Monday, September 30, 2019
Parents Have the Most Important and Lasting Impact on the Overall Development and Socialization of Their Child
â€Å"Parents have the most important and lasting impact on the overall development and socialization of their child. †As children grow up, there are many factors which influence their attitudes and behaviors. It is generally learned first from their parents, then the socialization. This statement shows us that correct form different parts, which are sociological theories, the role of parents and parenting styles, care by others and the influence of society. According to two of the sociological theories are functionalism and systems theory. Functionalism attempts to explain how a society is organized to perform its required functions effectively; it focuses on how the structures function within society. Parents have their own responsibility in the families, they add the concept of reproduction to their children, because a population growth can become wealthier; to take care of the children who cannot care for themselves; they are responsibility teaching the socializing to the them; and controlling the behavior of their children. It is very important and having deeply impact on the development of their children. Systems theory is the other sociological theory that attempts to explain how groups of individuals interact as a system, a set of different parts that work together and influence one another in a relatively stable way over time. Parents have different parts of responsibilities for their children before their children grow up. Mothers have to take care of them and teaching the socializing to them. Fathers have to add the concept of reproduction to their children. Over time, children absorb the concept form their parents, so that parents have a large parts of affect for them. A long time ago, human had divided by different small villages. Both of them are independence that has not been influenced by the others. They also are self-sufficiency. Everyone has their own talent, such as hunting, waving, farming and so on. In that time, family had to provide their economic needs, which are foods and clothes, for the younger and older members. Their responsibility is teaching their children the skills, knowledge, values, and attitudes of their society, children who learn these are able to work and relate to others within appropriate adult roles. In industrial revolution was bringing an unprecedented change in the human family system; children and women were particularly in roles. In that time, the economy shifted from self-sufficiency to commerce which is based on factory production in the city or town, and someone work outside the family home to earn a wage to provide for family. Fathers were the money-earners who worked to provide for their wives and children; mothers were nurturers who worked at home and supported financially by their husbands. Nowadays, family build a close relationship, they will give all of the support to the other member. In this century, fathers are still earning money; most of the mothers are working to share the responsibility of their husbands, some of them leave their work and look after their children. They have to instill the different concept about society and reproduction to their future. When children were grown up, they have to take the responsibility that look after their parents; however, parents will concern their children about their work, and help them to solve the problems. In this days and ages, parents are all playing in important roles for their parents. Parenting styles are one of the other important sides in helping parents develop positive impacts on their children. The commonly views of the family have a direct impact on parenting and parent-child relationships. Parents who have a high value of career and work success will focus on a different value on family time and time with their children than the less. Parents who value the goals and needs of individuals over the family will have a difficult time putting their personal needs on hold to care for family members. Parents who are busy fulfilling their individual needs may not take a lot of time to parent in a democratic or nurturing manner. Instead, they may use punishment to get their children to behave themselves. Parents who spend a great deal of time with their children get to know them better and become more sensitive to their needs. Three basic styles of parenting have been considered: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. There has been a focus on authoritative parenting, which is characterized by warm, support, acceptance and indirect positive control of the children. It is compared to authoritarian parenting, which is distinguished by more parental control and use of punishment, as well as to permissive parenting, which is typified by few rules and by the children controlling the family situations. Children raised by authoritative parents are better adjustment of psychological and have a better self-concept. In contrast, authoritarian parents use more physical punishment, which has been shown to negatively affect the child’s adjustment, especially if it is severe and frequent. Children who experience this type of parenting feel rejected by their parents. They also tend to have more problems with psychological adjustment. Children raised by permissive parents who offer much warmth and encouragement tend to be more irresponsible, impulsive and immature, while children raised by permissive parents who are hostile and rejecting tend to be flighty, anxious, and emotionally impoverished. Hostile parenting practices, such as harsh discipline, unsuppressed anger, and use of negative comments, have been shown to lead to children with low scores in their ability to get along with others. Being raised by a hostile parent has a more negative influence on child’s ability to form positive relationships than any other aspect of a child’s family background. Positive parenting practices result in positive scores in social relationships, helping behavior, and motor and social development. Overall, the style of parenting is one of the most important and lasting impacts on the overall development and socialization of a child. In this day and age, there are a lot parents passed their children by nanny or child care centre, because of their jobs. There are a lot of cases of child abuse, most of it are not abused by their parents, is nanny or the teacher in child care centre. They will punish and corporal punishment them, because they are noisy. I have an experience on it. My friend had abused by her nanny when she was young. When she was 7, her parent is busy on their job, they are working to high value career, and they do not have any time to look after her. So they let the nanny to take care of my friend. The nanny did not look after her nicely, moreover hurt her. The nanny use the hanger to fetch her and punish her, the nanny put all the pressure on her. Did the nanny think that she just a 7 year-old girl, she might change the behavior because of this case. Finally, her parent known this case fired the nanny and compensation claims. However, my friend gets a big turning point on it. She does not trust anyone more and not contact with people. However, society also can impact on the overall development and socialization of the children. There are lots of attractive activities, such as drugs, alcohol, and cigarette and so on, in the society, children will feel curious. Children may be together with the bad guys who with affect their behavior. However, if parents discipline their children in the best ways, children cannot impacted by the other people. Therefore, parents are important and lasting impact on the overall development and socialization of their child.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Importance of Home in the Wind in the Willows
WillowsThere’s No Place Like Home: An Analysis of Two Characters’ Journeys in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†As discussed in this course, classic children’s literature often involves some kind of journey for a character, in which they temporarily leave home, only to discover a self-truth and a new appreciation for that which they often took for granted. Kenneth Grahame’s â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†is no exception. The two animals that most notably go through a transformation as a result of leaving home are Mole and Toad. While their reasoning and experiences along the way differ, they both prove changed characters, and for the better. The Wind in the Willows†begins with a busy Mole, caught in his spring-cleaning daze, and within the first paragraph he has decided to leave the work behind as â€Å"something up above was calling him imperiously†(Classics of Children’s Literature, pg. 637). Mole’s home is undergr ound, and as soon as he breaks the surface, the nature around him is described as very positive with words like â€Å"sunlight†, â€Å"warm†, â€Å"caress†, and â€Å"happy†(pg. 637). He takes in his surroundings and is pleased to â€Å"be the only idle dog among all [the] busy citizens†(pg. 637).He quickly comes across the river, something that he’s never seen before, and makes friends with Rat, a loyal and happy member of the River Bank. The experience on a boat is grand, and Rat doesn’t have to say much to convince Mole that venturing out was the best idea: â€Å"Absorbed in the new life he [Mole] was entering upon, intoxicated with the sparkle, the ripple, the scents and the sounds and the sunlight, he trailed a paw in the water and dreamed long waking dreams†(pg. 639). Rat goes on to teach Mole all the necessary â€Å"animal etiquettes,†different things about the inhabitants of the Wild Wood, and how to do river tasks, like rowing.Even though he fails in first attempts to fit in, Moles spirits are easily lifted by the comfort of his friends. Mole stays with Rat through the summer and continues learning and growing as a character. The pair goes to visit another friend, Toad, who is all too eager to travel and go on a journey with his horse drawn carriage. The night before they are supposed to leave, Mole says that he’ll do whatever Rat wants, but asks, â€Å"Shall we run away to-morrow morning, quite early-very early- and go back to our deal old hole on the river? †(pg. 647). Here, he mentions home for the first time, and seems to miss it.However, Rat declines, which suggests that Mole has not learned all he needs to and is not ready to return. The journey with Toad comes to a quick end, and Mole and Rat go back to the river. However, Mole does something out of character when he decides to set out on his own to meet Badger, an â€Å"important personage†(pg. 650). Agai nst Rat’s previous warnings, Mole goes into the Wild Wood and becomes afraid of noises and unfamiliar sights. Rat quickly comes to his rescue and says that even Toad â€Å"wouldn’t show his face here alone,†which suggests that Mole has become braver.After meeting Badger, Mole and Rat decide to return back to the river and Mole is very excited, â€Å"eagerly anticipating the moment when he would be at home again among the things he knew and liked†(pg. 663). When they begin their journey back, Mole feels summoned â€Å"like an electric shock†and he realizes where he is. â€Å"Now, with a rush of old memories, how clearly it stood up before him†¦the home had been happy with him, too, evidently and was missing him, and wanted him back†(pg. 665). Mole wants to see his old home, but at first Rat doesn’t think it’s a good idea and convinces Mole to move on. Emotion overcomes Mole, and he sobs.At this point, home is everything to him, and he finally does deserve to go back. Rat realizes that the trip back is very important to his friend, and they turn back to find Mole’s old dwelling place. They find it and begin making a fire, welcome in some friends, and eventually settle down to dinner. It is a splendid time, and Mole, upon going to bed, realizes â€Å"how much it all meant to him, and the special value of some such anchorage in one’s existence†¦[however] he did not at all want to abandon the new life and its splendid spaces†¦it called to him still, even down there, and he knew must return to the larger stage†(pg. 671).It is in this moment that Mole appreciates his home, but realizes that he has changed for the better, and is ready to go back up and out to see what great, new experiences await him. Toad is not so easily moved by his home/away/home journey. Before he is introduced officially in the story, Rat says that Toad is â€Å"always good-tempered, always glad to see you, always sorry when you go,†and goes on to add â€Å"perhaps he’s not very clever†¦it may be that he is both boastful and conceited†(pg. 644-645). There are many instances when Toad is a bit too proud, whether it be talking about his house or his heroic deeds at the end of the story.The fact that Toad is wealthy seems to go along with him being obsessed with the latest craze, as he can afford to indulge in them. However, because of his boastful attitude and unawareness of consequences, it seems fitting that when he becomes infatuated with cars and driving, he never really succeeds at mastering it. Toad is more than happy to leave his fine estate for â€Å"the open road†(pg. 646). Travel and the like excite him, and it seems that he takes his home very much for granted at this point. Later on in the story, his friends, in hopes that he might be cured of his â€Å"poop-poop†daze, hold him under house arrest.This sheds a negative light on his home, making it a prison from which he escapes. Toad’s version of freedom is finding a new car, dressing the part and driving like a maniac. He even steals several cars (stooping to a new low) and crashes them. Toad’s freedom, his escape, is reckless and irresponsible and therefore it is essential that he come to a resolution to change. When Toad is finally placed in jail, he begins to reflect on his mistakes, calling himself a â€Å"stupid animal†(pg. 684). He even thinks about Toad Hall and his friends and there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel: â€Å"the cure was almost complete†(pg. 85).Not quite. Toad lucks out quite a few times, and several people take pity on him-the jailer’s daughter, the engine driver, the driving couple-even though he doesn’t really deserve it. Grahame uses these people to remind the reader that Toad isn’t all-bad, he’s just going through some kind of crisis. He even says that ità ¢â‚¬â„¢s when he’s at Toad Hall with his friends that he’s â€Å"at his best†(pg. 686). It is also interesting that as soon as Toad starts to think about how clever and amazing his actions are, karma finds him and he is once again running away from a pursuit.He is much like a child, throwing tantrums and being stubborn. When Toad ends up in the woods, he is finally finding his way back, feeling free in the wilderness. After being rescued from the river by Rat, Toad is excited to reveal all his adventures and cleverness. He even pledges to â€Å"lead a quiet, steady, respectable life†¦just as [he] used to in the good old days, before [he] got restless†(pg. 710). This proud moment is put on hold when he learns that Toad Hall has been seized. Suddenly, when he realizes his home is in danger, a fire is lit inside Toad, and he is ready to fight for it.Toad seems to have come to a breaking point, and the fact that he has to win his home back makes the ch ange in him more obvious. Although Toad, after the battle, still wants praise and to give speeches and sing songs (on his behalf), there is finally a complete turn around. Toad has a few last conceited moments, but it is only between him and his home. He sings to a room with empty chairs, which shows just how important the home was to his transformation. It was the last thing that would see him in his old ways, and the thing in which he would build a new life and character.At earlier instances, the reader may not be convinced of Toad’s change, but Grahame assures us saying, â€Å"He was indeed an altered Toad! †(pg. 724). Both of these animal characters in â€Å"The Wind in the Willows†have human qualities of wanting something more, something new to spark interest and passion. Grahame, through Mole and Toad, has shown the benefits of leaving home at some point so that it might be better appreciated upon return. Change is necessary to both these characters, and results in them both being much happier and satisfied with their lives.