Friday, September 4, 2020
Case Study in Baguio
INTRODUCTIONSocio-social can be effortlessly comprehended by anybody since it just definesâ the communication of individuals and various types of culture and the travel industry is one reason there have been an age of socio-social effects. Socio-social effects of the travel industry are depicted as the consequences for the host networks of immediate and aberrant collaboration with the sightseers and the connection with the travel industry. The effects emerge when the travel industry realizes changes in esteem frameworks and conduct and subsequently undermines indigenous identity.Furthermore, changes frequently happen in network structure, family connections, aggregate conventional ways of life, services and profound quality. In any case, the travel industry can likewise produce positive effects as it can fill in as a strong power for harmony, cultivate pride in social customs and help maintain a strategic distance from urban migration by making nearby occupations. As regularly happe ns when various societies meet, socio-social effects are equivocal: the equivalent unbiasedly depicted effects are viewed as useful by certain gatherings, and are seen as antagonistic †or as having adverse angles †by different stakeholders.OBJECTIVEThis contextual analysis means to address the socio-social effects of Tourism on researcher’s picked have a network which is Baguio by going on the spot, doing perception, data assembling and talking indigenous individuals. Another explanation is to produce or make potential methodologies in offering answer for the negative effects and to fortify the positive effects that has been see in the region. This contextual investigation likewise means to clarify this issue with our kindred Tourism Students that will help in giving better comprehension with the subject.OBSERVATIONFrom the long range of time that we have spent in watching the progressions happened to the â€Å"summer capital of the Philippines†, we have deci ded positive and negative effects of the travel industry in the socio-social parts of Baguio. These are the results:POSITIVE NEGATIVE Cultural Preservation Congestion of Residential Construction and Overpopulation Preservation of Man-Made Attractions Prostitution Strengthening Communities Production of Prohibited Drugs Generating Work for Local Communities Pollution and Waste Development of Facilities Traffic Peace Undergoing Transportation foundation Increasing Crime Rate Cultural Diversity Figure 1. Constructive and Negative Impacts of Tourism in Socio-CulturalANALYZATIONBy going by and by at Baguio city, we’ve been equipped for breaking down positive and negative effects of the travel industry in socio-social perspectives and to completely comprehend the recognized effects. Here are the clarifications: On the positive impacts:Cultural safeguarding †Tourism helped support the safeguarding and transmission of social and authentic conventions, which frequently adds to th e preservation and practical administration of characteristic assets, the insurance of neighborhood legacy, and a renaissance of indigenous societies, social expressions and artworks. Conservation of Man-made fascination †Aside from protection of social expressions, they additionally become mindful of making better places in Baguio wonderful and all around safeguarded for quite a while in light of the fact that these are one of their courses in confronting the requests of the vacationers Strengthening people group †Tourism can helped in including essentialness in the city of Baguio in numerous ways.One model is that occasions and celebrations of which nearby occupants have been the essential members and onlookers are frequently restored and created in light of traveler intrigue. Producing work for nearby networks †To satisfy the necessities of the voyagers, the travel industry made employments for the neighborhood occupants that offered response additionally to the re quirements of the network and the economy. Neighborhood occupants additionally don’t should be away from their familiesâ to search for work. Advancement of offices †the improvement of the travel industry in the city of Baguio offered advantage to the neighborhood inhabitants since the travel industry helped in the improvement of frameworks, wellbeing, and transportation offices. Likewise, new game and recreational offices, cafés, and open spaces just as an inundation of better-quality items and food bringing Baguio to a higher and better standard of living.On the pessimistic impacts:Congestion of Residential development and Overpopulation †Baguio is extremely honored in common assets uniquely the climate and due to these stand-out resource that can’t be found in different spots, many individuals wished and moved to Baguio to encounter and appreciate the blessings of God to Baguio but since of that intrigue. Many individuals are as of now blocked in the moun tains of Baguio and they are the motivation behind why a portion of the common assets are as of now decimated. They continue building lodging framework in Baguio that we can’t even locate an open space. Prostitution †we can’t change the way that in the greater part of the celebrated goals in the Philippines that had been completely influenced by the progressions of this age and impacted by the freedom of other culture got inclined to prostitution. This sort of effect brings down the profound quality of the network which isn't useful for the occupants of Baguio.Production of Prohibited medications †from what we have heard, street pharmacists can deliver great nature of denied drugs in view of the advantageous climate and to consider it, it has additionally a similar effect of prostitution. It brings down the ethical quality and drives the more youthful inhabitants of Baguio to this far-fetched nature. What's more, it likewise carries criminal pace of the city to a higher scale. Contamination and waste †there are ton of individuals visiting and living in Baguio and that gives a huge amount of waste to land and air. Lodgings and different foundations evaluating the necessities of the travelers is the essential benefactor of these waste yet it tends to be tackle with the cooperation of the inhabitants and visitors in Baguio.Traffic †it doesn’t truly worry in the social angles that Baguio have yet it worries in the general public. The essential method of transportation going to Baguio is via vehicle and since there are many individuals with vehicles are going to Baguio, it causes traffic and blockage that additionally results to the burden ofâ everyone. Experiencing transportation framework †corresponding to the traffic, we have see as we venture out going to Baguio, there are a ton of streets that are either destroyed or under development making the movement time much more. Baguio is a celebrated goal and it is vastly improved if the streets are fixed and there are lights on the streets that can offer wellbeing to the guests making a trip to Baguio.Cultural Diversity †Cultural decent variety has an alternate case, it has both the positive and negative effects in the socio-social perspectives. Baguio consistently faces various types of culture for an extensive stretch of time as of now and as everything is improving, Baguio likewise improves with it. Neighborhood inhabitants figured out how to improve their ways of life much and attempt to be in with the current patterns today but since of that, a portion of the way of life in Benguet are as of now blurring and nearly overlooked which is the terrible side of the improving society. A portion of the nearby inhabitants are as of now mingled and the quantity of unadulterated locals is diminishing quick because of the time and the impact of vacationers that has various societies. Expanding Crime Rate †with a great deal of visitor, we canâ₠¬â„¢t truly be certain that every one of them mean well and some of them became snatcher and holdapers. With these occurrences, it turned into a danger to some traveler and this gives them the explanation not to go to Baguio. It reduces their security and safetyCONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONWe finished up on the finish of our perception that Baguio despite everything has rich social expressions that ought to be seen by increasingly people in the future and the neighborhood inhabitants of Baguio are truly adept at saving their social legacy. Indeed, even the general public is in effect more into the current pattern, it is decent that they despite everything treasure their way of life and they are additionally glad for it. It terms of discovering arrangement and recommendations to the issues and to improve their qualities, the main potential answers we can get are these: More help from the Government in executing further guidelines and guidelines Participation and Discipline of both Lo cal Residents and Tourists Cooperation of the Hotels, cafés and other assistance offices in Baguio Awareness of everybody to the natural issues
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Parental Involvement in the School Setting Free Essays
As the assorted variety of the United States educational system keeps on turning, the educators of today are continuously stressed to flexibly the most ideal guidance for each child. Despite the physical resources or subsidizing a school may hold, imperative assets remain: the guardians of the understudies. Be that as it may, with the changing socioeconomics of students ‘ family units and progressively hot plans, is the room female parent ( or father ) standpoint numerous educators may hold practical in today ‘s society? In unconventional nations of the state, it is progressively normal to see stay-at-home female guardians or male guardians, or guardians with adaptable work plans, because of more prominent lavishness. We will compose a custom exposition test on Parental Involvement in the School Setting or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now It is ordinarily this sort of single that we partner with room female guardians ( or male guardians ) who are aiding the schoolroom. While every single financial gathering stand to benefit from parental commitment in the schools, Lam ( 2002 ) recognizes that parent commitment helps â€Å" give understudies the joining in and assets they need from school. †Schools with less cash, along these lines, should benefit most from the action of guardians in the schoolroom. At the point when teachers in urban or rustic schoolrooms need books or stuffs, guardians can go to the liberation by going required at school. Schools that are going all the more racially various can collect extraordinary advantages from parental commitment. Slope et Al. ( 2004 ) found that parent commitment in employees related emphatically to accomplishment for African American students. For urban, low-salary understudies in the Head Start plan, commitment of guardians in the schools helped better conduct practices, hyperactivity, and an inadequacy of joining in. This is exceptionally obvious when commitment in the school goes with instructive help at place. ( Fantuzzo, McWayne, and Perry 2004 ) The issue that emerges is that numerous guardians in the networks sought after do non hold the capacity to aid the conventional sense. For outline, guardians in an oppressed nation might be working various occupations to drag out their family units, and it is non a choice to pass a hr a hebdomad with their student ‘s schoolroom. Or then again settler guardians may encounter unfit to help since they do non talk the etymological correspondence utilized in the school. Also, potentially the guardians are embarrassed about their ain level of scholarly accomplishment and their powerlessness to help their children with school task. A 2004 overview by Hill et Al. discovered that parent commitment in school from seventh through eleventh class reduced social occupations, which in twist identified with achievement and desires. Notwithstanding, this was simply the case for guardians with higher instructive degrees themselves. For the lower parental guidance gathering, the solitary feature schoolroom commitment helped was with goals. One ground for this outcome might be a patterned strategy distinguished in a review by Englund et Al. ( 2004 ) Parents who themselves are realizing will gracefully better bearing to their children preceding tutoring. This instructive help right off the bat in life correlatives with a higher IQ, and a higher Intelligence remainder increments parent standpoints for their child and parent commitment in the schoolroom. Conflicting grounds exists each piece great, saying that guardians ‘ guidance degrees do non sway their commitment in schools, since guidance might be an opposing elemen t with work, cut, or different factors. An outline of how the run of the mill parental commitment system of certain teachers accomplishes n’t work is prove in Martinez and Valazquez ‘s 2000 article on Latino transient laborers. They compose that teachers ordinarily hold the standpoint that parent commitment in their children ‘s guidance ought to go around fixing kids for school, coming to class supported occasions, and making exercises the educator petitions. Notwithstanding, the existence fortunes of numerous Hispanic migrator laborers keep them from convey throughing this capacity. At the point when these people need cut, expert articulation in English, and instructive achievement, they discover they can't run into educator viewpoints. It is non that they are reluctant †it is that they are unable given their situation. Proof shows that securing guardians associated with their children ‘s schools can simply face to positive results, however numerous guardians in our multicultural society can't reflect the run of the mill â€Å" included parent †picture numerous educators hold as a model. Impacts of work can hinder the clasp accessible for aiding the schoolroom, and shame about instructive degree or etymological correspondence capability prevent the individuals who might somehow or another have the option to be dynamic in the schoolroom. An exposition by Cotton and Wickelund ( 1989 ) brings up that guardians from denied foundations can do a distinction and experience advantageous in the schoolroom