent behavior without having any reason to it. As a child grows up mostly all parents help aid their child to follow into a good path. Not everyone is so fortunate to be given that help. Some children lack the guidance to behave in a positive way. Not having someone to guide them in way to do good in schoolRead MoreGay Adoption And The United States1412 Words  | 6 Pages Gay parents! Yes I said it.What kind of impact do gay couples have on adoption agencies in the United States? â€Å"An estimated 65,500 adopted children are living with a lesbian or gay†parent (Lifelong Adoptions)​.†​There are 1 million lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender parents raising about 2 million children in the U.S†(Why Gay Parents Are Good Parents). ​Even though people believe gay adoption will cause children to act different Gay adoption positively affects adoption agenciesRead MoreEssay about Successful Parenting 616 Words  | 3 Pageschallenge to parents. In spite of extensive effort that some parent make, it still presents many unanswered problems. Children learn how to become adults from the parents. Successful parenting requires the parents to have some very important qualities and characteristics. There are so many characteristics and qualities of parenting, but only three of them stand out: a high sense mo rality, support and good leadership. Having a good perspective of life comes from having good morals. Children
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