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Health CAre Financing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health CAre Financing - Assignment Example Patients from less well-off families lack insurance to cover their medical care, they are faced with the challenge of unaffordability or unwillingness of physicians to offer health services. Transport services hinder access to care especially in situations where ambulances are unavailable for patients who may be severely injured. Quality of care focuses on the health service provider, how patient’s inability to pay for the service affect the overall delivery of quality service. Unpaid expenses and fees may ground efforts to offer service thus limit access to care. Equity of access shows whether there is any systematic variations in the use and outcome among individuals and groups in the community and if those variations are due to financial or other barriers to care (Gulliford & Morgan, 2013). Equity of access is commonly measured by utilization of indicators i.e. looking at the frequency of visits by the patient to a health center. The survey attempts to study the nature of access and the components of utilization (Aday et al., 1980 in Access to Health Care in America, 1993). Outcome indicators i.e. utilization rates are also used to measure access through; survival rate, physical and emotional health (Lohr, 1988 in Access to Health care in America, 1993). Outcome indicators such as mortality rates, ailments that require overnight stay highlights the barriers hindering access to care. Structural barriers, these are hindrances related to place, mode of operation of medical service providers. Individual and cultural barriers impede individuals who need health services, but be recommended as post treatment. Financial barriers, limit patients ability to pay for the health services or doctors from offering services with limited
Friday, September 27, 2019
Marketing Mix being used for the 2012 Olympic Games in London Coursework
Marketing Mix being used for the 2012 Olympic Games in London - Coursework Example Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................. 4 2.0 Discussion ................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Marketing Mix ........................................................................................... 4 2.1.1 Product ................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Price ....................................................................................................... 5 2.1.3 Place ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1.4 Promotion ................................................................................................. ... fact that London’s successful and ambitious bid for the 2012 Olympics was to a great extent dependant on the commitment of hosting inspiring as well as spectacular Olympics for both London and the world. The pivotal objective of the organizers of these games is to connect the young people and varied social segments in the UK with the inspirational potential of sports (The London Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympics Games Ltd 2010). The other paramount objective of the organizing committee is to retain the commercial and emotive appeal of the Olympic 2012 brand, which is so central to the objective of funding these games (London 2012: Online). 2.0 Discussion It goes without saying that the organizers of London 2012 are affiliating to a successful and effective set of marketing tools to give way to just the right marketing mix required to achieve the marketing objectives envisaged by them in the context of the target market (Kotler 2003, p. 15). 2.1 Marketin g Mix 2.1.1 Product The organizers of London 2012 are to a great extent relying on the established brand appeal of Olympic Games to cash on its popularity amongst the youth sans race, gender and social affiliations. A plethora of related brand building activities like parading the 2012 mascots Wenlock and Mandeville across UK, hosting the London 2012 Festival featuring artists from around the world, actively involving the young people and children across communities in the actual management and casting of games and organizing the London Prepares Series hosting world class athletes at the brand new and already existing Olympic venues are already under way to stimulate the excitement about London 2012 amongst the target segments that are young people from diverse racial and social segments in the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
WW2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
WW2 - Essay Example With the defeat of the Empire of Japan, Manchuria, together with Taiwan was given back to China. The USSR recognized Chiang, which included Manchuria as it had occupied Manchuria in war. It extended limited aid to Mao and turned over the cities in Manchuria to Chiang (Brands 280). 3. The planners of postwar intended for the division between South Korea and North Korea to be a temporary administration solution. The UN had intended to push for elections in the two countries in 1947 with the hope of re-uniting them to a democratic government. But the Soviet Union blocked this plan and supported Kim IL Sung as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s leader. 4. On the other hand, the United States was in support of Syngman Rhee as the leader of Republic of Korea. Though Kim and Rhee ruled with different ideologies, they both supported the reunification course. Later, the United States and Soviet Union withdrew their forces under the 1949 UN agreement. 5. This left the two sides periodically instigating attacks on each other across the thirty-eighth parallel which had divided the US and Soviet Union troops. This led to formal war in June 1950 when Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, DPRK crossed the line to attack the Republic of Korea, ROK. 6. In September 1950, the US led the UN in regaining South Korea’s lost ground with China reacting to this. At Incheon, close to Seoul, MacArthur’s US troop cut off DPRK army from advancing. This saw the UN forces approach the 38th parallel and liberate Seoul by the end of that month, restoring the previous status quo. By 1951, the territory about central Korea and Seoul had been claimed by different troops as the Communist and UN troops advanced and retreated. 7. With the UN and US troops war to regain South Korea, October 1950 saw the UN troop reaching Yalu River, the border between North Korea and China. Office of the Historian observed that the Chinese
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What is beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What is beauty - Essay Example For some people beauty may depend on outward appearance. Aesthetics happens to be the opposite of beauty. In today’s world we tend to mix beauty and aesthetics together. Aesthetic happens to be your outer appearance that attracts people. This include your clothing and body. People may go on buying expensive clothes or make up just to make them look presentable or attractive to others. This happens to be a characteristic of the material world. Beauty can be said to be your personality rather than looks. It is something that makes you original and shine through all the odds. Simply by applying, make up, having cosmetic surgery, you may be able to cover up all you shortcomings but you can’t get hold of a decent personality. The most you may be able to do is end up as a commodity, a fashion icon but you looks will eventually fade away and you’ll be left empty handed. An example of a private school may be taken. All the children wear uniform to attend school. The shirt blouse pants all are of the same colour and material. All the students tend to look almost the same. In this case it shall be hard to determine who has a better appearance or outer look than others. Charisma attracts one another rather than looks in this case. The possibility of aesthetics coming in between is minimised as everyone is dressed simply and equally. Inner beauty as we call it, becomes a source of attraction rather than the outer appea rance. Beauty is looked upon is this world very differently. Any two people shall have different views and ideas regarding beauty. The spirit and values hardly shall match. In simple words, beauty is something that authenticates a person rather than giving a false impression. If beauty did not exist we would be living in a materialistic society where ones looks and appearance would matter more than their actions. Without personality and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Social media make your life worse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social media make your life worse - Essay Example Social media is a platform where people from different backgrounds interact, exchange ideas or information in virtual networks. It depends on mobile and web based technologies to create platforms through which communities use, share and discuss the already existent information or content. Social media changes how communications are effected between organizations, communities and individuals at different levels. Social media has always been associated with positive incomes yet this is not the case, however its benefits are countless (Nigel 60). The negative side of the social media has impacts felt hard and they could destroy one’s view of the social sites, the world and even themselves. The benefits of using social media include; building good reputations, online marketing, career opportunities and income. For the individuals, they are able to improve their social relationships as well as networking as observed from an interview conducted between Crawford and Wang. Crawford ad mits to the advantage of the social media by saying â€Å"social media increase our social interaction and give us more ways to make social connections. It is help to make some new friends, something like that, everyone should like social media.†Social media uses different technologies that include; use of blogs, wall posting and crowd sourcing. Social media could interfere with the way someone views some ideas hence make one’s life worse if it’s not used in the right manner for the desired purpose. As Crawford states, â€Å"Social media wastes our time in chatting but we are totally updated with the present news which were happening around us. So, don't see social networking as threats but just as the opportunities where we can interact with the people globally.†It is evident that as much as social media has attractive features that make one glued to their mobile phones or computers for more time, it leads to time wastage as internet users spend more t ime on the social media site that on any other site. A research in the US shows that the total time spent on social media in mobile phones and personal computers increased by 37% in a year that is 121 billion minutes in 2012 compared to 88 billion minutes in 2012. Some school children even spend more time on social media than on their books; this corrupts their mind and makes them not concentrate on their school work. All this time wasted or spent unwisely in the social media leads to poor grades in school and under performance in the work stations. Social media has always been criticized because of its exclusiveness that is most sites do not allow the transfer of information from one site to another. This therefore leads to disparity in the sharing of information that is available due to untrustworthiness, informational reliability, media content ownerships and the different meanings of information as displayed by these social platforms (Kaplan 72). Information from one site to ano ther cannot be transferred to another hence creates individualism, which allows them to advertise and display their own information (Nigel 42). Some information that is displayed on most social media sites is destructive rather than constructive to one’s mind and view of daily activities. Some information regarding cults, death, use of warfare weapons could make one curious and ready to venture or find out the truth about such information. Pornographic pictures and linkages destroys one’s brain because they tend to be addictive, this leads to an increase in the number of rape cases, violence and other activities that are against our way of culture and belief as people from different backgrounds (Nigel 55). Social media leads
Monday, September 23, 2019
Introducing a New Food in Australia Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Introducing a New Food in Australia - Assignment Example The Australian National Food Safety Standards has the role of labeling food standards to be introduce. In Australian Capital Territory (ACT) the agency responsible for ensuring the safety of food is the Health Protection Service (HPS) of ACT Health. The HPS under its Food Sampling Working Group (FSWG) looks after the development, overall implementation and co-ordination of the Food Survey Program (Program). These government agencies monitor the introduction of new food as well as supply to ensure that it is safe and pose no risk to the consumers. The new food should comply with standards for microbiological contaminants, pesticide residue limits and chemical contamination. Introduction of new food in Australia has to meet all the food surveillance data from public health units in Australia. This data includes the results of compliance testing, and specialty targeted surveys. If the new product is canned food then it comes under the Canned Food Information Service Inc (CFIS Inc) for the promotion and review of the product. The CFIS aims to convince consumers about the foods contained, and to dispel misconceptions and so generate increased purchases. The nutrition programme of CFIS is aimed to create the awareness of the influences of public opinion. After that the authority issue a license only after carrying out a comprehensive risk assessment process so that Australian environment and human health and safety would not be at risk. The national regulatory scheme does not look into the marketing issues of new food. The main objective of the authority is to provide an unambiguous recognition, under Commonwealth law. Nutrition labelling Mandatory nutrition labelling is necessary for the launch of any new food product as it has significant impacts on health in the community. The method of nutrition labelling divided into two steps, first, it identify the risk factors of diet-related disease and study their impact on health systems expenditure and the value of life. Secondly, it estimates the level of reduction in risk factors. Risk factors can be identified through diet-related diseases, which are associated with three risk factors, namely, obesity, hypertension and high blood cholesterol. It is no denying fact that nutrition information greatly influences consumer choice. According to an American study of the impact of the introduction of mandatory nutrition labelling the consumers principally respond to negative nutrition information. Nutrition labelling really boosts the consumer behaviour as it reduces the risk factors. In Australia food products that carry nutrition labels is considered as healthy. A nutritional analysis programme is vital for any new food product to know the size and complexity of the product and a careful assessment of the resources, skills, courage and discipline required to progress the task to completion (Scheelings 1987). The programme is more about data evaluation, which identifies the critical elements of quality assurance. The Nutrition Committee of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has developed work programme for the current revision of the Australian food tables. The work programme is composed of four components: the analytical programme; the processing and validation of food composition data and preparation for publication; the establishment of the Australian Nutrient Data Bank to store and process data; and the development of the