whenever given legitimate arrangement and consolation by the school removal and teacher. While educators figure out how to more readily go to the requests of students in the assorted schoolroom, the requests and wants of guardians ought to be viewed as a cardinal factor in the achievement of these children. To better the commitment of guardians in schools, educators ought to accept outside of the run of the mill gatherings and overseeing field trip jobs that simply certain guardians can bear to bring through. An article in Parents magazine portrays choices, for example, keeping a school site page or staffing a prep hotline. Guardians who talk non-English etymological correspondences could help pass on assignments with students who talk the equivalent semantic correspondence. Instructors can tape or broadcast gatherings and occasions so individuals who are non free during the school twenty-four hours can see them at a clasp progressively advantageous for them. Tending to the requests of the family and network all in all is another way to advance commitment by a various populace, as pushed in an Education World online article. Making a family unit focus at the school to elevate conveying permits guardians to end by the school whenever it might suit them. Family needs can be evaluated to flexibly for more prominent consideration for the family unit and network. For delineation, if a family needs cultural help referrals or improved dish to social insurance, the school can move as an undertaking to ensure that these fundamental requests are met. Youngsters can larn better in schools when they are solid and bolstered, and trust between the guardians and the school can be set up when family units realize the children are being thought about even past the school twenty-four hours. At long last, leting guardians and family units to partake in the manners by which they feel comfortable can do being included a less scary endeavor. Educators and chiefs comprehend that making a strong instructive condition for their students is the principal measure toward scholastic achievement. While it is difficult to order accurately how the parent-kid connection happens outside of the schoolroom, research shows that securing guardians engaged with the schoolroom can help children of all foundations arrive at their instructive closures. Be that as it may, there is an interest for adjustment according to educators with regards to what characterizes â€Å" parental commitment. †As our networks advance and become dynamically assorted, it is basic to be insightful of the stores guardians may hold about being dynamic in school. In this way it is the school ‘s obligation to gauge the requests of the network and the achievements guardians can gracefully, thus flexibly guardians with the flexibleness, modifications, and support important to remember all guardians for the instructive framework. Step by step instructions to refer to Parental Involvement in the School Setting, Essay models Parental Involvement In The School Setting Free Essays As the decent variety of the United States educational system keeps on turning, the instructors of today are continuously stressed to flexibly the most ideal guidance for each child. Despite the physical resources or financing a school may hold, fundamental assets remain: the guardians of the students. Be that as it may, with the adjusting socioeconomics of understudies ‘ families and increasingly hot plans, is the room female parent ( or father ) standpoint numerous teachers may hold practical in today ‘s society? In unconventional nations of the state, it is increasingly normal to see stay-at-home female guardians or male guardians, or guardians with adaptable work plans, because of more noteworthy lavishness. We will compose a custom paper test on Parental Involvement In The School Setting or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now It is ordinarily this sort of single that we partner with room female guardians ( or male guardians ) who are aiding the schoolroom. While every single financial gathering stand to benefit from parental commitment in the schools, Lam ( 2002 ) recognizes that parent commitment helps â€Å" furnish understudies with the joining in and assets they need from school. †Schools with less cash, in this way, should benefit most from the movement of guardians in the schoolroom. At the point when teachers in urban or provincial schoolrooms need books or stuffs, guardians can go to the liberation by going required at school. Schools that are going all the more racially different can collect extraordinary advantages from parental commitment. Slope et Al. ( 2004 ) found that parent commitment in employees related emphatically to accomplishment for African American students. For urban, low-pay students in the Head Start plan, commitment of guardians in the schools helped better conduct practices, hyperactivity, and a lack of joining in. This is curiously evident when commitment in the school goes with instructive help at place. ( Fantuzzo, McWayne, and Perry 2004 ) The issue that emerges is that numerous guardians in the networks sought after do non h
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hong Kong and Disneyland Free Essays
As Disney attempted to grow their realm further into Asia, they were not in the least as fruitful as they had initially anticipated. With the accomplishment of Tokyo Disney Resort makers of Hong Kong Disney were anticipating similar encounters to occur in Hong Kong. By utilizing the disappointments found in Disneyland Resort Paris they recognized what not to do so as to accomplish more noteworthy worth of the Disney name abroad. We will compose a custom exposition test on Hong Kong and Disneyland or then again any comparative point just for you Request Now In spite of the fact that Tokyo and Paris are totally various societies, the adjustment of each culture was done in two unique manners, fluctuating the general achievement of the two parks. In Tokyo, Disney relinquished their privileges and gave it over to the Japanese, which basically made it simpler for the Japanese to take an American possessed and worked business and make it into their own. In the wake of seeing the achievement Tokyo had, Disney would not like to give up their privileges a second time when they moved into France. Being viewed as probably the biggest customer of Disney items outside of the US, France turned into a perfect area for what was initially named â€Å"Euro Disney. †However, it was not as energetically invited as the Disney officials had thought. The opposition of the French government was one of the primary issues in making progress in Paris. This key disappointment helped in making sense of how to best open another park in Hong Kong. The Chinese, in general, were extremely energized and inviting of the new Disney Park heading into their nation. As the contextual investigation called attention to â€Å"Chinese required Disney and Disney required China. †Both saw the expansion of a Disney Park as an approach to build income and the travel industry, and all the more significantly, Disney saw Hong Kong as the door into China. They had the option to utilize the Chinese government as an approach to engage with the network and submerge itself into the way of life. From the outset this all appeared to be perfect, yet as time advanced and the recreation center opened, it looked for issues. Like any new business, things didn't go as easily as envisioned. During the principal year the emergency of the Lunar New Year Holiday occurred, diminishing park participation and income by a surprising margin. This slip by of miscommunication influenced the organization massively, and gave the Disney Resort a general terrible name. After expressions of remorse and repayments, all that could truly have been done after an emergency like that had occurred properly. This is the place it was evident that really understanding a culture is important to effectively maintain a fruitful business, which is the thing that Disney ought to have gained from their Paris area. With grumblings ascending about the absence of action in the recreation center, and the abuse acknowledged during their remain, the participation began to decrease, and customers began to take a stand in opposition to Hong Kong Disney. The character entertainers began to stand up too, which is the point at which the administrators acknowledged they expected to help their deals, however support the general assurance of the recreation center. So as to bring back participation, HKD balanced their valuing and fused another advancement with the neighborhood cab drivers, in order to make verbal promoting. They worked with neighborhood TV stations and travel offices in advancing the recreation center. Through all the negative exposure that was gotten during the main year, HKD conquered their missteps taking into account a cheerful future. It is obvious that the accomplishment of Tokyo is because of the manner in which the organization is run, which is by the Japanese. It is difficult for an outside organization to guarantee land and simply trust in the best, which is evident that occurred in France, and possibly in Hong Kong. In spite of the fact that HKD has substantially more help with the administration then Paris, both have had troublesomely in setting up a comprehension of the way of life close by. At the point when one doesn’t comprehend a culture, and inadvertently upsets it, the individuals of the nation will make some hard memories overlooking the circumstance, which will destroy the achievement of the organization. Through the hardships gained in Paris, Disney ought to have better set itself up for another social contrast, tolerating the special seasons, and actualizing various principles proper for every nation rather then the parks in total. Disney should better get this in the event that they plan on working another park abroad, in light of the fact that it is apparent that the individuals will stand up, particularly of an American based organization. Step by step instructions to refer to Hong Kong and Disneyland, Papers
Religion And Politics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Religion And Politics - Research Paper Example These are the essentials inquiries of this investigation. In tending to the exploration questions, we will utilize the strategy for contextual analysis. The examination will concentrate on the Islamic Republic of Iran since it is as of now the most vocal Islamic Republic against the western world. In doing the examination, we will utilize the latest works of creators thought about legitimate regarding the matter. In this examination, we will utilize peer-checked on diary articles. We expect that the utilization of scholarly diaries give satisfactory quality control to our wellsprings of experiences and information. Be that as it may, we likewise utilize crafted by Sial (2006) in light of the fact that regardless of whether Sial (2006) isn't a diary article, the work can be considered as legitimate on the grounds that it is an investigation of the Iranian lawful or political framework from the perspective of an extraordinary legal counselor and can be considered as â€Å"authoritativ e†. In this examination, the key end we make is that in Islamic Republics, religion assumes a significant job in legislative issues. Alamdari (2005, p. 1285) portrayed the previous political framework in Iran as a â€Å"religious populist system, an oppression of the lion's share under the alluring leadership†of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Had Iran’s war with Iraq (1981-1988) didn't happen, Alamdari contended that Islamic populism could have finished all the more rapidly after the 1979 Islamic Iranian upset (Alamdari, 2005, p. 1286). The constitution received just after the 1979 Islamic upset known as the Qanun-e Asasi built up the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). The rule of velayat-e faqih (guardianship of the law specialist) plays out a key job in the administration structure of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Sial, 2006). As indicated by Sial (2006), a national submission in December 1979 affirmed the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The 1979 national submission asked Iranians at any rate 16 years of age whether they need to cancel the government and supplant the government wit h an Islamic Republic (Sial, 2006). The 1979
Friday, August 21, 2020
The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim
The History of the Invention of Blue Jeans and Denim In 1853, the California dash for unheard of wealth was going all out, and regular things were hard to come by. Levi Strauss, a 24-year-old German foreigner, left New York for San Francisco with a little gracefully of dry products with the aim of opening a part of his siblings New York dry merchandise business. Not long after his appearance, a miner needed to realize what Mr. Levi Strauss was selling. At the point when Strauss revealed to him he had an unpleasant canvas to use for tents and wagon covers, the miner stated, You ought to have brought pants! saying he couldn’t discover some jeans sufficiently able to last. Denim Blue Jeans Levi Strauss had the canvas made into abdomen overalls. Excavators enjoyed the jeans however whined that they would in general abrade. Levi Strauss subbed a twilled cotton material from France called serge de Nimes. The texture later got known as denim and the jeans were nicknamed Levis. Levi Strauss Company In 1873, Levi Strauss Company started utilizing the pocket fasten plan. Levi Strauss and a Reno Nevada-based Latvian tailor by the name of Jacob Davis co-licensed the way toward placing bolts in pants for quality. On May 20, 1873, they got U.S.Patent No.139,121. This date is currently viewed as the official birthday of Levis. Levi Strauss requested that Jacob Davis come to San Francisco to regulate the principal producing office for midriff overalls, as the first pants were known as. The two-horse brand configuration was first utilized in 1886. The red tab appended to one side back pocket was made in 1936 as a methods for recognizing Levi’s pants a good ways off. All are enrolled trademarks that are still being used.
Monday, August 3, 2020
New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus
New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus MindMeister’s new public map referral system allows any paying MindMeister user to earn cash with their public mind maps. Simply publish a great mind map with your MindMeister account and earn a recurring 20% commission on each map visitor who turns into a paying MindMeister customer! The new public map referral system is part of MindMeister’s affiliate program, which has been around for many years. The affiliate program is a classic referral program and can be utilized by any MindMeister user: As a MindMeister Basic user, you can unlock additional mind map slots in your account by referring new users to MindMeister. You can unlock up to 10 additional maps for your free account this way. As a paying MindMeister user, you can earn a recurring 20% commission for each paying customer you refer to MindMeister. Recurring means that you will receive a commission each time the customer makes a payment. Traditionally, the only way to refer new users/customers to MindMeister was by using your personal affiliate link, which can be found in your My Account area. Thanks to the new public map referral system, however, there’s now a second way to unlock your free maps i.e. earn a commission: by publishing great mind maps! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process and best practices of publishing great mind maps and earning a passive income with them. Table of contents: How to earn money with public mind maps How to create a great public mind map How to make your mind map public How to get traffic to your public mind map Great public maps for your inspiration 1. How to earn money with public mind maps There are only two things you need to earn a passive income through public mind maps: 1) A paid MindMeister account â€" whether it’s a Personal, Pro, Business, or Edu account doesn’t matter. 2) A PayPal account, since all commissions are paid via PayPal. When you publish mind maps and share them on your website, your blog, or on social media, they can become popular, rank well in search engines, and get tens of thousands of views. If somebody views your mind map and subsequently signs up for a MindMeister account, you as the author of the public map will receive the referral benefits for this new signup. Good to know: Our system remembers all new visitors who come to MindMeister via your public mind map for 30 days. Even if they click on another affiliates referral link or public map after clicking on yours, the sale will be attributed to you as long as they sign up within 30 days. There is no limit to the number of users you can refer to MindMeister this way, and no limit to the commission you can earn. A 20% commission will be credited to your account every time the referred user makes a payment. Visitors and sign-ups from your public mind maps are tracked alongside your regular referrals in your My Account area. As soon as you’ve reached $150 USD in commission, you can request a payout via PayPal by contacting our support team. Important: To start earning money with your public mind maps, you need to first activate your Affiliate account in MindMeister by visiting the Invitations page in your My Account area. There’s no need to take an action on this page â€" visiting it once is enough to enable the tracking of your referrals. Sample calculation: To make things a little less theoretical, let’s look at a sample calculation of your commission: Let’s say you make a great mind map, publish it, promote it, and within a few months, your map attracts 500 visitors. Out of those 500 visitors, let’s assume two people go on to create their own MindMeister accounts. User #1 signs up for an annual subscription of our Personal account and thus pays $59.88 up front. User #2 buys 5 annual Business licenses for their company and thus pays $749.40 up front. Your commission of these two sales is 20%, which means you’ve just earned $161.86, and will receive the same amount again 12 months later, should the users choose to renew their subscriptions. Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started How many visitors your map attracts and how many of those turn into paying MindMeister users heavily depends on the quality of your map and how well you promote it. To increase your chances of success, we’ve put together a few tips below: 2. How to create a great public mind map A public mind map is similar to a blog post, which means that almost all blogging best practices apply. In order to rank well in search engines and attract a lot of visitors, your map should be: Well researched â€" full of valuable, factual information, with references to sources. Well structured. We’ll explain the best structure of a map further below. Well written: Any text content should be free of mistakes and grammatically correct. Visually appealing: This is even more important for maps than for blog posts! 2.1 Research and planning The simplest way to get started is to create a map about a topic you know well. If you’re a history buff, you might create a mind map about The Key Battles in the Napoleonic Wars; if you’re an author, you might put together a compilation of tips on How to write a great story, and so on. However, if your aim is to get as many visitors as possible to your mind map, it pays off to do a little keyword research before you start creating your map, using a tool such as Moz Keyword Explorer. Keyword research will help you find out what questions your audience has that you can answer, and show you what content you need to cover in your map to satisfy your readers’ search intent. If your goal is to make as much money with your map as possible, you should also consider what kind of people would be most likely to find MindMeister useful and make sure that your mind map speaks to them. Tip: Text inside the notes widget does not get crawled, therefore you shouldn’t use this space for important keywords. Please note that, just like with any other published work, it’s not okay to plagiarize content in a public mind map. If you’re quoting or otherwise using other people’s works, be sure to give them credit. A good way to do this is by adding quotation marks around the quoted text and providing a link to the source in the topic’s link widget. If you’re quoting from a book or another offline source, you can add the reference in the note widget. 2.2 Creating your mind map Once you have a clear idea about the topic, scope, and content of your map, it’s time to get to work. Start by creating a new, blank mind map in MindMeister. Write the title of your map into the root topic in the center of the canvas. Then use the TAB key to create your first branch and write a keyword into the topic. If you compare the map with a blog post, you can think of the topics closest to the center as sub-headlines or H2s. Add more branches until you’ve covered all the main ideas you want to include in your mind map. You can use the TAB and ENTER keys for this, which is quicker than using your mouse. TAB always creates a new sub-topic, meaning a topic on the next lower level. ENTER creates a new sibling-topic â€" a topic on the same hierarchical level as the last. Now it’s time to dig deeper. Select one of the branches and add more sub-topics to it, again using the TAB and ENTER keys, then do the same with all other branches. Tip: A mind map is not meant to consist of large chunks of texts. To ensure that your reader can grasp the key takeaways at a glance, stick to individual keywords, phrases, and short sentences whenever possible. If an idea requires more explanation, split it up into multiple sub-topics. 2.3 Making your map look beautiful The big benefit of the mind map format is that it combines text with visuals â€" images, videos, gifs, icons and colors. Utilizing these multimedia options will enrich your maps and make them more memorable. Plus, the more beautiful your maps are, the more likely visitors will be to sign up for a MindMeister account after viewing them, so it’s worth putting some effort into the look of your maps! Step 1: Choose a theme Click on the ( i ) button in the top bar and select one of MindMeister’s default themes or click on Customize to create your own. If you’re creating a custom theme, you can choose from all kinds of fonts, colors, and line types, and even upload a background image if you want. Step 2: Highlight important ideas Use the sidebar on the right to change the look of individual topics and branches in your map. You can use boundaries to make an entire branch stand out, make topics bold or italic, and more. Step 3: Add icons, images, gifs and videos Using the sidebar, you can also enrich your topics with all kinds of visuals. You can upload your own images, browse YouTube to quickly embed a video, or select an icon from MindMeister’s large icon library. Tip: You can adjust the size of embedded images. To do this, select the topic, then hover over the embedded image until you see the little gray corner appear on the bottom right. Click on the corner â€" while keeping the SHIFT key pressed â€" and drag it until your image has the right size. Bonus: Turn your map into a slideshow MindMeister’s built-in presentation mode lets you turn your map into a dynamic slideshow, which can also be viewed by visitors once the map is public. Click on the Play button in the embedded map below to see what it looks like when it’s done: Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit The Benefits of Online Mind Mapping on MindMeister. 3. How to make your mind map public Making your mind map public takes only a few seconds. In the map editor, click on Share in the footer and select Publish map… Confirm your decision in the next dialog. Congratulations! Your map is now public, which means that it can be found and viewed (but not edited!) by anybody on the web. It also means that your map is now listed in MindMeister’s Public Maps Universe, which hundreds of people browse every day. Before you leave, be sure to select the right category for your map and provide a good description for it. The former will make sure the map shows up in the right category in our Public Maps Universe. The description is a meta description, and Google may display it below the map’s title in the search results. Tip: Read about best practices for your meta description here. 4. How to get traffic to your public mind map When you make a mind map public, it gets indexed by search engines, meaning it can be found on Google. As mentioned above, one of the best ways to get your mind map in front of people’s eyes is by optimizing its content so it ranks highly in the search results. But once your mind map is published, there are still a number of things you can (and should!) do to get more traffic to the map. Here are a few tips: Share your mind map on social media One of the simplest and quickest ways to get more traffic to your public maps is to share them on your social media channels. You can use the share buttons in the publishing settings to share your map directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. AUTORES DE LA FILOSOFIA DEL URBANISMO Y LA CIUDAD vÃa @mindmeister â€" Mar Aguirre (@maraaguirre98) November 25, 2019 Important: If you don’t want to use the share buttons, you can simply copy the map’s public link and paste it somewhere, for instance into a WhatsApp message. But be sure to use the correct link when sharing your map this way â€" the correct link is the public map link, which can be found in the publishing settings. Do not use the share link from the share dialog as this would potentially provide the visitor with editing rights to your mind map! Share your map on Biggerplate Biggerplate â€" the home of mind mapping â€" offers a huge public map library that attracts tons of people who are interested in mind maps. You can use your MindMeister credentials to sign up for a free Biggerplate account and then share all your public maps to Biggerplate to reach a wider audience. The guys at Biggerplate also regularly promote great mind maps on the platform’s social channels and in their newsletter, giving your map even more exposure. Share your map in social groups, communities, and forums If you’re a member of a social group, online community or forum, you could consider sharing your