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Business and International Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business and International Law - Essay Example One of them is that a flag state must have an established maritime organization capable of enforcing all international and national regulations and secondly is that a flag state must be a member of International Maritime Organization (IMO) that adopt the IMO's maritime safety Resolutions and Conventions. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell boarded one of the Diversified Worldwide Industries Inc. DWI's Small cruise ships known as Minnow for a week long journey from Miami. The Minnow flied the flag of Liberia. They returned to their cabin one of the nights and found two ship employees removing cash and Mrs. Lowell jewellery from their luggage. This paper discusses my duty as the VP for Risk Management of Diversified Worldwide Industries Inc. It will discuss how I will develop knowledge and expertise in all areas of business law, consult with corporate and outside counsel on legal matters, advice the board as to available options to reduce or minimize the risk and liability of DWI in its ongoing activi ties Mr. and Mrs. Lowell boarded one of the Diversified Worldwide Industries Inc. DWI's Small cruise ships known as Minnow for a week long journey from Miami. The Minnow flied the flag of Liberia. They returned to their cabin one of the nights and found two ship employees removing cash and Mrs. Lowell jewellery from their luggage. Mr. This paper discusses my duty as the VP for Risk Management of Diversified Worldwide Industries Inc. It will discuss how I will develop knowledge and expertise in all areas of business law, consult with corporate and outside counsel on legal matters, advice the board as to available options to reduce or minimize the risk and liability of DWI in its ongoing activities Business and International Law Mr. and Mrs. Lowell boarded one of the Diversified Worldwide Industries Inc. DWI's Small cruise ships known as Minnow for a week long journey from Miami. The Minnow flied the flag of Liberia. They returned to their cabin one of the nights and found two ship employees removing cash and Mrs. Lowell jewellery from their luggage. Mr. Lowell struggled with the robbers until he collapsed and suffered a fatal heart attack in the process. Mrs. Lowell was later locked inside the cabin restroom as the robbers escaped. The ship docked in Grand Cayman a few hours later and the robbers escaped with the cash and the jewellery stolen from Lowell's'. Mrs. Lowell was rescued after the ship left Grand Cayman and she identified the two employees who robbed them in a photo line up. My duty as the VP for Risk Management I will develop knowledge and expertise in all areas of business law, consult with corporate and outside counsel on legal matters, advice the board as to available options to reduce or minimize the risk and liability of DWI in its ongoing activities Despite the fact that the DWI cruise had a "flag of convenience", it had to comply with SOLAS standards and other international conventions monitored by the port states and the flag. For this case, DWI should be aware that the flag state has a key responsibility of ensuring that the cruise has all the requirements and guidelines established internationally. An annual ship examination is required whereby the cruise is thoroughly inspected to ensure that its safety systems are operational. 1 The DWI ought to be aware that since its cruise had a "flag of convenient", they are governed by a regulatory agency of maritime experts that ensures that the shipping firm is compliant with the laws of commercial vessels that are registered in that country in areas of practices and operational procedures. (International Council of Cruise Line, 2006) DWI also ought to be aware that the interest of a small cruise like Minnow with a passenger capacity of 16 is represented by an International Council of Cruise Lines (ICCL) that serves as a consultative non governmental organization to the International Maritime Organization. Its aim as a trade association is to ensure there is development of regulatory and policy
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Worst Car Accident I Have Ever Had Essay Example for Free
Worst Car Accident I Have Ever Had Essay I felt a big thud at the front of my truck, and at that moment I did not know what had happened. Seconds later I felt my body turning with the vehicle. I grasped the wheel really hard with both of my hands, while the glass shattered in to pieces. My head, my chest, and my arms were soaking in blood. My heart was beating very fast. I thought it was the end of my life. That summer day on 2004, I was driving back from work in the afternoon and I took the South Beltway 8. When I was passing under the bridge on Harwin Street, the car in from of me suddenly move to the left lane. After that, I heard a heavy blow and my pick up truck went flying into the air. I did not know at that moment what happened. Later, when all was calm, I got out the truck, and I sat on the pavement. It was an amazing picture. I was very nervous while and arms bled from the wounds. Immediately, the paramedics and police had arrived, while a helicopter was flying over the area of the accident. I waited for the paramedics to come to my aid. Then they placed me on the stretcher very carefully and took me to the ambulance. The paramedics took my blood pressure and quicky wrapped my head in bandages. I also remember seeing a police officer who entered the ambulance only to put me a traffic ticket. I simply told the police officer that it was not my fault, that someone had left his car in the middle of the freeway. The ambulance took about ten minutes to arrive to the Southwest Memorial Hospital. I remember that in the Hospital they took many x-rays, and put me on a machine to get a scan. There was not found internal bleeding. Then the doctor said that the wounds were not so serious. I spent almost three hours at the hospital. I had not called my family, because I did not want them to worry. When I arrived at my home, I told my wife all about the accident. Finally, after a long day. I sat in a chair on the balcony of my house. I thought about the terrible accident that had happened. According to this experience I learned that life is to short and nobody knows the future and I never thought that I would had such a serious accident.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Website Evaluation †Apple Store
Website Evaluation – Apple Store In the recent years, electronic business becomes more widespread, and rapidly growing in the whole world. Because of the cost efficiency and coverage, many companies build a website to sell their products on the Internet. One of the most famous worldwide consumer electronic company, Apple Inc. also established an online store which called Apple Store ( to sell different products on the Internet from 1997 (Technical Update, 1997). The website is widely use in buying the products of Apple Inc. by the customers in worldwide. Therefore, the quality of the website has to be good enough for to numbers of customers. This essay is going to evaluate, discuss and conclude about the Apple Store and its e-commerce operation by using different methods of evaluation. Website Purpose Outline Company Background Apple Inc. is one of the biggest consumer electronic and computer company in the world. It provides many famous hardware products including the iPhone, the iPod series, the iPad and the Mac hardware products to different types of customers (Apple Inc. Annual Report, 2010). The company sells its products in more than 300 retail stores in various countries from 2010 (Spence, 2010). Other than the website and the retail store, Apple Inc. sells its products by wholesalers, retailers from other company, direct sales force, third-party cellular network carriers, and value added resellers at the same time (Apple Inc. Annual Report, 2010). Website Functions Apple Store is a website provides various services to customers, which are products description, software download, products selling and after sales services. Product Description Finding and filtering information for the customers is important to a successful electronic system since the customers would like to find the products and services in the easiest way (Ng, Yan and Lim, 2000). Therefore, a good e-business website must have a good production description. Apple Store describes the information of different products in detail for the customers understanding the functions and usefulness of the products. Diverse products like the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad, the Mac hardware products, software and accessories are being introduced by words, videos and pictures in different languages in the website. For the iPod, iPhone, iPad and Apples computers, those features, outlook and technical specifications is being showed in the site. The website even uses video to explain how to use the products in detail to attract the consumers. At the same time, in every description page we can see a Buy Now button which is a link to the product selling part to make the purchasing process easier (Apple Store, 2010). Software Download Apple Store provides many types of software for different products. There are both free and paid software for the customers to better use their hardware products. Like many software production companies, customers can choose to buy the software in the normal stores or on the online store. And the software update can be found on the website for providing new features and fixing the bugs on the products. Also, the software can be downloaded in various languages in the world. Product Selling The online Apple Store is a channel of product selling to various customers in the world. Customers can buy anything which can be bought in the Apple retail store including hardware, Apple software, third party software and selected third party accessories on the website. They even can buy the certified refurbished products and the old type products which cannot be bought in the normal store on the online store in a cheaper than normal price (Apple Store, 2010). For the customers who buy the goods on the Apple online store, they can buy the goods on installments without interest. After Sales Services The Apple Inc. provides many after sales services to the customers if they bought the products on the Apple Store. They can check the delivery status on the website in order to know the process of delivery. When the customers take the product to repair in the repair department of Apple, they can check the repair status on the site. And they can get support if they have any problem of using the product. The website provides many product using problem solutions to the users (Apple Store, 2010). Therefore, the customers can get help easily from the Apple store website if they have any problem. Website Analyses Web Accessibility Users with disabilities have to use the website. Therefore, a good website should be able to let them to utilize it easily. Web Accessibility is a standard for checking that whether the users with disabilities can perceive, follow, control, communicate with and contribute to the website (W3C, 2005). For a website, if it is sufficiently flexible to be used by all of assistive technologies, it can be called as an accessible website (Slatin Rush, 2003). For the Apple Store, web accessibility will be evaluated by whether the website has the essential components if it is accessible to people with disabilities (W3C, 2005). In content, the basic text and images introduce the product and the purchasing instruction. For the people who have blurry vision, they cannot read unless the text is very large (Thatcher, 2005, P. 3). By the way, the text size and color cannot be change in each page in the Apple Store website. The minor visual disability people cannot change the text size to what they need when they want to see that page. However, for the product introduction, the Apple Store uses some videos to introduce the major functions and special features of the products, the visual disability people, even the blindness who is completely sightless (Paciello, 2000, P.8), can know more about the product by listening the voice in the videos. But for the auditory people, there is no subtitle in the videos for them to understand what is about on the video. At the same time, for the visual disability people who want to make transaction in the website, there is no instruction video or audio about the process of transaction for those people who need it. And even in the transaction page, no access for the visual disability people to make a transaction. Therefore, Apple Store does not provide enough access to disability people. Webqual 2.0 Research Design Finding the domain which can reflect the situation in reality is better than doing artificial laboratory-based experiment (Barnes Vidgen, 2001). By the way, only analyze one data about the domain is not enough for the website evaluation. Therefore, compare the domain with the major competitors is the best way to evaluate the quality of the website. In the market, there are many competitors of Apple having an online store to sell consumer electronic products (Apple Inc. Annual Report, 2010). The major competitors which are chosen to be evaluated with Apple Store are the Sony Style online store (, and the HP online store ( The reasons why those websites are being chosen to be compared are because both of them are selling consumer electronic and computer products. At the same time, both three of them are recommended by the UK consumers (Satmetrix, 2010). Sony is the biggest multinational conglomerate corporation in Japanese. It is one of the leading company of selling consumer electronic