mind map there â€" provided the map offers valuable information the community actually cares about. For example, if you’ve summarized the key learnings of various productivity books in a mind map, the Reddit community in /r/BettermentBookClub/ might be interested in viewing it. Embed your map in your blog or website If you own a blog or website, you can easily embed your public maps there. To get the embed code, open the publishing settings and click on Embed map You’ll be able to select the right dimensions before copying the code and pasting it into your HTML editor. An embedded mind map is interactive, meaning that visitors will be able to zoom in and out, open and close branches, and click on embedded links. If you’ve turned your map into a presentation, they’ll also be able to view the slideshow inside the iframe. Get others to share, embed, or link to your map If you’ve created a truly great (read: both useful and beautiful) mind map, others may be interested in utilizing your map as a resource, too. For example, let’s say you’ve visualized the most important edtech trends in a mind map. An educational blogger focusing on technology trends may be interested in adding your mind map to one of their related articles, so you could offer them the link and/or embed code of your map in an email. Or, if you’ve created a map about the Top Ten Growth Hacks for 2020 and you’ve quoted a famous growth hacker’s advice in the map, you could reach out to them on Twitter to show them the map â€" if it really is a great resource, they may retweet it to their followers. Include your map in your next email campaign If you own a business or blog, you likely also send out newsletters to your subscribers. A great way to get traffic to your public mind map is by including a link to the map in your next email campaign. Consider adding a small preview image of the map in your email to entice more clicks â€" a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Five great public mind maps for your inspiration Last but not least, we’ve put together a list of great public mind maps for your inspiration. Each of these maps has more than 1,000 views, and some of them rank very highly in Google’s search results for their respective keywords. Agile Product Owner Roles and Responsibilities â€" 60 K Views: Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim â€" 408 K Views: How to Win Friends Influence People by Dale Carnegie â€" 2.3 M Views: Our Place in the Universe â€" 7.8 K Views: The Idea-Driven Organization â€" 3.9 K Views: Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started New Get Paid for Making Your Mind Maps Public - Focus MindMeister’s new public map referral system allows any paying MindMeister user to earn cash with their public mind maps. Simply publish a great mind map with your MindMeister account and earn a recurring 20% commission on each map visitor who turns into a paying MindMeister customer! The new public map referral system is part of MindMeister’s affiliate program, which has been around for many years. The affiliate program is a classic referral program and can be utilized by any MindMeister user: As a MindMeister Basic user, you can unlock additional mind map slots in your account by referring new users to MindMeister. You can unlock up to 10 additional maps for your free account this way. As a paying MindMeister user, you can earn a recurring 20% commission for each paying customer you refer to MindMeister. Recurring means that you will receive a commission each time the customer makes a payment. Traditionally, the only way to refer new users/customers to MindMeister was by using your personal affiliate link, which can be found in your My Account area. Thanks to the new public map referral system, however, there’s now a second way to unlock your free maps i.e. earn a commission: by publishing great mind maps! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process and best practices of publishing great mind maps and earning a passive income with them. Table of contents: How to earn money with public mind maps How to create a great public mind map How to make your mind map public How to get traffic to your public mind map Great public maps for your inspiration 1. How to earn money with public mind maps There are only two things you need to earn a passive income through public mind maps: 1) A paid MindMeister account â€" whether it’s a Personal, Pro, Business, or Edu account doesn’t matter. 2) A PayPal account, since all commissions are paid via PayPal. When you publish mind maps and share them on your website, your blog, or on social media, they can become popular, rank well in search engines, and get tens of thousands of views. If somebody views your mind map and subsequently signs up for a MindMeister account, you as the author of the public map will receive the referral benefits for this new signup. Good to know: Our system remembers all new visitors who come to MindMeister via your public mind map for 30 days. Even if they click on another affiliates referral link or public map after clicking on yours, the sale will be attributed to you as long as they sign up within 30 days. There is no limit to the number of users you can refer to MindMeister this way, and no limit to the commission you can earn. A 20% commission will be credited to your account every time the referred user makes a payment. Visitors and sign-ups from your public mind maps are tracked alongside your regular referrals in your My Account area. As soon as you’ve reached $150 USD in commission, you can request a payout via PayPal by contacting our support team. Important: To start earning money with your public mind maps, you need to first activate your Affiliate account in MindMeister by visiting the Invitations page in your My Account area. There’s no need to take an action on this page â€" visiting it once is enough to enable the tracking of your referrals. Sample calculation: To make things a little less theoretical, let’s look at a sample calculation of your commission: Let’s say you make a great mind map, publish it, promote it, and within a few months, your map attracts 500 visitors. Out of those 500 visitors, let’s assume two people go on to create their own MindMeister accounts. User #1 signs up for an annual subscription of our Personal account and thus pays $59.88 up front. User #2 buys 5 annual Business licenses for their company and thus pays $749.40 up front. Your commission of these two sales is 20%, which means you’ve just earned $161.86, and will receive the same amount again 12 months later, should the users choose to renew their subscriptions. Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started How many visitors your map attracts and how many of those turn into paying MindMeister users heavily depends on the quality of your map and how well you promote it. To increase your chances of success, we’ve put together a few tips below: 2. How to create a great public mind map A public mind map is similar to a blog post, which means that almost all blogging best practices apply. In order to rank well in search engines and attract a lot of visitors, your map should be: Well researched â€" full of valuable, factual information, with references to sources. Well structured. We’ll explain the best structure of a map further below. Well written: Any text content should be free of mistakes and grammatically correct. Visually appealing: This is even more important for maps than for blog posts! 2.1 Research and planning The simplest way to get started is to create a map about a topic you know well. If you’re a history buff, you might create a mind map about The Key Battles in the Napoleonic Wars; if you’re an author, you might put together a compilation of tips on How to write a great story, and so on. However, if your aim is to get as many visitors as possible to your mind map, it pays off to do a little keyword research before you start creating your map, using a tool such as Moz Keyword Explorer. Keyword research will help you find out what questions your audience has that you can answer, and show you what content you need to cover in your map to satisfy your readers’ search intent. If your goal is to make as much money with your map as possible, you should also consider what kind of people would be most likely to find MindMeister useful and make sure that your mind map speaks to them. Tip: Text inside the notes widget does not get crawled, therefore you shouldn’t use this space for important keywords. Please note that, just like with any other published work, it’s not okay to plagiarize content in a public mind map. If you’re quoting or otherwise using other people’s works, be sure to give them credit. A good way to do this is by adding quotation marks around the quoted text and providing a link to the source in the topic’s link widget. If you’re quoting from a book or another offline source, you can add the reference in the note widget. 2.2 Creating your mind map Once you have a clear idea about the topic, scope, and content of your map, it’s time to get to work. Start by creating a new, blank mind map in MindMeister. Write the title of your map into the root topic in the center of the canvas. Then use the TAB key to create your first branch and write a keyword into the topic. If you compare the map with a blog post, you can think of the topics closest to the center as sub-headlines or H2s. Add more branches until you’ve covered all the main ideas you want to include in your mind map. You can use the TAB and ENTER keys for this, which is quicker than using your mouse. TAB always creates a new sub-topic, meaning a topic on the next lower level. ENTER creates a new sibling-topic â€" a topic on the same hierarchical level as the last. Now it’s time to dig deeper. Select one of the branches and add more sub-topics to it, again using the TAB and ENTER keys, then do the same with all other branches. Tip: A mind map is not meant to consist of large chunks of texts. To ensure that your reader can grasp the key takeaways at a glance, stick to individual keywords, phrases, and short sentences whenever possible. If an idea requires more explanation, split it up into multiple sub-topics. 2.3 Making your map look beautiful The big benefit of the mind map format is that it combines text with visuals â€" images, videos, gifs, icons and colors. Utilizing these multimedia options will enrich your maps and make them more memorable. Plus, the more beautiful your maps are, the more likely visitors will be to sign up for a MindMeister account after viewing them, so it’s worth putting some effort into the look of your maps! Step 1: Choose a theme Click on the ( i ) button in the top bar and select one of MindMeister’s default themes or click on Customize to create your own. If you’re creating a custom theme, you can choose from all kinds of fonts, colors, and line types, and even upload a background image if you want. Step 2: Highlight important ideas Use the sidebar on the right to change the look of individual topics and branches in your map. You can use boundaries to make an entire branch stand out, make topics bold or italic, and more. Step 3: Add icons, images, gifs and videos Using the sidebar, you can also enrich your topics with all kinds of visuals. You can upload your own images, browse YouTube to quickly embed a video, or select an icon from MindMeister’s large icon library. Tip: You can adjust the size of embedded images. To do this, select the topic, then hover over the embedded image until you see the little gray corner appear on the bottom right. Click on the corner â€" while keeping the SHIFT key pressed â€" and drag it until your image has the right size. Bonus: Turn your map into a slideshow MindMeister’s built-in presentation mode lets you turn your map into a dynamic slideshow, which can also be viewed by visitors once the map is public. Click on the Play button in the embedded map below to see what it looks like when it’s done: Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit The Benefits of Online Mind Mapping on MindMeister. 