and computer products. Playstation, Sony music products and Sony laptops are some example of the famous electronic product of Sony (Sony Style, 2010). Sony Style online store is a channel of distribution on the Internet. HP (Hewlett-Packard) is another major competitor of consumer electronic and computer products of Apple Inc. It is a multinational information technology corporation in USA which is famous by its computer products. HP is famed for selling different types of hardware product. Methodology 40 questionnaires have been done from the user of Internet in the worldwide. Questions in the questionnaires are distributed to different countries, different age and different gender people by Internet. The questionnaire is mainly divided into 2 parts to measure those three websites quality and their view of the importance of the criteria. First part is about their basic information, which is about their age group, gender, and most importantly, whether they have visited those three websites. The data of the interviewees who have not visited those websites are not going to be count in the analysis. The second part is different descriptions of the websites. Each of them uses the scale 1 to 5 to elaborate the interviewees agreeability of the descriptions (Barnes Vidgen, 2001). And the description importance for evaluation is also asked in the questionnaire, in order to know how they feel about the importance of those descriptions. Data Analysis In the 40 interviewees, 28 of them have visited those Apple Store, Sony Style online store and HP online store. Therefore, only this 28 interviewees questionnaire results are being counted in the analysis. All data which are collected are summarized in Table 1 in the appendix page. The marks counted are the average marks of the 28 interviewees in each question. All marks are round up to 2 decimal places for evaluation conveniently. According to Barnes, the Webqual can be divided into different categories in SERVQUAL which are tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Barnes Vidgen, 2001). They are going to be the criteria to see how the quality of those three websites is. Importance of specific question for user At the beginning, the importance of each description is going to be analyzed first. From the table, we can see the average marks of importance in different descriptions are quite high. Therefore, most of the descriptions of Webqual are important for the interviewees. In aesthetics, the interviewees think having a good outlook is quite important to them (Description 1). It can attract them to stay in the website for a longer time. However, having an appropriate design and audio-visual effect (Descriptions 2, 3) are not as important as other criteria, since they are not the critical element for them to stay in the website. Then, reliable (Descriptions 4-6), responsiveness (Descriptions 7-8), competence (Descriptions 9-10), credibility (Descriptions 14-15), and security (Descriptions 16-17) are quite important for the website users. It is because both of the criteria are about the safety of the transaction on that website. The users of website most concern the trust and dependability of it (Jones, Wllikens, Morris and Masera, 2000). However, for navigation (Descriptions 11-13), whether the websites are easy to find and to return to and find your way around are not important for the interviewees. Only the website has things where they expect to find them is important for the interviewees. Whether the website is easy to give feedback (Description 18) is quite important for the interviewees. For the empathy of the website, websites are quite good in communication (Descriptions 19-21) and their understanding the individual (Descriptions 22-24) are not as important as others. Descriptions Comparison between Three Websites Referring to Table 1, the evaluation of interviewees can show the differences between those three websites. In terms of aesthetics, the users think that the Apple Store looks much better than the Sony Style online store and HP online store. As we can see in those websites, Apple Store provides more pictures and a better looking homepage between those three websites. At the same time, both of them have an appropriate style of design for site type. By the way, only Apple Store creates and audio-visual experience to the users. In the Apple Store website, there are some videos to introduce the major functions and special features of the products. So the Apple Store has a higher overall score of aesthetics. For the navigation, which is the description that the users thinks it is not that important, we can see Apple Store and Sony Style online store have a higher marks of whether it is easy to find and to return to and Apple Store gets a higher marks in it is easy to find your way around. It shows that the Apple Store is easier for the user to find and use. At the same time, the interviewees claim that the three websites have things what they expected to find them. For the reliability, the marks between three websites are quite similar. It is because both three website are run by big company, which are Apple, Sony and HP. They have to make their websites free from error in order to maintain their credibility. Only about the description about providing up-to-date information, Apple Store get a higher average marks between three websites. It is because after the press conference of the new products, the new products features will be updated immediately on the website next day while the other two websites do not do this kind of update. For the competence, interviewees think that those websites can provide them with professional and competent image and believe they can process transactions competently, again, because both three website are run by the big company. Professional and process transactions competently are important for the credibility for them. For responsiveness, HP online store gives a more clear time for delivery for products or services. It shows what the exact day is for the customers receive the product, while the Apple and Sony website only show the estimate day of delivery which is not enough for the customers. At the same time, the access of three websites is good for the interviewees, both of them are easy to give feedback or contact the company. By the way, for the credibility and security, Apple Store has a higher mark compare with other two websites. It is because the Apple website is more famous in dealing with online trading and many of the interviewees have done the transaction through Apple website. Therefore, it has a higher mark in compare with the two other websites. For the empathy, both websites does not have a good mark since the website does not convey this culture to the website users. In conclusion, Apple Store gets the highest marks between three websites in the evaluation. Therefore we can see Apple website is the best in the group of consumer products websites. E-commerce Operation Evaluation Value Creation model Value Creation is important for a company. According to Mathur and Kenyon, it is about the design of future competitive offerings for the financial success of a company (Mathur and Kenyon, 2001) and the company have to beat the competitor by the value creation (Phillips, 2003). Novelty provides a feature that the customers can order the products in multiple configurations. They can customize what they buy on the website. For example, when a customer orders a Macbook Pro, he can choose the processor, memory, graphics card, hard drive he like. This feature is a novelty in the online store market when it was first revealed. It creates value by eliminating inefficiencies in buying process for the customers. Because the customers can chose the product configurations according to their personal needs. So it is easier for them to purchase on the Internet. Customers can buy certified refurbished products on the Apple online store. The certified refurbished products are the products which undergo a rigorous refurbishment process prior to being offered for sale in a price which is cheaper than the normal price. It creates value by creating entirely new markets which is the market of the customers who like buying cheaper product. At the same time, it can help the company to sell the refurbished products. And because it is selling on the official website, it is more reliable for the consumers. The Apple Store let the customers engraving their iPod if they make an order on the website. They can make some personalized words on their iPod by the laser engraving. The text will be engraved near the top, on the back of the iPod. Any different types of iPod can use this service if the customers buy the iPod on the apple website. It creates values by capturing latent consumer need which is personalized design of their iPod. Efficiency The Apple online store provides the consumers with efficiency in different aspects. First of all, the information asymmetries between the Apple online store and the buyer have be reduced since the website provides all information which the buyer need in deciding whether purchasing, including the price of all different product, all possible discount, the price of adding different customize part in the products. Unlike in the normal store, the buyers have enough information in making the decision on buying a product or not. Therefore, we can say the information asymmetries between each group have been reduced. At the same time, the searching and bargaining cost of the buyer has been reduced by using the Apple online store. They do not have to search in different store since the price of the Apple Store is unified in the market. Therefore, their decision making pace will be faster than in the normal store since they have enough information to making the purchasing decision. Complementarities Apple Store provides with vertical complementarities to the customers which are after sales services. On the website, when you login your purchasing account, many individual information about your purchasing can be shown on the webpage. Delivery status, repair status can be checked on the site. Then the buyers can easily organize the usage of their products after the purchase. If they have any problem of using the product, many supporting service are available on the website for the buyers. They can browse the instructions about the using problem on the website. And also read the guideline from the website. For the horizontal complementarities, in some promotion, the buyers can buy the computer with the printer of the partner firms. This cooperation between the company helps to create value that the customers can have the bundle of products and get the value create from the cooperation. Lock-In In the Apple online store, it provides many services that create value for the customers. For the customers who have purchased in the Apple online store, they will receive the email about the latest news about the store, which is about the latest products, latest software download or some news about the company. When the customers can see the email regularly, they will be locked in with the company. And the email have the link for the customers to know more further information about the new, which make some potential purchasing for the company. Also, personalization for the customers appears in the Apple online store. After the first transaction between the customer and Apple store, the customer can turn the one click ordering function in the website with entering the credit card and personal information in the website. The customer is then allowed to purchase anything on the Apple Store with single click on the website (Apple Store, 2010). This personalization service for the customers let them to purchase in the website easier and increase the sales of the Apple Store. Conclusion In conclusion, Apple Store is one of the best electronic business website. In the evaluation, we can see the website quality of Apple Store is on the top in between the competition. At the same time, it provides with values in different aspects. By the way, the web accessibility is not good enough for the use of disability. The company has to put more effort in this aspect. (3243 words) References Article in a Journal Ng, W.W., Yan, G. and Lim, E.P. (2000), Heterogeneous Product Description in Electronic Commerce. ACM SIGecom Exchanges, 1(1) Barnes, S., and Vidgen, R. (2001), An evaluation of cyber-bookshops: the WebQual method. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 6(1), 11-30 Amit, R. and Zott C. (2001), Value creation in E-Business. Strategic Management Journal, 22(6-7), 493-520 Jones, C., Wllikens, M., Morris, P., and Masera, M. (2000), Trust requirements in e-business. Magazine Communications of the ACM, 12(43), 81-87 Mathur, S.S and A. Kenyon (2001), Creating Value: Successful Business Strategies, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford Book Thatcher, J. (2006). Understanding Web Accessibility, Web accessibility: web standards and regulatory compliance, FriendsofED, 3 Paciello, Michael G. (2000). Introducing Web Accessibility, Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities, CMP Books, 8 Slatin, J. and Rush, S. (2003). Maximum accessibility, Addison-Wesley, New York. Phillips, P. (2003). E-business strategy: text and cases, London: McGraw-Hill. Website Apple Annual Report (2010),, Accessed December 2010 Nick Spence (2010), Grand opening of Apples 300th retail store brings Covent Garden to a standstill,, Accessed December 2010 Technical Update (1997), Apple Online Store Orders Top 12 Million Dollars in First Month,, Accessed December 2010 W3C (2005), Introduction to Web Accessibility,, Accessed December 2010 W3C (2005), Essential Components of Web Accessibility,, Accessed December 2010 Satmetrix (2010), First Direct, Sony, Saga, O2 and Apple, Among the Most Recommended Brands According to 8,000 UK Consumers,, Accessed December 2010 Apple Store (2010), What is 1-Click?,, Accessed December 2010
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Dead Poets Society :: essays research papers
When I first saw Dead Poets Society, it was nothing I expected. The film is quite serious and it is without question the best movie I've ever seen. It takes place in 1959 at Welton Academy, a private collage prep school for boys where discipline is the most important goal and any demonstration of a free thought is strictly prohibited . One voice stands out among narrow-minded administration-John Keatings, eccentric and inspiring teacher. He wants his students to "suck the bone of life to the marrow", "to seize the day", and to make their lives "extraordinary". Keatings teaches poetry, but his students get a lot more than that- they learn passion, courage, and romance. Group of his students dare to form Dead Poets Society, a secret organization. One of the boys, Neil, who wants to be an actor but whose overbearing father forbids him to , commits a suicide and dies . His roommate , Todd, is trying to live up to expectations after his brother becomes the school's valedictorian. At the end, Mr. Keatings is fired after being accused of having a negative impact on his students. Self-esteem becomes one of the centers of the movie. Neil's low self-esteem reveals itself only in the relationship with Neil's father, but leads Neil to his tragic end. On the other hand, Todd, with the help of Professor Keatings, was able to build up his self-esteem . John Keatings wasn't a regular professor: his teaching methods were very different from those of others in Welton Academy. The relationship between Todd and professor Keatings is quite interesting because we can see the transformation that Todd went through from being afraid to answer teacher's question to being the first one to show his appreciation for Mr. Keatings when doing so could lead to expelling from the school.It is very interesting to see how John Keatings establishes the relationship with his students. He is quite open with his students about his attitude towards the world and his ideas about the purposes of life, and other general things, however, at the same time he doesn't reveal his personal life. This is very understandable due to the fact that he is a teacher, and his role as a teacher prevents him from getting too personal with his students. Moreover, in my opinion, it was very important to keep this barrier between the professor and his students because otherwise they could've lost their respect for him as a teacher.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Role of the Lesion Method in the Understanding of Healthy Brain Fun