3. How to make your mind map public Making your mind map public takes only a few seconds. In the map editor, click on Share in the footer and select Publish map… Confirm your decision in the next dialog. Congratulations! Your map is now public, which means that it can be found and viewed (but not edited!) by anybody on the web. It also means that your map is now listed in MindMeister’s Public Maps Universe, which hundreds of people browse every day. Before you leave, be sure to select the right category for your map and provide a good description for it. The former will make sure the map shows up in the right category in our Public Maps Universe. The description is a meta description, and Google may display it below the map’s title in the search results. Tip: Read about best practices for your meta description here. 4. How to get traffic to your public mind map When you make a mind map public, it gets indexed by search engines, meaning it can be found on Google. As mentioned above, one of the best ways to get your mind map in front of people’s eyes is by optimizing its content so it ranks highly in the search results. But once your mind map is published, there are still a number of things you can (and should!) do to get more traffic to the map. Here are a few tips: Share your mind map on social media One of the simplest and quickest ways to get more traffic to your public maps is to share them on your social media channels. You can use the share buttons in the publishing settings to share your map directly to Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. AUTORES DE LA FILOSOFIA DEL URBANISMO Y LA CIUDAD vÃa @mindmeister â€" Mar Aguirre (@maraaguirre98) November 25, 2019 Important: If you don’t want to use the share buttons, you can simply copy the map’s public link and paste it somewhere, for instance into a WhatsApp message. But be sure to use the correct link when sharing your map this way â€" the correct link is the public map link, which can be found in the publishing settings. Do not use the share link from the share dialog as this would potentially provide the visitor with editing rights to your mind map! Share your map on Biggerplate Biggerplate â€" the home of mind mapping â€" offers a huge public map library that attracts tons of people who are interested in mind maps. You can use your MindMeister credentials to sign up for a free Biggerplate account and then share all your public maps to Biggerplate to reach a wider audience. The guys at Biggerplate also regularly promote great mind maps on the platform’s social channels and in their newsletter, giving your map even more exposure. Share your map in social groups, communities, and forums If you’re a member of a social group, online community or forum, you could consider sharing your mind map there â€" provided the map offers valuable information the community actually cares about. For example, if you’ve summarized the key learnings of various productivity books in a mind map, the Reddit community in /r/BettermentBookClub/ might be interested in viewing it. Embed your map in your blog or website If you own a blog or website, you can easily embed your public maps there. To get the embed code, open the publishing settings and click on Embed map You’ll be able to select the right dimensions before copying the code and pasting it into your HTML editor. An embedded mind map is interactive, meaning that visitors will be able to zoom in and out, open and close branches, and click on embedded links. If you’ve turned your map into a presentation, they’ll also be able to view the slideshow inside the iframe. Get others to share, embed, or link to your map If you’ve created a truly great (read: both useful and beautiful) mind map, others may be interested in utilizing your map as a resource, too. For example, let’s say you’ve visualized the most important edtech trends in a mind map. An educational blogger focusing on technology trends may be interested in adding your mind map to one of their related articles, so you could offer them the link and/or embed code of your map in an email. Or, if you’ve created a map about the Top Ten Growth Hacks for 2020 and you’ve quoted a famous growth hacker’s advice in the map, you could reach out to them on Twitter to show them the map â€" if it really is a great resource, they may retweet it to their followers. Include your map in your next email campaign If you own a business or blog, you likely also send out newsletters to your subscribers. A great way to get traffic to your public mind map is by including a link to the map in your next email campaign. Consider adding a small preview image of the map in your email to entice more clicks â€" a picture speaks more than a thousand words. Five great public mind maps for your inspiration Last but not least, we’ve put together a list of great public mind maps for your inspiration. Each of these maps has more than 1,000 views, and some of them rank very highly in Google’s search results for their respective keywords. Agile Product Owner Roles and Responsibilities â€" 60 K Views: Research Tools By: Nader Ale Ebrahim â€" 408 K Views: How to Win Friends Influence People by Dale Carnegie â€" 2.3 M Views: Our Place in the Universe â€" 7.8 K Views: The Idea-Driven Organization â€" 3.9 K Views: Publish Your Mind MapsAnd start earning a passive income today! Get Started New Get Started
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Normalisation - Free Essay Example
Essay Questions Describe normalization and the different normal forms. What are four advantages to normalization? What are the disadvantages of normalizing? Normalization is the procedure of planning an information model to proficiently store information in a database. The finished effect is that repetitive information is wiped out, and just information identified with the trait is put away inside the table. Normalization typically includes separating a database into two or more tables and characterizing connections between the tables. The goal is to segregate information so that increases, erasures, and adjustments of abroad might be made in only one table and afterward proliferated through whatever remains of the database by means of the characterized connections. There are three principle ordinary structures, each with expanding levels of normalization: First Normal Form (1nf): Each field in a table holds distinctive data. Case in point, in a worker rundown, each one table might hold stand out conception date field. Second Normal Form (2nf): Each field in a table that is not a determiner of the substance of an alternate field mus t itself be a capacity of alternate fields in the table. Third Normal Form (3nf): No double data is allowed. Thus, for instance, if two tables both oblige a conception date field, the conception date data might be divided into a separate table, and the two different tables might then get to the conception date data by means of an index field in the conception date table. Any change to a conception date would naturally be reflecting in all tables that connection to the conception date table. There are extra normalization levels, for example, Boyce Codd Normal Form (BCNF), fourth ordinary structure (4nf) and fifth typical structure (5nf). While normalization makes databases more proficient to support, they can likewise make them more unpredictable on the grounds that information is divided into such a large number of distinctive tables. Two in information handling, a procedure connected to all information in a set that transforms a particular measurable property. Case in point each consumption for a month could be isolated by the aggregate of all consumptions to handle a rate. Three, in programming, changing the configuration of a gliding point number so the left-most digit in the mantissa is not a zero Benefits of normalization:- Smaller database: By dispensing with double information, you will have the capacity to diminish the general size of the database. Better execution: Narrow tables: Having all the more adjusted tables permits your tables to have fewer sections and permits you to fit more records for every information page. Fewer records for every table mean speedier upkeep errands, for example, list remakes. Only join tables that you require. More terrific general database association. Information consistency inside the data Disadvantages of normalization:- Requires more joins to get the coveted effect. A crudely composed question can cut the database down Maintenance overhead. The higher the level of normalization, the more stupendous the amount of tables in the database. More tables to join: By spreading out your information into more tables, you expand the need to join tables. Data model is troublesome to inquiry against: The information model is advanced for provisions, not for specially appointed questioning. Tables hold codes rather than genuine information: Repeated information is put away as codes as opposed to significant information. In this way, there is dependably a need to go to the search up table. 2.Explain what a data dictionary is, making sure to include definitions of the terms data element and record in your explanation. Provide examples of each of these terms as you include them. A Data Dictionary is a officil database of all the Data Elements utilized by an association. The Data Dictionary saves all the Data Elements utilized by that association, their definitions and their representations in machine frameworks. Case in point it is conceivable that five workstation frameworks might have diverse approaches to store an individuals sexual orientation. The sexual orientation could be put away in a database segment with the section title sex utilizing the strings male, female or obscure, or in an altered width content document in sections 31-32 utilizing 0 or 1 or 2, or in a XML archive with a data component Individual Sex Code and the qualities male, female and obscure. The data dictionary might be a focal place that all designers can go to get a legitimate data compone nt name and definition. This data can then be utilized reliably all around the framework. Unified archive of data about data, for example, significance, and connections to other data, source, use, and arrangement All Data Elements that are distinguished ought to be sent to the Data Dictionary Administrator. This is presently Dan Mccreary. Once the Data Elements are recognized as non-doubles of Data Elements that are as of now in the Data Dictionary the Data Element will be allocated to one of a few Data Element Approval Teams (DEAT). Each Data Element Review Team meets on a separate calendar, now and then week after week, off and on again quarterly relying upon earnestness of the Data Elements under audit. When they do reach, they will audit the Data Element and choose on the off chance that it ought to turn into an applicant for distributed in the Data Dictionary In this way, the term data component is a nuclear unit of data that has exact significance or exact semantics. A data component has: An ID, for example, a data component name A clear data component definition One or more representation terms Optional identified qualities Code (metadata) A rundown of equivalent words to data components in other metadata registries Synonym ring 3.What are the disadvantages of each of the three system development methods? Disadvantages of waterfall development method In this strategy, all the prerequisites of the product need to be specified forthright and there is no space for conferring mix-ups. The undertaking degree proclamation needs to be itemized in unbounded profundity from the begin in light of the fact that changes are not conceivable when utilizing waterfall system. This is on the grounds that the best way to revise something which has been as of now created is to retreat and begin once more. This will result in enormous issues on undertakings where the task backers are hesitant and rapidly causes degree creep. Project interchanges with the customer are amazingly constrained being either at the starting or at the end of the advancement. Amidst, there is no possibility to get to which one can get reaction or possibly illuminate any perplexity over what the prerequisite really implies. Key allies stay unmoving for long terms. You see waterfall does not work on a network groundwork which makes venture asset administration a to a great degree unbending action. Fundamentally those assigned to the undertaking stay on it until that stage is over. This as you can envision, has an immediate thump on impact on the venture plan. It is an extremely unbending technique which does not excite any change in prerequisites and which makes any ensuing usefulness progressions obliged to a great degree troublesome and unreasonable to execute. Accordingly the quick pace of changing prerequisites decided makes this philosophy troublesome to utilize and calls for more agile systems for programming advancement, for example, dexterous technique or scrum procedure. Disadvantages of iterative development method Each period of a cycle is unbending with no covers Costly framework structural engineering or configuration issues may emerge in light of the fact that not all prerequisites are Gathered in advance for the whole lifecycle. Disadvantages of Agile development method Vigorous client association and close coordinated effort are needed all around the improvement cycle. This is extremely captivating, compensating and guarantees conveyance of the right item. Its the crucial rule in lithe that guarantees desires are overall overseen. Whats more since the meaning of disappointment is not meeting desires, these are discriminating triumph elements for any task. However these standards are exceptionally requesting on the client agents chance and oblige an enormous responsibility for the span of the venture. In instance of some product deliverables, particularly the expansive ones, it is troublesome to evaluate the exertion needed at the start of the product improvement life cycle. There is absence of attention on important outlining and documentation. The venture can undoubtedly get taken off track if the client delegate is not clear what last conclusion that they need. Only senior developers are fit for taking the sort of choices presupposed throughout the improvement process. Subsequently it has no spot for beginner software engineers, unless joined together with encounter.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Bhopal Ethical Issues - 1350 Words
1. Introduction: In the morning of December 3, 1984 a tragic event occurred in the city of Bhopal, the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It has been known as the world s worst industrial disaster. A Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) s plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas which instantly killed over 3,000 people and carrying on causing the death of more than 20,000. This tragic event involved not only the technical, safety issues at the time, but also ethical issues on the responsibility of those who would have been able to prevent the tragedy from happening and those who denied or intentionally decreased the responsibility of causing it. 2. Background of the involved organization: It was declared by the Union†¦show more content†¦The majority of deaths and serious injuries were related to pulmonary edema, but the gas caused a wide variety of other ailments. Signs and symptoms of methyl isocyanate exposure normally include cough, dyspnea, chest pain, lacrimation, eyelid edema, and unconsciousness. These effects might progress over the next 24 to 72 hours to include acute lung injury, cardiac arrest, and death. Because of the hypothesized reactions that took place within the storage tank and in the surrounding atmosphere, it is thought that apart from MIC, phosgene, and hydrogen cyanide along with other poisonous gases all played a significant role in this disaster. Information on the exact chemical mixture was never provided by the company, but blood and viscera of some victims showed cherry-red color characteristic in acute cyanide poisoning. Without knowledge of the exact chemical mixture ailments are harder to diagnose and treat, but a series of studies made five years later showed that many of the survivors were still suffering from one or several of the following ailments: partial or complete blindness, persistent respiratory problems, gastrointestinal disorders, impaired immune systems, post-traumatic stress disorders, and menstrual problems in women. A rise in spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and offspring with genetic defects was also noted. In addition, a BBC investigation conducted in November 2004 confirmed that contamination is present in drinking water, asShow MoreRelatedEssay about Bhopal Ethical Issues1307 Words  | 6 PagesDecember 3, 1984 a tragic event occurred in the city of Bhopal, the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. It has been known as the worlds worst industrial disaster. A Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL)s plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas which instantly killed over 3,000 people and carrying on causing the death of more than 20,000. This tragic event involved not only the technical, safety issues at the time, but also ethical issues on the responsibility of those who would have been ableRead MoreBhopal Gas Tragedy and Its Ethical Issues3035 Words  | 13 PagesCASE STUDIES: BHOPAL GAS TRAGEDY AND ITS ETHICAL ISSUES SUMMARY Bhopal Gas Tragedy was a gas leak incident in India, considered one of the world’s worst industrial catastrophes. It occurred on the night of the last year of 1984 at the Bhopal Union Carbide Corporation (Union Carbide India Limited – UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. A leak of methyl isocyanides gas and other chemicals from the plant resulted in the exposure of hundreds of thousands of people. It also causesRead MoreDisaster of Bhopal: Analysis on the Ethical Models761 Words  | 4 PagesDisaster of Bhopal: Analysis on the Ethical Models December 3rd of 1984, Bhopal Disaster caused the chemical plant to blow and killing thousands of Indians people in the area near the plant. It was a true tragedy for the people of Bhopal because the situation was very intense at the night of the chemical explosion. It was reported that the natives of Bhopal felt like inhaling chili pepper and they were defecating and urinating in their clothes because the chemicals made them unconscious. As aRead MoreBhopal Ethics1316 Words  | 6 PagesThe Bhopal gas leak was a terrible tragedy in which thousands of helpless civilians were killed and hundreds of thousands were injured as they slept. Determining who was at fault and, consequently, who should compensate the victims and clean up the site are questions that have plagued the affected parties, my Rotman classmates and the world at large for over 25 years. The analysis to follow, in attempting to present the roles and responsibilities of each major player, will demonstrate the incredibl eRead MoreBhopal Union Carbide Case analysis Essay1250 Words  | 5 Pages One of the worst cases of catastrophic event in history is the Bhopal Union Carbide case. Nearly three decades ago, the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal India had a devastated tragedy. The toxic chemical and methyl isocyanate gas leak from the plant killed thousands of civilians who were sleeping and injured hundreds of thousands of people in the nearby neighborhood. For those who survived from this catastrophic incident had injuries ranging from blindness to suffering burns of the skinsRead MoreCase Study Action Plan: Union Carbide Bhopal Accident2186 Words  | 9 PagesCase Study Action Plan: Union Carbide Bhopal accident Learning Team A: Michael Proffitt, Amanda Garrity, Sean Riedel, Cippy Seidler La Shonta Fuller University of Phoenix PHL 323/Ethics in Management History: Controversy Union Carbide In December of 1984 controversy surrounded Union Carbide, a chemical and polymer company founded in 1917, when the company had a poisonous gas leak from their pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. (Union Carbide Corporation, 2011) This incident killed thousandsRead MoreSample Resume : Campus Enrolment1174 Words  | 5 Pagesprofessional ethics is a vital quality all engineers and professionals should possess. â€Å"A professional code of ethics should demonstrate integrity, practise competently, exercise leadership and promote sustainability.†(Engineers Australia. 2010). The issues being addressed are the code of ethics that are fundamentally needed to run a morally acceptable project, the legal framework required to regulate decision making, agreements and laws and case studies to articulate the point of having a professionalRead MoreEssay on India: The Cause of the Bhopal Disaster2606 Words  | 11 Pages1] In 1984, the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, made the history witnessed the worst industrial disaster ever in the world. The Bhopal disaster (Bhopal Gas Tragedy) happened by gas leak incident occurred at the night time of 2-3 AM in December of 1984. The result of this gas leak caused risks for more than half million people by exposing them to chemicals hazards; one of these chemicals is methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas. Not only th is, it caused an immediateRead MoreUnion Carbide s Chemical Plant981 Words  | 4 Pages After the tragic explosion in Bhopal, India, due to Union Carbide’s chemical plant, many citizens suffered tragedies such as death and severe injuries due to the toxic gas that was released upon the explosion. When citizens of Bhopal decided to sue against the Union Carbide Corporation, they combined all individual lawsuits against the plant together, as well as exercising their forum non conveniens, which handed the lawsuit to Indian courts. Moving the court case to India benefitted the companyRead MoreEssay on Use of DBCP and Relation to Infertility821 Words  | 4 Pageslawsuit filed by the Attorney General to end Dows illegal advertising of Dursban as safe. Acquisition of Union Carbide The Bhopal Disaster of 1984 was the worst industrial disaster in the history of the world. It was caused by the accidental release of methyl isocyanate (MIC) from a Union Carbide India, Limited (UCIL) pesticide plant located in the heart of the city of Bhopal. UCIL was a joint venture between Union Carbide and a public/private consortium of Indian investors. The MIC leak killed thousands
Monday, May 11, 2020
Checking Immigration Case Status With USCIS
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) agency has upgraded its services to include checking case status online and using a virtual assistant online to answer questions. Through a free, online portal, MyUSCIS, there are multiple features. Applicants can submit an online request, get automatic email or text message updates when a case status changes and practice the civics test. Being that theres a multitude of immigration options from applying for U.S. citizenship to green card residency status and temporary working visas to refugee status, to name a few, MyUSCIS is the one-stop site for all applicants requesting U.S. immigration. The USCIS Website The USCIS website has directions for getting started on MyUSCIS, which allows an applicant to review their entire case history. All an applicant needs is the applicants receipt number. The receipt number has 13 characters and can be found on the application notices received from USCIS. The receipt number begins with three letters, such as EAC, WAC, LIN or SRC. Applicants should omit the dashes when entering the receipt number in the web page boxes. However, all other characters, including the asterisks, should be included if they are listed on the notice as part of the receipt number. If missing the application receipt number, contact the USCIS Customer Service center at 1-800-375-5283 or 1-800-767-1833 (TTY) or submit an online inquiry about the case.  Other features of the website include filing forms electronically, checking office case processing times, finding a doctor authorized for completing a medical exam for adjusting status and reviewing filing fees. A change of address can be recorded online, as well as finding local processing offices and making an appointment to visit an office and speak with a representative. Email and Text Message Updates USCIS allows applicants the option of receiving an email or text message notification that a case status update has occurred. The notification can be sent to any United States mobile phone number. Standard cell phone text messaging rates may apply to receive these updates. The service is available to USCIS customers and their representatives, including immigration lawyers, charitable groups, corporations, other sponsors, and you can register for it online. Create an Account It is important for anyone who wants regular updates from USCIS to create an account with the agency to ensure access to case status information. A helpful feature from USCIS is the online request access option. According to the agency, the online request option is a web-based tool that allows an applicant to place an inquiry with USCIS for certain applications and petitions. An applicant may make an inquiry on selected forms that are beyond posted processing times or selected forms where the applicant did not receive an appointment notice or other notice. An applicant can also create an inquiry to correct a notice received with a typographical error.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mgmt 330 Midterm Exam Essay - 2926 Words