Understanding the relationship between brain and behaviour has been of great phenomenon in the field of neuropsychology yet a compound one. Studying the effects of brain functions on human behaviour requires us to operate with methods that allow us to dissect different aspects of mental functions. This paper therefore addresses one of the ways of assessing brain functions in human and non-human animals; the lesion method (in Banich, 2004). The basic concept of the lesion method is to determine a correlation between a lesion in a certain region of the brain and occurring behaviours. The lesion method strategy thus involves ablating or destroying a proportion of the brain in order to understand the functional nature of that specific brain part and its effects on behaviour (in Carlson, 2006). A lesion refers to the structural change or damage of brain tissues which may be directly related to a certain aspect of a mental function thus leading to a decline in brain functioning. The existence of lesions in humans can occur in several different ways such as strokes, tumours, traumatic brain injuries, accidents etc and it is these patients that have provided us with a valuable insight into the effects of brain lesions on human behaviour and the nature of neurologically intact individuals (in Carlson, 2006). In general, research agrees on the idea that different aspects of behaviour are mediated by distinctive parts of the brain; a concept referred to as localization of function (in Banich, 2004). With the brain consisting of various components each providing support for different mental processes the principle of localization of function poses that certain regions of the brain are circumscribed to specific locations (in Banich, 2004).... ... contributed to our understanding of the brain not only allowing us to uncover the nature of lesion deficits in brain damaged patients but also allowing us to investigate brain functions in neurologically intact individuals. Intact individuals have also aided and our understanding of the different neuroanatomical structures of the brain and how mental processes operate. Works Cited Banich M.T. (2004). Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology (2nd Ed.).Boston: Houghton Mifflin CO. Boddy., J. (1978). Brain systems and Psychological Concepts. Sutton Surrey. By John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Carlson. R.N. (2006). Foundations of Behavioural Neuroscience.(8th ed.). Allyn & Bacon. Pearson Education, Inc. Passer, M., Smith, R., Holt, N., Bremner, A., Sutherland, E., & Vliek, M. (2009). Psychology; Science of Mind and Behaviour. (European Edition). New York.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Counselling Theory Essay
Critically evaluate the practical use of person-Centred theory and its limitations as suggested by its critics. How does Person-Centred theory and practice differ from two other models and what ways if any is it similar? Carl Roger’s, the founder of the Person Centered theory came to his vision through his own life journey and relationship with clients as a psychologist. He believed in the potential being realised in all of us under the right core conditions (congruence, unconditional positive regard and empathy) culminating in the actualising tendency: Rogers advocated that there is a tendency within all humans, animals and plants, to move toward completion or fulfilment of potentials, i.e., wholeness. Individuals must develop the concept of self and the awareness of their experiences becoming the person’s self perception and the perception of the organismic self (the true-self). (htt//webspace.ship/edu/cgboer/rogers.htm accessed 28/2/2008) Argument that this is not an argument that can sustain itself†¦.the potato and we are not potato. Roger’s was of the oponion that when there are incongruences between the ideal self and the self concept the more an individual will be fragmented and dysfunctional. Most of our conditions of worth have been set in place by the conditions and experiences of our upbringing and predominantly by parents or initial carers. Positive self regard is important and brought about by positive regard, a need for love and contact with another person where conditions of worth do not determine a persons self-esteem. If you do this then I will love you, hence you can only be successful if you fulfil other peoples expectations .The importance of self positive regard means you are freed from others peoples goals and expectations of you. Therefore you are more likely to fulfil your own expectations and become the whole person, a person you wish to be, an existence that should be harmonious and balanced and actualise the organismic self. ‘The counsellor should relate, not as a scientist to an object of study, not as physician expecting to diagnose and cure but as a person to a person.’ The counsellor must feel the client to be a person of unconditional self worth which means the client is valued whatever his feelings, behaviour and condition. When the counsellor is genuine and congruent and not attempting to hide behind a curtain of himself, touching with experiences that are understood in his organismic self , and this will enable the counsellor to fully enter into this relationship regardless of where it may lead. ( Rodgers p.185 2004) As the client becomes aware that he/she is accepted unconditionally the process begins and this exploration is possible because the client becomes less threatened at damaging the old structured self he/she had previously been protecting. The client may start to experience emotions more fully which creates a congruence in himself that he is these feelings in all their intensity. Hence, he discovers himself more freely and this constructive change will be reflected in the clients newly experiencing self. Critiques of Rogers’s person-centred therapy begin with his basic conception of human nature as tending toward the good and the healthy. Some critics of Rogers’s theories have difficulty with the concept that therapists can, or should, establish a relationship of unconditional positive regard in the case of dangerously violent persons. There is doubt how parents might put into practice some of these ideas when bringing up children whose behaviour can be difficult and not show any outward appearance of disapproval. accessed on 5/3/2012) The â€Å"organismic valuing process,†sometimes described as an internal monitor of a person’s experiences in life that, under favourable circumstances, allows the development of healthy men or women possessing optimum self-esteem and an accurate sense of who they â€Å"really are†as well as who they would ideally like to become. The obstacle to this development, according to Rogers, are conditions are those generally inflicted early in childhood in which the individual is denied â€Å"unconditional positive regard†and is thereby influenced by either positive or negative â€Å"conditions of worth†which instils values and behaviours that are at odds with a person’s organismic valuing process. The result of exposure to these conditions of worth is the development of individuals who look to the approval of others for their sense of identity rather than finding it within themselves. Consequently serious conflicts arise within the personality between its natural organismic valuing process and its perception of conditions of worth that are alien to it. Such conflicts are the source of the vast array of neurotic symptoms and disorders that have been catalogued since the inception of psychology as a professional discipline. In order to cure his patients, whom he called â€Å"clients†so as to relate to them in a more equitable manner than did doctors or traditional psychoanalysts, Rogers provided them with the unconditional positive regard they were denied previously by practicing â€Å"nondirective†techniques of therapy that avoided communicating to the client the judgmental or interpretive conditions to which they had already been subjected in life and which were only perpetuated in other therapeutic methods, especially psychoanalysis. A technique of nondirective therapy is â€Å"reflection,†, the therapist literally restating, or reflecting back, what the clients have said so that they themselves may become pro-active and insightful in their own rehabilitation, discovering who they are and the type of person they would have become without the conditioning from others. There is the argument here too that it is an impossibility that we can evolve without any sort of conditioning a point critics love to get their teeth into, especially in our modern society. In On Becoming a Person Rogers explains it as this â€Å"Unless I had a need to demonstrate my own cleverness and learning, I would do better to rely upon the client for the direction of movement.†Roger’s felt that this empowerment by the client gave them the opportunity to attain the highest goal of â€Å"getting in touch with themselves. As Freud himself recognised, it is when the client comes to a realisation (interpretation) themselves that they most embrace it. The therapist can help the client to find the insight, but he cannot â€Å"give†it to him. This points to the valuable nature of the clients own discovery being of paramount importance in the healing process and not being ‘told’. ( A real high five here for person-centred!) However there are criticisms to Rogers technique of non-directivity. Most of these critiques have pre-conceived views that it is impossible for anyone to operate from this perspective and some dismiss the fundamental assumptions of the approach (actualising tendency, self-authority and self-directivity of the client).Lietaer’s (1998) work illustrates this, as he puts the client-centred therapist in the role of expert of ‘the process which is part based on Gendlin’s experiencing theory, seeing the therapist as expert. Cain (1986)although a promoter of the person centred theory takes the position which is identified as ‘instrumental non-directivity, in which ‘non-directivity is important as long as it is useful intending the intervention only as a suggestion. Again this is taken up by another ( Khan (1999)who suggests ‘ the therapists authority is endorsed with the rationalization that the client is allowed to agree or disagree, ignore or confir m the therapists input’. This theory is alien to Rogers since the locus of control is switched to the therapist as intervention is defined as doing something to interfere in order to hinder or alter actions or behaviour. Maria Bowen a close friend and colleague of Roger’s suggested that non-directivity is a myth. In Roger’s interview with ‘JILL’ she considers a number of Rogers responses as interpretive and directive. She also concludes that Rogers seemed to avoid the ‘dark’ side and evaluated 25 of Roger’s therapy interviews to assess the idea that he operated on a positive bias based upon the question, ‘Did Carl Rogers positive of human nature bias his psychotherapy’. Interestingly enough, the findings showed that Rogers tended to veer more towards responding to the negative than to the positive client statements. Non-directivity does not necessarily lie in the particular responses which come from the person of the therapist. At this point I will look at a more directive module of therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy known as CBT. It originated from Sigmund Freud’s pioneering therapeutic approach to individuals who had suffered childhood sexual abuse in 1895, which involved retelling the traumatic event in order to release repressed emotions. This type of therapy involves cognitive and behavioural techniques whereby clients are encouraged and taught ways to change their thought patterns and expectations and relaxation techniques are used. It is often used for phobias, obsessions, eating disorders, stress related ailments and major depression(sometimes in conjunction with drug treatment).There are various techniques that focus on problem solving, such as homework, diary cards and behavioural analysis. Some patients do not respond well to change and feel their suffering and apparent loss of control over their lives were not understood which has more recently led to the introduction of dialectical b ehavioural therapy. This is described as an acceptance strategy that acknowledges clients behaviour (e.g. .drinking , drug use, self-harm )was the only way the person could deal with certain emotions. Cognitive therapy uses the power of the mind in influencing behaviour. The basis of the theory proposes that previous experience can damage self image and this can affect attitude emotions and ability to deal with certain issues and life situations. The therapist helps the client to identify, question and change poor mental images of themselves that may help to resolve current negative responses and behaviour, resulting in more positive attitudes and optimistic life view. Person centred therapy also acknowledges that previous life experiences alter self images resulting in negative responses but allows the client to identify, question these and challenge their particular negative responses and behaviour. This comes back to the premise of non-directivity which ultimately is empowering for the client. CBT states that PCT will not be able to access certain suppressed emotion due to the tremendous trauma the brain has endured in the first place.and not be sufficient getting the patient past denial, getting the patient to discover suppressed emotion, and a therapist must be strong, they must push the patient, they must get them agitated in order to provoke the raw emotion that certain trauma locks away. A PCT environment does not achieve any of these things, and only draws the conclusion of lengthening the CBT treatment itself beyond what should be needed. CBT is an assertive therapy, and must be delivered especially in relation to trauma PTSD. CBT is often performed from 10 – 12 sessions, though can go for up-to 12 months if the trauma is of a more complex nature. Beyond this time limit it is presumed something is wrong; either the patient isn’t working hard enough, or the therapist isn’t delivering and pushing the patient to work hard enough. The real pluses for CBT, is that a majority of the structure can be delivered in a group environment, hence limiting the one-on-one patient / therapist time and achieving greater through put of patients, without disregard for end results. [7] CBT can also be used effectively by changing the delivery to suit children of any age, without losing effective purpose or outcomes. [8] CBT can be delivered online, through Internet Therapy known as Interapy, using a mixture of online tasks and electronic interaction with the therapist. These clear advantages are making it far more popular as the tool of choice with trauma specialists in relation to PTSD.(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). A study using neuro-imaging in anxiety disorders concluded that CBT physically affects the brain, specifically in the areas of empathy and forgiveness. Neuro-imaging also identified that CBT in combination with prescribed drugs that the two integrated to work collectively together in order to help open specific pathways within the brain helping regulate the dysfunctional neural circuits involved with the regulation of negative emotions and fear extinction. This again may only be temporary and there are no many medications that are being tested (but not always sufficiently) and prescribed that it will take quite a few years before we know the full impact of these substances on the mind body and spirit of the recipients. To use an analog from an article on various modules of counselling he suggests the human heart-mind could be compared to a concrete yard. The concrete represents the barrier, the defence mechanisms, between the conscious and the unconscious The weeds that grow through the cracks are the difficult thoughts. CBT tries to pull up the weeds as soon as they appear. But the cracks remain and so does the soil beneath, so the weeds keep coming through, naturally. Under pressure more cracks will appear and more weeds – just as for a person under pressure will see their negative thoughts multiply and grow . to block the weeds (and avoid harmful chemical spray: anti-depressants and tranquilisers) you need to tackle the problem at source: where the weeds are coming from, what is going on beneath the concrete. At the deeper levels of the self there are unconscious dynamics that need insight to be resolved .Hence why short term and pharmacology are not necessarily effective in the long term. In contrast to the CBT approach, it is through a basically person-centred approach, already outlined, that the person can be lead in this kind of deep, insight-based work.. No study exists to measure what clinicians claim and know from experience, due to the time based requirements involved on follow-up assessment five, or ten years later. There are then so many factors within such a time frame that would be insufficient to prove one method over the other clinically, ie. re-exposure to stressors, lifestyle changes, etc. Unfortunately due to these life restrictions, studies are typically only demonstrated for short-term gain vs. clinical experience where patients are monitored over years via feedback. | In the summary of the 2008 meta-analysis by Robert Elliot and Elizabeth Freire (Person-Centred/Experiential Therapies Are Highly Effective) looked at 78 studies where PCE therapies were compared to CBT, including 63 RCT’s (Randomised Clinical Trials). Apparently when all the PCE therapies were analysed they seemed to be slightly less effective than CBT . However when meta-analysis statistically controlled for the theoretical orientation of the researcher, otherwise known as researcher allegiance, the effects disappeared as the research was found to be bias which can be quite common in treatment research. After this other studies were done and to see if the superiority would decrease in relation to other supportive therapies and PCE therapies. It was found that pure PCT was statically equivalent in effectiveness to CBT, even without doing any control for researcher allegiance. They concluded that important PCE therapists do their own outcome research and ‘not trust watered down versions of what we do’as Roger’s said ‘the facts are friendly’ which is the legitimate version of Person-Centred Therapy. Transpersonal psychology was one of the first self- declared transpersonal academic disciplines to develop in the late 1960’s and 1970’s. It was building upon earlier studies into psychology of religion and mysticism by William James amongst others and from psychodynamic theorists (Jung and Assagioli) and humanistic psychology (Maslov). It focussed on the exploration of the higher reaches of human nature and experiences often influencing by Eastern religions, philosophies and practices. Transpersonal means ‘beyond’ or ‘through’ the personal, whereby our normal self is transcended resulting in a sense of connection to a larger, more meaningful reality.Transpersonal counselling is varied but are often based on Jungian, Person-Centred, Psychosynthesis, Buddhist, Holotropic principles, to name a few. Important focus’s in transpersonal counselling would be the some of the following: Is there life after death? How can I achieve greater happiness and fulfilment? What is enlightenment? How can I be more creative? Science is also now making headway to show that everything is interconnected in a beneficial mixture of experience.(e.g. Quantum psychiatry, physics and biology: a foetus still carries a cellular record of the agonizing experience and an enormous amount of pent up emotions and physi cal energies.) Transpersonal counsellors may used various methods and could appear directive or non directive and may also practice meditation or guided fantasies and other creative pursuits. The processes are varied too ( from spiritiual healing and emergence to kundalini awakenings and mediumship.) For example spiritual emergence may be triggered by trauma, stress, illness, life changing events, immature spiritual practice or drugs. Spiritual emergence is considered to be an spiritual opportunity and transformation but can be very overwhelming and often indistinguishable from psychosis. This is why the understanding of a particular approach is essential because a person with these symptoms could be embraced by the therapist that believes it is a part of spiritual growth and by another therapist possibly put on medication and branded a pschizophrenic. it seems like the essence of transpersonal therapy is the valuing of the wholeness of being and self-realization on all levels and all the experi ences that a person has are valuable. Sensitivity to individuals beliefs and practices and major frames of reference are dismissed. Hence why Rogers and the transpersonal are similar in their embracing of the persons frame of reference. Another consideration may be atheist may object to seeing a transpersonal therapist and a religious or spiritual person may feel the need to be seen by therapist with similar spiritual beliefs. When religious belief systems can often be such major identity issues for clients it is important not to be dismissive as some therapeutic disciplines can be. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Ramakrishna were diagnosed more recently as schizophrenic psychotics, hysterics or epileptics .and the famous psychoanalyst Franz Alexander described Buddhist meditation as ‘artificial catatonia’, which I personally find quite offensive! .Transpersonal combines the awakening of personal awareness and intuition (non-rational knowing)with the body’s ability to heal itself through compassionate self support. Some transpersonal experiences are ‘deep connection and love with other people, a sense of sacredness, euphoria, memories of previous life/lives , creative inspirations, out of body and death/birth experiences. I think that Person centred approach is also geered for creating a journey for personal awareness and intuition with the congruent nature of the discipline and the conditions that are at the core of Roger’s goal of the harmonious self.Techniques may be taught and supported explicitly in the therapy session and, at times shifts in consciousness may be cultivated to allow the individual to develop immediate insight and inspiration that may not be available through more conventional means. This may provide clients with a skill they can practice on their own. Rogers speaks of something similar as he feels ‘‘all in one piece’ as he ‘settles into’ a holistic mode of perception. Losing awareness of his surroundings and even the sense of time, he demonstrates that he is experiencing , by definition, an altered state of consciousness’ ( Ludwig 1967) He states himself ‘he was able to be more aware , not less, aware than at other times. He states that he ‘never felt as whole or as much a person’ than he did in his therapeutic interviews. In 1961 he commented that ‘when there is this complete unity, singleness, fullness of experiencing in the relationship, then it acquires the ‘out –of-this-world’ quality which therapists have remarked upon, a sort of trance like feeling in the relationship from which both the client and he emerge at the end of the hour, as if from a deep well or tunnel. He spoke of his inner spirit reaching out and touching the inner spirit of the other and the relationship transcending itself, becoming part of something larger where he found profound growth, healing and energy were present.(Rogers p.202) Transpersonal experiences of psychological death, rebirth and oneness, with other people, with nature and the entire universe and the cosmic consciousness can reduce the level of aggression, increase compassion and tolerance and ultimately lead to high ecological awareness, an optimal strategy to lead a fulfilling life and a productive contribution to the collective well-being. This sounds very much like the fully-functioning person Rogers speaks of, the creative and free being that becomes that potential in its fullness in the cosmic picture.Rogers had a definite relationship with transpersonal ideologies although he did not become a transpersonal psychologist he seemed congenial to it, especially in his role in the humanistic psychology, his visits to mediums and attempts to explain his own mediumistic experiences in psychotherapy in the new age language. He was curious and experimental with the transpersonal but he remained a client centred psychotherapist.  CONCLUSION FOR THEORY ESSAY Moreover, Rogers’s work continues to serve as a foundation for the counseling profession (Capuzzi & Gross, 2001; Gibson & Mitchell, 1999; Gladding, 2000; Nugent, 2000). It also plays a major part in the practice of the vast number of counselors, clinical psychologists, and psychotherapists who describe their practice as â€Å"eclectic†or â€Å"integrative,†including the client-centered approach as a major component in their repertoire (Aspy, Aspy, Russel, & Wedel, 2000; Bergin & Garfield, 1994; Sharf, 2000). But Rogers’s influence extends beyond the field of psychology, just as the career of the man did during his lifetime. While some of Rogers’s critics felt that his theory was superficial (DeMott 1979), overly optimistic, and underestimated the capacity for human evil (May, 1982), the simplicity of his message and his unyielding belief in the strength and power of human potential is carried on in humanistic and transpersonal fields today (Sha rf, 2000; Cowley, 1993). At best, Rogers’s detractors claim, his ideas may be applied only among a limited range of clients, specifically those suffering from the milder forms of neurosis, acknowledging that while person-centred therapy may prove no more effective than any other method, it has yet to demonstrate that it is harmful in any way. Despite such criticisms, Rogers’s theory of personality and his therapeutic methodology continue to gain adherents and have become among the most widely influential trends in the history of psychology.( accessed on 5/3/2012) And Finally, ‘This new world will be more human and humane. It will explore and develop the richness and capacities of the human mind and spirit. It will produce individuals who are more integrated and whole. It will be a world that prizes the individual personâ€â€the greatest of our resources.’ (Rogers, 1980, p. 356)
Monday, September 16, 2019
Discuss China in terms of being the “Middle Kingdom
Timothy Grady ACI 302816 S0245 Social Impact of Technology Assignment #1 10/28/13 Motor Vehicles Introduction This paper will discuss the history of the motor vehicle, its historic and current impact on the economy, the environment, and cause of human death. It will show how important the vehicle is to all people and the impact it has on the global economy. This paper will discuss that one of the most important pieces of technology and many positive impacts on the planet, will also is the same technology hat is destroying many lives and the planet we live on.Body The history of the automobile begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steam engine automobiles capable of human transport. In 1806, the first vehicles powered by an internal combustion engine running on fuel gas appeared, which led to the introduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern gasoline- or petrol-fueled internal combustion engine. Vehicles powered by electric power briefly appeared at the turn of the 20th centur y, but largely disappeared from use until the turn of the 21st entury.The early history of the automobile can be divided into a number of eras, based on the prevalent means of propulsion. Later periods were defined by trends in exterior styling, and size and utility preferences. (1). One of the most visible impacts vehicles have on the economy is the creation of jobs at automakers and car dealers. Although American-based auto industry Jobs have been on the decline for several decades now, thousands of Americans still make a living designing, building and selling cars.New plants owned by foreign utomakers also create Jobs in the communities where they are built. Transporting new cars to dealerships and marketing them to consumers are additional employment opportunities created by cars. (4). Vehicles are the largest single source of air pollution in the United States. It caused over half of the carbon monoxide, over a third of the nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarb ons in our atmosphere in 2006.With the number of vehicles on the road and the number of vehicle miles traveled escalating rapidly, we re on the fast lane to smoggy skies and dirty air. (3). On average, motor vehicle crashes make up about 3% ot deaths annually. Automobile crashes are the leading cause of death among children aged 12-17. Automobile crashes are the leading cause of death for young adults between the ages of 18-27. Conclusion This paper discussed the vital history of the car and how important it is to the global economy and the U. S. economy.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Locomotion and Movements