Question 1 ______________ involves assembling and coordinating organizational resources. a) Controlling b) Planning c) Organizing d) Leading e) Quantifying Question 2 Goodwill stemming from social relationships is called a) social empathy. b) social capital. c) emotional intelligence. d) emotional capital. e) empathetic goodwill. Question 3 Lower-level managers who supervise the operational activities of the organization are called a) frontline managers. b) middle managers. c) top-level managers. d) tactical managers. e) strategic managers. Question 4 The President of Delta Design, LLC attended the opening ceremony for a customers new office complex. Which of Mintzbergs roles was the President playing in this situation? a) Leader b)†¦show more content†¦e) Managers cannot be sure how much time, energy, or trouble lie ahead once they start working on the problem. Question 16 Managers who optimize their decisions will attempt to choose a) the first minimally acceptable alternative. b) among those alternatives with variable results. c) the least expensive alternative. d) that alternative that produces the least conflict. e) an alternative that achieves the best possible balance among several goals. Question 17 The manager of the Capitol Restaurant noted that the restaurant had experienced a decreased number of evening customers. The manager promptly ordered the chef to rewrite the evening menu. Customer feedback later indicated that the problem had not been the menu but poor service from the wait staff. The managers decision to have the menu revised suggests that he failed to a) identify the problem. b) evaluate the alternatives and consequences. c) properly diagnose the cause of the problem. d) evaluate the decision and its consequences. e) identify a solution. Question 18 Characteristics of managerial decisions include which of the following? a) Success b) Certainty c) Convention d) Lack of structure e) Speed Question 19 Advantages in using a group for decision making include a) intellectual stimulation b) domination by one member for leading the discussion c) groupthink d) satisficing e) goal displacement Question 20 The state that exists when decision
Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector Free Essays
string(27) " were estimated at over 2\." â€Å"A COMPARITIVE STUDY ON PREFERENCE OF SOFT DRINKS IN YOUTH REPORT Submitted to: Submitted by: DR. RAJKUMARCHIRAG GUPTA Roll no. 5382 MBA 5. We will write a custom essay sample on Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector or any similar topic only for you Order Now 4 MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [pic] INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES AND RESEARCH MDU,ROHTAK 2010-2011 DECLARATION I Chirag Gupta, student of 5 year M. B. A 4th semester of Institute of Management Studies and Research hereby declare that the project report titled â€Å"Preference of soft drink in youth†is a code of critical independent work carried out by me under supervision guidance of Dr. Raj Kumar. This has not been previously submitted for the award of any other diploma, degree or other similar degree. The feasibility suggestion has been duly incorporated in the consultation with the supervisor. Signature of the Candidate EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Soft Drinks were common preference among all the individuals, irrespective of their age groups as it had great brand value and great advertisement. Market Research is based on some underlying parameters like: †¢ Changing consumption pattern †¢ Advertisements †¢ Taste †¢ Status consciousness †¢ Varying lifestyle The study starts with determining the major players in the soft drinks, their overall consumption pattern among the people and ends up with the conclusion as per the state of mind of the average rational human being. Consumer preferences are changing towards healthier food, and thus such a trend will carry on for some time to come. In the soft drinks market of late, most recent new products launched have been focused on the health benefits of the soft drinks, like pomegranate juices, calcium-fortified bottled water and a series of reduced-sugar alternatives, with such features not previously so readily available to or heavily promoted at the target audience. TABLE OF CONTENTS SERIAL NO. TITLE PAGE NO. 1) INTRODUCTION 1) Industrial profile 01 2) Major players in soft drinks segment 04 3) Study of growth of soft drink market 09 2) RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ) Purpose of the study 10 2) Objectives of the study 10 3) Scope of the study 10 4) Research Design 11 5) Sampling Technique used 12 6) Selection of Sample Size 12 7) Sources of Data collection 12 8) Statistical Tools Used 12 3) DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 13 ) LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 24 5) CONCLUSION 25 6) ANNEXURE 6. 1) Questionnaire 26 7) BIBLIOGRAPHY 28 INTRODUCTION INDUSTRIAL PROFILE The soft-drink industry comprises companies that manufacture nonalcoholic beverages and carbonated mineral waters or concentrates and syrups for the manufacture of carbonated beverages. Naturally occurring bubbling or sparkling mineral waters have been popular for thousands of years: the ancient Greeks believed that such waters had medicinal properties and bathed in them regularly; the Romans established resorts around mineral springs throughout Europe. In the 1500s the village of Spa in Belgium became famous for its waters, which by the early 1600s were sold, in bottles, as far away as London, Eng. Development of the first man-made sparkling or carbonated water is credited to Joseph Priestley, the British scientist who discovered oxygen. In 1772 he invented a method of â€Å"pushing†carbon dioxide into water by dissolving it under pressure, thus creating fairly long-lasting bubbles. The technique led to development of the soft-drink industry. By the beginning of the 19th century, carbonated water was being made commercially in France and North America; shortly thereafter, flavours (normally fruit concentrates) were added to enliven the taste. In the 1820s, small carbonated bottling operations were established in Canada, producing carbonated drinks in refillable bottles which were merchandised as medicinal elixirs or tonics. Most soft drinks are still carbonated to give drinks a â€Å"tangy bite†and to stimulate the tongue. Furthermore, because scent is an important part of taste, the flavours carried as vapours in the bubbles enhance taste. The principle of â€Å"pushing†carbon dioxide is still used, but now the water is first purified in a process known as â€Å"polishing. †Cooled carbon dioxide is then injected at pressures of 275-550 kilopascals. Some of the early drinks bottled in Canada were called Birch Beer, Ginger Beer, Sarsaparilla, Sour Lemon, None-Such Soda Water and Cream Soda. The first carbonated beverage or â€Å"pop†bottles were sealed with corks held tightly in place with a wire binding. Because they had to be stored neck down so that the cork would not dry and allow the carbonation to leak away, they were manufactured with rounded bottoms. By the mid-1800s, soft drinks sold in Canada were packaged in 8-ounce (227. 2 ml) round-bottom bottles for about 25 cents a dozen, except ginger beer, which was sold in draught form from wooden kegs. Wired cork closures were used until about 1884 with Codd’s Patented Globe Stoppers (25 types in all). Such closures were replaced by the Hutcheson Spring Stopper. The crown cap was introduced around 1905 and improved versions are still widely used, although they are gradually being replaced, especially on larger containers, with reclosable screw caps. Other packaging innovations since the mid-1960s include canned carbonated beverages, nonreturnable glass bottles and containers made from rigid plastics. However, an effort is being made, often through provincial legislation, to increase the use of returnable glass containers. In the industry’s early years the number of carbonated-beverage plants increased steadily, most serving small regional markets. In 1929 the industry was made up of 345 production plants and the value of shipments reached $12. 3 million. By 1960 the number of plants had increased to 502 and the value of sales to $172. 7 million. Subsequently, consolidation began, prompted by improved production, packaging and distribution facilities. By 1973, 337 plants were in production and the value of shipments was $484 million. In 1985, with sales of about $1. 8 billion, the industry had 187 plants in production: Newfoundland had 3; PEI, 1; Nova Scotia, 7; New Brunswick, 8; Quebec, 66; Ontario, 58; Manitoba, 7; Saskatchewan, 10; Alberta, 13; and BC, 14. Production volume has also increased dramatically: in 1939, soft-drink bottlers produced about 162 million litres of carbonated beverages; by 1967, production passed 758 million litres; in 1986, shipments were estimated at over 2. You read "Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector" in category "Papers" 1 billion litres; and in 1998 that figure rose to 3. 5 billion litres. The industry is regulated by both federal and provincial agencies, 3 of the most important being CONSUMER AND CORPORATE AFFAIRS (responsible for the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act), HEALTH CANADA (which administers the Food and Drugs Act) and Environment Canada (which focuses on environmental matters). The industry is represented by the Canadian Soft Drink Association in Toronto and by several provincial associations. The introduction of diet carbonated beverages has changed the industry’s profile. Several years ago, in response to increasing consumer diet consciousness, the industry introduced the first successful sugar-free diet drinks using the artificial sweetener cyclamate. But questions were raised about the safety of this additive and, based on existing scientific data, Health Canada banned its use in Canadian commercial FOODS AND BEVERAGES. This decision, estimated to have cost the industry more than $15 million, was a setback to diet-drink development. The industry turned to saccharin, but this too was eventually banned. Now, a new sugar-free additive, aspartame, has been approved for use in diet soft drinks, and the cyclamate/saccharin situation is not expected to recur because aspartame consists of amino acids, which occur naturally. Aspartame-sweetened diet drinks have had a dramatic effect on the Canadian carbonated-beverage industry. Just before the saccharin ban in 1977, diet drinks accounted for about 10% of the soft-drink market; following the ban the diet share dropped to about 2%, consisting of beverages partially sweetened with small amounts of sugar. In 1982, the first full year that aspartame was used in Canada, diet drinks increased by 15. 2% of total soft-drink sales, while the total soft-drink industry grew 8%. In 1987 total soft-drink sales increased 5. 3% over 1986, while diet soft-drink sales increased by 10. 