Locomotion Is one of the Important characteristics of all living beings as plants and animals. Mostly plants are fixed but some plants move. Plants are fixed but even then they show movements as leaves of plants, touch-me-not show remarkable movements, when touched by hand. The sunflower bends towards the sunlight. During the night time so many plants fold their leaves or close the petals but next morning the leaves and petals are opened normally. Plants like chlamydeous and Volvo changes their places.Animals move from here from there in search of food ND shelter. Animals also move from place to place to avoid unfavorable conditions, for mating. To lay eggs, to make their nests (birds). Animals also run very fast to save themselves from predators. Some animals like coral, sponge and sea-anemone do not change their places. Movements mean change the position of body parts in the relation body axis but whole body does not move. For example when limbs are moved, fingers are moved to hold the things. Neck is moved towards the sides to look and tall Is moved for different purposes.Locomotion means the position of entire odd Is changed from one place to another, this takes place due to some reasons such as to obtain food, to get shelter and avoid enemies. Grazing animals, like cow, horse, goat move from place to place, birds fly away, when they are going to be caught, frog jumps into the water when it feels danger. MOVEMENTS IN ANIMALS There are so many types of animals such as unicellular, small, medium size and very large size animals all show movements either they are aquatic, arboreal or terrestrial.Microscopic animals such as Amoeba, Paramecium and euglena show following types f movements. (A) Amoeba: Amoeba is found In water. It shows creeping movements. Locomotors movements of amoeba are brought by the formation of finger like projections called pseudopodia (false feet). Several pseudopodia may project out at in any time but one pseudopodia may be continuously projecting in a specific direction, this is called leading pseudopodia, remaining Pseudopodia are withdrawn and amoeba moves in desired direction, this type of movements also occurs in W. B. C of human blood. B) Euglena: Euglena shows flagella movement . Euglena moves tit the help of thread like structure called flagellum. Flagellum extends out through the front end of Euglena, during the movements, the flagellum beats back and forth to draw the Euglena forward in the in water with a spiral rotation on straight line (swimming movements). (C) Paramecium: The whole body is recovered by thread like cilia which help paramecium in movement, this movements is called cilia movements. The cilia beat the water backwards and the paramecium moves forward, and as their stroke Is oblique, It rotates on Its longitudinal axis.When calla beat award direction the paramecium moves backwards (swimming movements). (D) Hydra: Hydra is a fixed aquatic organism. It shows two types of bending movements- 1. Looping : Hydra moves with the help of its tentacles. Hydra bends its body and fixes the tentacles on the ground, now it frees its fixed end and draws it near the tentacles and now the body becomes straight up again. 2. Somersaulting : In this releases its base and make the body straight and upside down and again bends the body forward till it touches the ground and now it releases the tentacles to make the body straight. INSECTSSome insects lack wings and they are unable to fly like silverfish and head lice. Some insects like housefly and mosquito have one pair of wing, which are called fore wings, they fly with the help of these wings. Some insects have two pairs of wings the fore and hind wings, like butterfly and dragonfly.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Is Saltwater Desalination the Best Solution to Water Shortages in the United States?
As a matter of scientific fact, the vast majority of the surface area of our planet is covered in water; ironically enough, however, a great deal of this water cannot be consumed by human beings in its natural state, as it is salt water, which could only be consumed by human beings after undergoing desalination. This is a process through which the ions that make water saline are removed through various means and technologies, chief among them reversed osmosis (RO), thereby making the water suitable for humans to drink. Desalination is a process that is undertaken in sea or ocean water which by in large contains the most saline of all the water in the world. Desalination is an increasingly popular process, necessitated by shortages in domestic and industrial water supplies. For all of its present day popularity, desalination is not a new concept; rather, it is a technology that has been in use since the 18th century in southern Florida, which to this day hosts desalination units. Currently, this technology is the method of choice for gulf nations that are found within dessert terrains that rarely produce any fresh water supplies for consumption, as evidenced by recent reports showing a major water crisis looming in the horizon. These reports forecast that in the next five years, at least 36 states face substantial water shortages, supported by the shrinking water levels of major dams across the states and the shrinking of the Great lakes. Fresh water sources can no longer stand up or match up with the demand of the constantly increasing population of the US. This is most acutely felt in marine ecosystems where there is a problem in reducing the levels of salinity and also the brine discharge system, causing an imbalance in marine ecosystems (Tonner 11). History of Water Shortage All over the world, water that is mainly found in reservoirs like dams, lakes and waterways like rivers is relied heavily upon for replenishment of municipal water supplies; these supplies provide water for both commercial and residential use. All these are regarded as fresh water sources since the water comes naturally, mostly through rainfall. With the advent of global climatic changes, there has been a decline in the amount of rainfall; the patterns of the rains have become irregular and they rarely conform to expected time frames or the duration. The other factor that has not aided the water shortage debate is the general rise in global temperatures. This has led to increase in the rates of water evaporation from water reservoirs. Since rainfall in most cases is declining or there is a general atmosphere of drought griping the sphere in general, meaning that the rate of water uptake from the sources (through evaporation and uptake by man) and the rate of replenishment by rain do not match. It is quite obvious that with declining input of water into the reservoirs and the increasing abstraction of water, water levels will keep declining exponentially, creating a huge problem (Tonner). Temperature problems do not end there, because rising sea levels have been occurring through melting of glaciers in the arctic and Antarctica sub-continents. Increasing water levels serve to push saline water into the underground water supplies, thereby increasing the amount of saline in circulation and decreasing fresh water. With growth in industrialization, enormous environmental challenges present themselves. Waste products from industries are degrading the environment at an alarming rate, with these waste products usually finding their way into fresh water sources and catchments areas. The end result is unusable water and a host of other problems. Industries themselves require enormous amount of water to operate and at the same time their effluents also requires a lot of treatment so that it can be discharged into the water ways without modification of the marine and water ecology in general. Population growth and explosion does not lessen the burden therefore it is bringing more troubles. The number of persons globally is increasing but the sources of fresh water are not increasing thereby exerting great pressures on the existing water sources. Real estate development in general is also a part of the problem, which can be seen in the way many buildings are constructed over water catchments, leaving very little land that can allow percolation of water into the underground aquifer, which encourages the driving of the little available rain water to the ocean in order to avoid flooding. With the advent of these severe climate changes and dry spells, water levels began shrinking at an alarming rate. This alarmed local authorities, leading them to warn the general public to conserve water and use it wisely. In order to make their pleas to be understood by the public, they resorted to the extreme measure of water rationing. When water rationing started, it was a clear warning; it was then that the general public awoke to the reality that a global crisis was at hand (Tonner 6). After looking into all viable options of providing water to many thirsty citizens, the only option that guaranteed a steady supply and cheap means was desalination. This was preferred after looking closely at the cost of infrastructure in terms of pipes and the cost of maintenance of the dams. In the recent times, those centrally placed states that were endowed with large water resources, used to share their water with their unfortunate neighbors in the arid regions of the south west areas. The cost of pumping that water and the maintenance of the complex piping system proved a too much burden to bear and its viability with time almost impossible. The dwindling resources of water also were not showing sustenance of the venture in the long term. All these when combined, were pointing to desalination as the only viable option and that was current with prevailing economic circumstance. The advancement in the technology and its easy implementation has been one of the motivating factors towards its adoption as a major solution to current crisis of water shortage (Tonner). This process is drought-proof, thereby making it operational all year round, despite the dramatic climatic changes. All that is necessary is availability of sea water and sufficient power to drive the machines that are involved in this process and which usually require a lot of energy (Tonner 11). Participants in this Venture On the fore front of desalination efforts is the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) which is involved with maintaining a clean environment. Support of this venture comes from the motivation of providing water to a thirst planet. Since this organization is involved with the environment, it is in the organization’s best interest to make sure that all the technologies that are enacted for use in providing essential services will not lead to the biodegrading of the environment and adding of more problems rather than solving the already existing problems. This institution will be involved in putting down the necessary legislation that will act as the guideline when it comes to issues that are pertinent to the environment and its preservation. Closely following the proceedings and implementation of this program is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) which knows very well the side effects of the climatic change and the need to address the shortage of water around the globe. For the process to gain popularity around the world, IPPC has to do a lot of campaign on the viability of the project and trying to silence the proponents that will argue in the favor of the impacts that the project it would have on the environment and the ecosystem especially the marine ecosystem. Ocean conservancy is another very instrumental organization that has to be consulted in order to give the project a go head as the proposed project would be drawing its raw material (water) from the ocean, the negative impacts on the ecology and marine organisms notwithstanding. At the top of the list of concerns is whether water is a basic human right or it will be turned into an economic resource, only available to those few members of the society who can afford it (Tonner). The program will see the disruption of the normal saline environment for marine organisms which may lead to loss of endemic species that are unique to that area. However big the reward of this proposed project is, the negative impacts on other organisms cannot be overlooked because the reality would soon hit home and would therefore end up in creating a bigger problem than the one that is there. The other organizations involved in this venture fully are the Water Management Boards of respective Counties in the individual states. These boards are at the centre of the storm since they must provide water to the thirsty masses. Innovation comes as the core business of the boards in order to look into neo ways of circumventing the problems bedeviling them (Tonner 7). Resolving the Water Shortage Issue Clearly, as the research has indicated, there is a massive water shortage that will have an increasingly negative effect on the people of the world, especially in light of growing human populations, increased use of water by households and industry, and pollution which is harming the environment and decreasing available water supplies. Therefore, the question of how to resolve the water shortage issue is an increasingly important one to answer. Of course, the water supply on the earth is limited, in both fresh and salt water varieties. Therefore, the focus in stopping water shortages is to simultaneously make as much fresh and salt water available for both industrial and home users, which is possible through a variety of means (Tonner). First, the fresh water that is available on the planet must be conserved, which can be achieved through several different methods. Conservation starts with every home and business water user; simple steps to avoid wasting water in the first place will go a long way in terms of reducing the amount of water that literally goes down the drain every day. This, however, is not enough. In both homes and businesses, it is essential that the equipment that uses water be kept in prime working condition, with broken or inefficient equipment being replaced in favor of equipment that will not waste water. Also, as discussed earlier, there are environmental steps which can be used to prevent the wasting of fresh water, including smart real estate development, the prevention of the pollution of water supplies by individuals and industry, and the like. All of these steps will in fact help to save fresh water supplies to a large extent. Another water supply which has been discussed in this paper is desalinized salt water which can be used for human consumption once it has been properly prepared via the many desalinization plants that are found across the US today. Since there is vast salt water to be found on earth today, if it is properly desalinized, there is a great deal of available water. Once again, however, this must be conserved for the good of the growing society. Preserving the Environment In any case, wherever water comes from, the environment must be protected at all costs, for if there is no planet left for people to enjoy, there is little point in trying to do anything with water, as the human race will not be around to reap the benefits of the water itself. This reflects back to the previous discussion in regard to fresh and salt water supplies; there are in fact ways to be able to provide sufficient water supplies without destroying the environment. This will, of course, require the involvement of international, national, state and local authorities all working together. This is especially important considering the fact that pollution from other parts of the world certainly affects the US, and vice versa. Therefore, the world community must in fact act as a sort of environmental police force so that those who would cause damage to the environment are held accountable, not only for the sake of the planet but also for the sake of the water supplies that are now in the process of being conserved (Tonner). Overall, what is seen in the