7%. This single development has encouraged strong growth in the industry. MAJOR PLAYERS IN SOFT DRINKS SEGMENT COCA COLA [pic] â€Å"thanda matlab coca cola!!! †Coca cola has truly remarkable heritage. From a humble beginning in 1886 it has now become the flagship brand of largest manufacturer, distributor of non alcoholic beverages in the world. In India, coca cola was the leading soft drink till 1977 when govt. policies necessitated its departure. Coca cola has made its return to the country in 1993. and made significant investment to ensure that the beverage is available to more and more people in remote as well as inaccessible parts of the world. Coca cola returned to India in 1993 and over the past ten years has captured the imagination of the nation, building strong association with cricket, the thriving cinema industry, music etc. coca cola has been very strongly associated with cricket, sponsoring the world cup in 1996. In 2002, coca cola launched the campaign,†Thanda Matlab coca cola†. in 2003,coke was available for just rs,5 crores in the country. FANTA GHOONTH BHAR SHARARAT KAR LEY!!! [pic] Fanta entered the Indian market in year 1996 under the coca cola brand . ver the years, Fanta has occupied a strong market place and is identified as â€Å"the fun catalyst†. Fanta stands for its vibrant color, tempting taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts feelings but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in the moment. LIMCA â€Å" LIME AND LEMONI!!! [pic] Drink that can cast a tangy refreshing spell on anyone, anywhere. Born in 1971, Limca has been the original thirst choice, of mi llions of consumers for over three decades. The brand has been displaying healthy volume growing year on year and limca continues to be leading flavoring soft drinks in the country. Dive into the zingy refreshment of limca and walk away a new person. THUMS UP TASTE THE THUNDER!!! [pic] Strong cola taste, exciting personality. Thums up is a leading carbonated soft drink and most trusted brand in India. Originally introduced in 1977, thums up was acquired by the coca cola company in 1993. Thums up, is, known for strong, fizzy taste and its confident, mature and uniquely masculine attitude. This brand clearly seeks to separate the man from the boys. SPRITE â€Å"SPIRITE BHUJAYE PYAAS BAKI SAB BAKWAAS!!! [pic] World wide sprite ranked as no. soft drink and is sold in more than 190 countries In India, sprite was launched in year 1999 and today it has grown to be one of the fastest growing soft drinks, leading clear lime category. Today sprite is perceived as a youth icon. With strong appeal to youth sprite has stood for a straight forward and honest attitude. Its clear crisp hingtaste encourages today’s youth to trust their instincts, influence them to be tru e who they are and to obey their thirst. MAAZA YAARI DOSTI TAAZA MAAZA!!! [pic] Maaza was launched in 1976. In 1993, maaza was acquired by coca cola India. Maaza currently dominates the fruit drink category. Over the years, maaza has become synonymous with mango. â€Å"Taaza Mango, Maaza mango, Botal mei aam, maaza hai naam†. consumers regard maaza as wholesome, natural, fun loving drink real experience of fruit. The campaign builds on the existing equity of the brand and delivers a relevant emotional benefit to the moms rightly captured in tagline, â€Å"yaari dosti, and taaza maaza†. PEPSI YEH DIL MAANGE MORE!!! [pic] Pepsi cola is a carbonated beverage that is produced and manufactured by Pepsi co. It is sold in stores, restaurants and from vending machines. The drink was first made in the 1890’s in North Carolina. The brand was trademarked on June 16, 1903. There have been many Pepsi variants produced over the years. †¢ Diet Pepsi †¢ Crystal Pepsi †¢ Pepsi twist †¢ Pepsi max †¢ Pepsi samba †¢ Pepsi blue †¢ Pepsi gold †¢ Pepsi holiday spice †¢ Pepsi jazz †¢ Pepsi x(available in Finland brazil) †¢ Pepsi next(available in Japan south Korea) STUDY OF GROWTH OF SOFT DRINK MARKET SOFT DRINKS Carbonated drinks are dominated by artificial flavors based on cola, orange and lime with Pepsi and coca-cola dominating the market. The entire part of the drink is based on its artificial flavors and sweetening agents as no natural juice is used. MARKET †¢ Cola products account for nearly 61-62% of the total soft drinks market. †¢ Two global majors’ Pepsi and coke dominate the soft drink market. †¢ NCAER survey says 91% of soft drink in the country is in the lower, lower middle and upper middle class people. †¢ The market is worth around Rs. 5000 crores with growth rate of around 10-15%. †¢ The annual per capita consumption in India is only about 6 bottles vis- a- Vis 340 bottles in the U. S. †¢ The production as soft drinks has increased from 5670 million bottles in 1998-99 to 6230 million bottles in 1999-2000 industry source. Growth market this year is expected to be 10-15% in value terms and 20-22% in volume terms. However, the market for carbonated drinks is stagnating and not growing as expected. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The main aim of this research study is to analyze the preference of youth on consumption patterns and preference of Soft Drinks. OBJECTIVE OF THE STU DY †¢ To study the preferences of the youth for soft drinks. †¢ To find out the factor(s) that influences the consumer’s consumption of soft drinks. †¢ To test the know-how of the consumers regarding the various existing brands of soft drinks. To know the size of the soft drink purchase for personal and household purpose. †¢ To know the frequency of consumption of soft drink. SCOPE OF THE STUDY †¢ This study is confined MDU campus Rohtak. †¢ Seasonal drinks are not considered in the study. †¢ We are considering only canned and bottled drinks. †¢ We are not considering health alcoholic drinks. RESEARCH DESIGN A research design is a framework or blueprint for conducting the marketing research project. It specifies the details of the procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve marketing research problem. On the basis of fundamental objectives of the research we can classify research design into two general types: 1) EXPLORATORY RESEARCH 2) CONCLUSIVE RESEARCH Exploratory research is one type of research design, which has its primary objective the provision of insights into, and comprehension of, the problem situation confronting the researcher. Conclusive research is designed to assist the decision maker in determining evaluating and selecting the best course of action to take in a given situation. Conclusive research can be further divided into two types:- †¢ Descriptive †¢ Experimental The research design used in this project is a DESCRIPTIVE DESIGN. Descriptive study as the name implies is designed to describe something-for example the characteristics of users of a given product, the degree to which the product use varies with income, age, etc. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE USED: This research has used convenience sampling technique. 1) Convenience sampling technique: Convenience sampling is used in exploratory research where the researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth. As the name implies, the sample is selected because they are convenient. SELECTION OF SAMPLE SIZE: For the study, a sample size of 60 has been taken into consideration. SOURCES OF DATA COLLECTION: Research will be based on two sources: 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data 1) PRIMARY DATA: Questionnaire: Primary data was collected by preparing questionnaire and the people were randomly being requested to fill them. 2) SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data will consist of different literatures like books which are published, articles, internet and websites. In order to reach relevant conclusion, research work needed to be designed in a proper way. STATISTICAL TOOLS USED The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this project are: †¢ Questionnaire †¢ Bar Diagrams DATA ANALYSIS FINDINGS |Statistics | | | |Statistics | | | | | | | | | | |Statistics | | | |Who decide the |Do you read | | | |selection of soft |instruction written | | | |drink for household? on the packaging of | | | | |soft drink? | |N |Valid |60 |60 | | |Missing |0 |0 | | |Mean |2. 8167 |1. 6167 | | |Median |3. 0000 |2. 0000 | | |Mode |3. 00 |2. 0 | | |Variance |. 356 |. 240 | | | | | |Do you like soft drink? | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [pic] LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ? The study was confined to University Campus MDU Rohtak only. ? Chances of some biasness could not be eliminated. ? Youth are assumed to be between the age 15 to 25 ? Time was the major constrain. Only limited sample size (60) was possible for such a vast research on such a period of time . i. e. one mon th ? Interaction with the respondents was also limited due to their busy work. Due to the changing life style and preferences, it was not necessary that they will consume same soft drink every time. ? There was a chance that respondent will make assumptions while filling the questionnaire. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Following are the concluding points taken into consideration after the conduct of the research study: ? An important finding that emerged out of the survey was that 91%of youth like to have soft drinks while 9% not like. ? Through the research it was conveyed that weekly consumption of soft drinks is more than daily consumption. ? Most of the respondents took soft drink without any reason. ? Remaining majority of the respondents consume soft drinks at the time of parties celebrations. Most of the respondents consume soft drinks because of its taste. ? Most of the respondents were of the neutral view that advertisements affect their purchases. ? Most of the respondent likes D ew. ? Most of them consume 300ml pack for personal usage. ? Packaging doesn’t influence the purchase of most of the respondents. ? Most of them don’t read instruction written on the package of soft drink. ANNEXURE QUESTIONNAIRE Respected Sir/Madam A Research Project is being pursued in IMSAR on â€Å"Preference of soft drink in youth†. Kindly extend your cooperation enable us doing the project successfully. This information is used for academic purpose. PERSONAL DETAILS Name – †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Age – †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Gender – ? Male ? Female Qualification – ? Graduate ? Under Graduate ? Post Graduate ? Other (Specify) 1) Do you like soft drinks? Yes No 2) Where do you mostly consume soft drink? PartyCafeHome 3) Frequency of consumption of soft drink in a week? Daily 2-4times more than 4 times once in a week 4) On what occasions, do you often consume the Soft Drinks? Feeling Thirsty Without any reason (just like that) ? Parties / Celebrations ? Others, please specify†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 5) What induces you to buy Soft Drinks? Price with quantity Health Drink Status symbol Taste Variety Advertisement 6) Which soft drink do you like more? Dew Sprite Cocacola Pepsi Limca Maaza Other (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7) Do advertisements influence your purchases? Strongly Agree ? Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree ? 8) Do you agree that packaging influence consumer purchase decision? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree ) Please tick the size of soft drink you purchase for personal consumption? 200 ml 250ml 300ml500ml other (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10) Which soft drink is served to the guest in your home? Dew Sprite CocacolaPepsi LimcaMaazaOther (specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 11) Who decide the selection of soft drink for household? FatherMother Himself/Herself Other(Specify)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 12) Do you read instruction written on the packaging of soft drink? YesNo BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOG RAPHY †¢ http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Beverage †¢ www. foodindustryindia. com †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=25105=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? rticleid=24983=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=24965=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=24849=3 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/article/detarchive. asp? articleid=25039=3 †¢ http://www. foodindustryindia. com/newfood/detailnews. jsp? n=Xtazy,%20another%20energy%20drink%20for%20the%20Indian%20market=598 †¢ http://fnbnews. com/redfr. asp? fn=/other/aboutus. asp=About%20Us#Food †¢ www. google. com †¢ Kothari C R, â€Å"Research and Methodology- Methods Techniques†, New Age International (P) Ltd. , 2004 [pic] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9[pic][pic] 24 27 25 12 How to cite Impact of Organised Retail Chains on Unorganised Retail Sector, Papers
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