relationship between a safe environment and clean water supplies is the fact that neither can exist without the other. If people abuse water supplies, the planet will eventually be unable to sustain human life. On the other hand, if the planet is destroyed, water availability immediately becomes a non-issue. As such, this immediately becomes everyone’s problem, and of course, everyone must play a role in the solution of the problem. These solutions are both big and small, but all important just the same. Conclusion Water desalination is the only way out for the water crisis that is facing US and the rest of the world at large. However there are underlying issues that need to be addressed before the implementation of national projects. These issues range from environmental to human health issues. Fundamental questions have to be addressed as to why should our solution to the current water problem lie in the seas and oceans whereas there are waivers that are granted according to the clean water act which allows agriculture to continue polluting our water catchments areas with fertilizers. Before moving our pollution to the ocean, we must address the mess that we have caused on land, as this problem will not go away by itself. The most common excuse that has been circulating around is that cleaning of pollution is very costly and expensive. However this pollution has been caused by man and before handing the mandate of polluting the ocean now to the private sector, first we should deal with the mess on land. Is Saltwater Desalination the Best Solution to Water Shortages in the United States? As a matter of scientific fact, the vast majority of the surface area of our planet is covered in water; ironically enough, however, a great deal of this water cannot be consumed by human beings in its natural state, as it is salt water, which could only be consumed by human beings after undergoing desalination. This is a process through which the ions that make water saline are removed through various means and technologies, chief among them reversed osmosis (RO), thereby making the water suitable for humans to drink.Desalination is a process that is undertaken in sea or ocean water which by in large contains the most saline of all the water in the world. Desalination is an increasingly popular process, necessitated by shortages in domestic and industrial water supplies. For all of its present day popularity, desalination is not a new concept; rather, it is a technology that has been in use since the 18th century in southern Florida, which to this day hosts desalination units.Curren tly, this technology is the method of choice for gulf nations that are found within dessert terrains that rarely produce any fresh water supplies for consumption, as evidenced by recent reports showing a major water crisis looming in the horizon. These reports forecast that in the next five years, at least 36 states face substantial water shortages, supported by the shrinking water levels of major dams across the states and the shrinking of the Great lakes. Fresh water sources can no longer stand up or match up with the demand of the constantly increasing population of the US.This is most acutely felt in marine ecosystems where there is a problem in reducing the levels of salinity and also the brine discharge system, causing an imbalance in marine ecosystems (Tonner 11). History of Water Shortage All over the world, water that is mainly found in reservoirs like dams, lakes and waterways like rivers is relied heavily upon for replenishment of municipal water supplies; these supplies provide water for both commercial and residential use.All these are regarded as fresh water sources since the water comes naturally, mostly through rainfall. With the advent of global climatic changes, there has been a decline in the amount of rainfall; the patterns of the rains have become irregular and they rarely conform to expected time frames or the duration. The other factor that has not aided the water shortage debate is the general rise in global temperatures. This has led to increase in the rates of water evaporation from water reservoirs.Since rainfall in most cases is declining or there is a general atmosphere of drought griping the sphere in general, meaning that the rate of water uptake from the sources (through evaporation and uptake by man) and the rate of replenishment by rain do not match. It is quite obvious that with declining input of water into the reservoirs and the increasing abstraction of water, water levels will keep declining exponentially, creating a huge problem (Tonner). Temperature problems do not end there, because rising sea levels have been occurring through melting of glaciers in the arctic and Antarctica sub-continents.Increasing water levels serve to push saline water into the underground water supplies, thereby increasing the amount of saline in circulation and decreasing fresh water. With growth in industrialization, enormous environmental challenges present themselves. Waste products from industries are degrading the environment at an alarming rate, with these waste products usually finding their way into fresh water sources and catchments areas. The end result is unusable water and a host of other problems.Industries themselves require enormous amount of water to operate and at the same time their effluents also requires a lot of treatment so that it can be discharged into the water ways without modification of the marine and water ecology in general. Population growth and explosion does not lessen the burden therefore it is bringing more troubles. The number of persons globally is increasing but the sources of fresh water are not increasing thereby exerting great pressures on the existing water sources.Real estate development in general is also a part of the problem, which can be seen in the way many buildings are constructed over water catchments, leaving very little land that can allow percolation of water into the underground aquifer, which encourages the driving of the little available rain water to the ocean in order to avoid flooding. With the advent of these severe climate changes and dry spells, water levels began shrinking at an alarming rate.This alarmed local authorities, leading them to warn the general public to conserve water and use it wisely. In order to make their pleas to be understood by the public, they resorted to the extreme measure of water rationing. When water rationing started, it was a clear warning; it was then that the general public awoke to the reality that a global crisis was at hand (Tonner 6). After looking into all viable options of providing water to many thirsty citizens, the only option that guaranteed a steady supply and cheap means was desalination.This was preferred after looking closely at the cost of infrastructure in terms of pipes and the cost of maintenance of the dams. In the recent times, those centrally placed states that were endowed with large water resources, used to share their water with their unfortunate neighbors in the arid regions of the south west areas. The cost of pumping that water and the maintenance of the complex piping system proved a too much burden to bear and its viability with time almost impossible.The dwindling resources of water also were not showing sustenance of the venture in the long term. All these when combined, were pointing to desalination as the only viable option and that was current with prevailing economic circumstance. The advancement in the technology and its easy implementation has been one of the motivating factors towards its adoption as a major solution to current crisis of water shortage (Tonner). This process is drought-proof, thereby making it operational all year round, despite the dramatic climatic changes.All that is necessary is availability of sea water and sufficient power to drive the machines that are involved in this process and which usually require a lot of energy (Tonner 11). Participants in this Venture On the fore front of desalination efforts is the UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program) which is involved with maintaining a clean environment. Support of this venture comes from the motivation of providing water to a thirst planet.Since this organization is involved with the environment, it is in the organization’s best interest to make sure that all the technologies that are enacted for use in providing essential services will not lead to the biodegrading of the environment and adding of more problems rather than solving the already existing problems. This institution will be involved in putting down the necessary legislation that will act as the guideline when it comes to issues that are pertinent to the environment and its preservation.Closely following the proceedings and implementation of this program is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) which knows very well the side effects of the climatic change and the need to address the shortage of water around the globe. For the process to gain popularity around the world, IPPC has to do a lot of campaign on the viability of the project and trying to silence the proponents that will argue in the favor of the impacts that the project it would have on the environment and the ecosystem especially the marine ecosystem.Ocean conservancy is another very instrumental organization that has to be consulted in order to give the project a go head as the proposed project would be drawing its raw material (water) from the ocean, the negative impacts on the ecol ogy and marine organisms notwithstanding. At the top of the list of concerns is whether water is a basic human right or it will be turned into an economic resource, only available to those few members of the society who can afford it (Tonner). The program will see the disruption of the normal saline environment for marine organisms which may lead to loss of endemic species that are unique to that area.However big the reward of this proposed project is, the negative impacts on other organisms cannot be overlooked because the reality would soon hit home and would therefore end up in creating a bigger problem than the one that is there. The other organizations involved in this venture fully are the Water Management Boards of respective Counties in the individual states. These boards are at the centre of the storm since they must provide water to the thirsty masses. Innovation comes as the core business of the boards in order to look into neo ways of circumventing the problems bedevilin g them (Tonner 7).Resolving the Water Shortage Issue Clearly, as the research has indicated, there is a massive water shortage that will have an increasingly negative effect on the people of the world, especially in light of growing human populations, increased use of water by households and industry, and pollution which is harming the environment and decreasing available water supplies. Therefore, the question of how to resolve the water shortage issue is an increasingly important one to answer. Of course, the water supply on the earth is limited, in both fresh and salt water varieties.Therefore, the focus in stopping water shortages is to simultaneously make as much fresh and salt water available for both industrial and home users, which is possible through a variety of means (Tonner). First, the fresh water that is available on the planet must be conserved, which can be achieved through several different methods. Conservation starts with every home and business water user; simple steps to avoid wasting water in the first place will go a long way in terms of reducing the amount of water that literally goes down the drain every day.This, however, is not enough. In both homes and businesses, it is essential that the equipment that uses water be kept in prime working condition, with broken or inefficient equipment being replaced in favor of equipment that will not waste water. Also, as discussed earlier, there are environmental steps which can be used to prevent the wasting of fresh water, including smart real estate development, the prevention of the pollution of water supplies by individuals and industry, and the like.All of these steps will in fact help to save fresh water supplies to a large extent. Another water supply which has been discussed in this paper is desalinized salt water which can be used for human consumption once it has been properly prepared via the many desalinization plants that are found across the US today. Since there is vast salt water to be found on earth today, if it is properly desalinized, there is a great deal of available water. Once again, however, this must be conserved for the good of the growing society.Preserving the Environment In any case, wherever water comes from, the environment must be protected at all costs, for if there is no planet left for people to enjoy, there is little point in trying to do anything with water, as the human race will not be around to reap the benefits of the water itself. This reflects back to the previous discussion in regard to fresh and salt water supplies; there are in fact ways to be able to provide sufficient water supplies without destroying the environment.This will, of course, require the involvement of international, national, state and local authorities all working together. This is especially important considering the fact that pollution from other parts of the world certainly affects the US, and vice versa. Therefore, the world community must in fact act as a sort of environmental police force so that those who would cause damage to the environment are held accountable, not only for the sake of the planet but also for the sake of the water supplies that are now in the process of being conserved (Tonner).Overall, what is seen in the relationship between a safe environment and clean water supplies is the fact that neither can exist without the other. If people abuse water supplies, the planet will eventually be unable to sustain human life. On the other hand, if the planet is destroyed, water availability immediately becomes a non-issue. As such, this immediately becomes everyone’s problem, and of course, everyone must play a role in the solution of the problem. These solutions are both big and small, but all important just the same. ConclusionWater desalination is the only way out for the water crisis that is facing US and the rest of the world at large. However there are underlying issues that need to be addressed before the imple mentation of national projects. These issues range from environmental to human health issues. Fundamental questions have to be addressed as to why should our solution to the current water problem lie in the seas and oceans whereas there are waivers that are granted according to the clean water act which allows agriculture to continue polluting our water catchments areas with fertilizers.Before moving our pollution to the ocean, we must address the mess that we have caused on land, as this problem will not go away by itself. The most common excuse that has been circulating around is that cleaning of pollution is very costly and expensive. However this pollution has been caused by man and before handing the mandate of polluting the ocean now to the private sector, first we should deal with the mess on land. Work Cited Tonner, John. ‘Desalination in America’ Water and Waste Digests. November 2002. 7 May 2009.
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